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‎Aug 28, 2024
09:20 AM
You'll find links to the new features added to each version, but not for disabled features.
The first thing for you is to check which feature you are missing in your newest version. If you don't have the latest one, keep in mind that you can download a fully operational test version for free, for 30 days.
So, the fastest way to know is to ask in this user to user forum.
In your Adobe account, you can always search for your "products". All your purchases will be displayed with the download link and the serial number.
I did keep nearly all versions working to be able to answer questions on this forum. Since I have found that I can reinstall old versions, now I keep only relatively new versions active. If needed, I can redownload them.
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‎Aug 15, 2024
03:12 AM
Bonjour @Glenn 8675309 .
Le problème est très bien posé.
En fait, il résulte au départ d'une utilisation inadéquate des outils de l'organiseur. Cette "boîte à outils" est basée sur une puissante base de données qui vous permet d'assurer cohérence et flexibilité en évitant totalement la nécessité de créer vous-mêmes des doublons. La structure de base de donnée relationnelle interdit même la création de doublons dans un catologue.
- Premier cas : l'importation répétée des mêmes fichiers. Votre Windows ou Mac interdit déjà cette importation en double dans le même sous-répertoire. L'organiseur va plus loin, il interdit l'importation de doublons stricts (même taille, même date de prise de vue).
- votre cas : création de copies (strictes ou dérivées) en fonction de divers critères (mots clés...) ou même projets (diaporamas, impression ...)
C'est possible du fait des différents outils de regroupement des fichiers : mots-clés, piles, jeux de versions, albums. Tous ces moyens créent des liens vers les fichiers originaux sans dupliquer ceux-ci. Par exemple, une pile regroupe différents originaux dans une entité "pile" qui est référencée par un numéro aléatoire interne inacessible pour vous, mais que vous pouvez retrouver avec les outils de recherche. Cette pile définit notamment quel élément de ce groupe sera sélectionné comme principal pour l'affichage des vignettes.
Les jeux de versions sont des piles particulières, elles définissent les différents liens entre originaux (négatifs) et ses variantes dérivées).
Les "albums" (autrefois appelés "collections" comme dans Lightroom aujourd'hui) sont des sortes de "playlists / listes de lecture" définissant un ordre de tri.
Deux points importants:
1 - Je suis d'accord avec Glenn sur le fait que le problème de la taille des doublons n'est pas le principal inconvénient des doublons.
2 - Le principal est la cohérence des données. Comment s'assurer qu'une mise à jour d'un fichier soit effectuée strictement et instantanément sur tous les doublons ?
Le processus que vous décrivez pour Google photos semble astucieux, mais il ne peut pas remplacer le mode opératoire cohérent de l'organiseur depuis l'importation, les regroupements, la gestion des hiérarchies de mots-clés et d'albums.
Maintenant, étant entendu que la solution est relativement simple au départ, comment corriger la situation après coup ?
On peut créer un album depuis des mots-clés et inversement.
On peut choisir de créer des hiérarchies de mots-clés ou d'albums.
On peut parfois isoler des groupes de doublons crées à partir d'un groupe d'importation complet e connu, et remplacer ces groupes de doublons par des albums et mots-clés dans le groupe source.
On peut utiliser les fonctions de gestion des doublons dans l'organiseur basés sur la similarité visuelle et permettant de regrouper les suspects de doublons dans des piles, puis de sélectionner ceux à garder ou supprimer, ou au moins de choisir le favori (haut de pile / top of stack).
On peut utiliser un programme tiers pour la sélection des doublons, mais le choix final sera rarement automatiqu et complet.
En résumé, beaucoup de travail en prévision. Mieux vaut se concentrer sur un bon mode opératoire pour les nouvelles importations.
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‎Jul 29, 2024
06:30 AM
An incremental backup is generally used in the hope to save time in the backup and restore process, which can be very long with the organizer. The backup process is specific to PSE because its purpose is to get a backup of both the media files and the catalog. A full backup creates a new backup folder which you have to create yourself, ideally on an external drive. No default location, that's up to you. It's the same for an incremental backup with a full backup as you have done. Each following incremental backup also requires a new backup folder of the same structure. That means that you should NEVER store the data of an incremental backup inside the folder of the full backup ; that would automatically spoil the present data in the catalog and make them useless.
You must create and name the backup folder yourself so that you can perform an incremental restore following the instructions in the required order.
There is no official technical data about the restore workflow and it's not intuitive. As it requires understanding the structure of :
- catalogs folders
- backup folders,
the huge risk is to create a set of one full plus many incremental backups that wont work.
The main reason why the very old incremental backup is practically no longer used is that it's not a time saving process.
Its main advantage is to be able to restore your media and catalog precisely at the time of any incremental backup, thus saving disk space.
My advice: if your full backup can be performed as a night job, only use full backups.
Don't forget that for saving incrementally your media files there are many free or affordable solutions.
For saving the catalogs only, use the automatic catalog structure feature present in the recent PSE versions.
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‎Jul 12, 2024
01:13 AM
Thanks for the detailed workflow in PSE13.
I was not able to follow precisely your steps because the basic field did not close automatically. So, I just decided to switch to another option like "details", then go back to basic. That enabled the saving of the last conversion setting and I could apply the previous settings as in your description.
I now tried the same workflow in PSE2024 and it worked !
Does that work for you now ?
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‎Jul 11, 2024
07:13 AM
I am not aware of another solution and for me, PSE13 and PSE2024 work the same.
If you can explain your solution in PSE13, I'd be happy to test it on my side.
Clicking "Done" is necessary to save the latest conversion settings. I don't know how to copy the settings of an image to other ones in the same open editing session.
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‎Jul 02, 2024
02:52 AM
When you write the settings of the raw conversion, the w hole recipee is saved in the xmp sidecar file (for raws) or directly in the media file metadata header (for image formats like jpg). The program also saves the same data for the last written conversion or update.
So, the trick is to reopen the source file, write it again (Done) and then, your image conversion recepee is available for the target files.
In the ACR menu, look for the settings menu (three little dots) just right of the histogram and choose "Apply previous settings" from the dropdown menu.
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‎Jun 27, 2024
09:40 AM
Bridge is a confusing mess.
I don't know how to take a multi-page pdf and create a "Photoshop Pdf". when i open a pdf in Elements Editor I get multiple files for each page or image. Not a layered psd. How am I supposed to create this combo Acrobat pdf and layered psd?
By @rwpowell
"Bridge is a confusing mess." ... for an organizer user and reciprocally.
"I don't know how to take a multi-page pdf" : To create one, you must remember that pdf is NOT a photo file format, it's a printing format. So the natural way to create a multipage format is to use a virtual printer driver like the Microsoft "print to pdf". Instead of saving, print and you'll get an acrobat pdf (single or multi layers if you print several layers at the same time.
Another way would be to use the slideshow option as pdf.
"......and create a "Photoshop Pdf". That's the format option you choose when you save files as pdf in PSE. If you have a multilayered file, it will open both from Acrobat or Photoshop/PSE. Only drawback, the resulting file size is huge.
"when i open a pdf in Elements Editor I get multiple files for each page or image. Not a layered psd. "
Indeed true Acobat PDF printing format must be read and converted to a photo format, page by page in Elements. Pages are not layers.
So, the problem of managing PDFs in the organizer remains, but you can create multipage pdfs from the editor and a virtual pdf printer driver (aside from Microsoft, many free or affordable ones available.
Of course, Acrobat is the choice of Adobe for more advanced pdf management.
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‎Jun 27, 2024
12:31 AM
I have Bridge in a subscription for Creative Cloud, but you can use it for free without any other subscription like Photoshop, Lightroom or Acrobat.
In Elements I have set Bridge as a secondary editor for the organizer. From Bridge I can browse and select my files and decide which software to edit the file: Photoshop or Elements.
That's good for me because I don't use Photoshop, but Bridge is able to open files in the full Photoshop ACR version with my subscription. Without that subscription, Bridge can open raw* files in the PSE ACR limited version.
* Raw or not files. If I have edited jpegs in ACR, Bridge or the organizer will open them directly in the avalable software.
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‎Jun 27, 2024
12:21 AM
The organizer has supported pdf files until a few years. No explanation from Adobe for that decision.
Check if the pdfs made from Elements itself can be managed, as they are 'Photoshop Pdf' format including the Acrobat pdf common format together with a full Photoshop layered psd.
Maybe use Bridge for Acrobat psd files (Bridge desktop is free).
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Community Expert
in Photoshop Elements Discussions
‎Jun 27, 2024
12:13 AM
1 Upvote
‎Jun 27, 2024
12:13 AM
1 Upvote
I Idon't have a NAS but I never use watched folders. They require scanning all your folders in background processes. I want to decide myself if and when to do this search for new files on my computer and to guide the search in specific folder trees. So, I simply import from the specific folder which imports only not yet imported files. No very long scans in the background and much faster.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop Elements Discussions
‎Jun 11, 2024
08:12 AM
1 Upvote
‎Jun 11, 2024
08:12 AM
1 Upvote
"Adobe prompts one to backup the files, but only now do I discover that I should have backed up the tags separately".
No, Adobe does not prompt that, they prompt to backup the catalog.
That means creating a backup folder containing everything to be able to restore everything:
- the catalog with all the data
- A renamed copy of all your media
- The instructions to create a copy of your media and to restore the links in the catalog database to point to the new destination (computer or disk) instead of the old location.
That way you have only to restore specifying the new location and if you want to keep the same folders structure.
You have nothing to import. the restore cares for everything.
In recent PSE versions, there is a new option to restore only the catalog if it's no longer available or is corrupted. That is much faster, but does not restore the files themselves.
So, if you still have the backup folder, you always can restore as expected.
- specify your new master folder location
- chose to keep the folders structure.
The restore process will then recreate a copy of all you media folders, recreate the catalog folder and update it to point to the new destination. Finally, if you migrate to a new PSE version it will then prompt you to convert the database to the more recent format. You can always try a new attempt at restoring, you can always convert again if you want.
Remenber that by default your tags are endered by default in the catalog, not in the files themselves. You only have to copy the tags to the files by using the shortcut Ctrl W.
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Community Expert
in Download & Install Discussions
‎Jun 09, 2024
12:24 AM
‎Jun 09, 2024
12:24 AM
Hi Greg,
You are right, more and more, PSE users are believing they can activate or deactivate from their account, which is not applicable to the non subscription softwares; those must be deactivated from the still working computer and software.
Two reasons for this:
- users also using those subscriptions think that's also valid for PSE and perpetual licenses like PSE.
- A search for "activations" leads to the much more widespread Photoshop and Cloud solutions, and the suggested links in the side of this forum apply to Acrobat, Lightroom and Photoshop...
Unfortunately, when users are changing computers, they don't know or do not remember how to deactivate when it's still available for the users. It's too late when they try.
Untill recently, that common situation could be handled from Adobe staff from the activations servers. As explained in many recent posts, it appears they can no longer access the old and outdated servers to deactivate from their side.
The only way for you to recover your activation count (when the computer is not available) is if you have a second computer using the second activation. Keep in mind that the second activation was provided according to the license terms for a single user; either as a backup for the first one, or as an opportunity for the same user to work with two activated computers alternatively (not at the same time by two users, a very common situation in practice).
If the second active computer is also no longer accessible, which should not happen if you take care to deactivate when you decide to no longer use it, then you are out of luck. You can no longer transfer your remaining activation to the third computer.
So, Adobe now has to find another solution for the management of the activations in PSE (like in the subscription softwares ?)
The help docs are misleading : have a look at the suggestions of other posts shown in the side of this forum. Most are for other softwares (and that is mentioned in the title of the link).
For "normal" help docs, It would be necessary to add a note that managing activations is different in Elements.
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‎Jun 02, 2024
02:17 AM
You can't delete the list of the last used files but you can choose how many you want to be displayed including zero.
Go to the menu Edit > Preferences > Saving files. On the bottom, you have "type" option to set the number of displayed files. You can set it to zero, but the list itself is not deleted and you can go back to the previous number of displayed files.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop Elements Discussions
‎May 31, 2024
01:24 AM
1 Upvote
‎May 31, 2024
01:24 AM
1 Upvote
To register your raw files in the catalog, the organizer must first read a conversion of the raw data to an image format, in order to create the small thumbnail to be shown in the browsing space. That implies using the ACR plugin.
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‎May 29, 2024
11:45 AM
The present problem for Adoe staff is not to reactivate, it's to deactivate the license for a given computer if you have not done so yourself, which is what you should do to allow activating a new computer instead.
The general situation is either:
- you have activated a single computer. Then you still have the second activation available. No need to ask anything from Adobe.
- You have already installed the two activations. You need to deactivate yourself one of them to activate a third computer. No need to ask Adobe.
Now, a third situation can arise. One of the activated computers is no longer available (theft, crash, fire, flood...).
This means that you have to deactivate the rmaining activation on the second computer and activate the third one.
You still have an activation you can move yourself to the two remaining computer. The Adobe staff was able to help by deactivating the lost computer to restore one activation for you. Now, Adobe says the staff can no longer access the activation servers which are much to old. It's a pity, but you can still work your old PSE version with a single activation.
I have even checked that I can still download old versions installers with their serial numbers from my account to reinstall them.
The worst situation is if you have lost both activations and both computers are no longer available. So, my guess is that chances are that you have not lost the two computers and that one is still available. The real loss in that situation is when one of the computers was not used according to the license terms, that is for two different users instead of only one according to the license terms.
The final word is that when you no longer need a computer or when you move to a new one, you should have the reflex to deactivate to keep the two activations available.
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‎May 28, 2024
06:15 AM
1 Upvote
Link to the Adobe Stock forum:
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Community Expert
in Photoshop Elements Discussions
‎May 28, 2024
05:46 AM
1 Upvote
‎May 28, 2024
05:46 AM
1 Upvote
You are right. There is no way from the organizer to tell if you want to open in the editor or in the ACR plugin. In much older versions, there was an add-on from @johnrellis which added that choice (openinacr).
In the current state of the organizer, the file opens either way depending on what is stored in the jpeg file metadata. If that file has been previously opened in ACR from the editor (or another Adobe software like the full Photoshop) then it will open in ACR.
So, if you want to open non raw files like jpeg, psd, tiff, the solution is to
- open a batch of those files in ACR from the editor
- Select all and apply a common edit (I recommend 'auto')
- select all and click on 'Done' to exit.
Next time, those files will open automatically in ACR directly from the organizer.
Note : Have a look at this:
(no longer works with recent PSE versions)
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Community Expert
in Photoshop Elements Discussions
‎May 27, 2024
06:39 AM
1 Upvote
‎May 27, 2024
06:39 AM
1 Upvote
Canon EOS 6D Mark II
By @Bwheeler
The camera raw type of camera is for EOS R6 Mark II, which requires ACR 15.0.
PSE2024 can open it without the workaround.
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‎May 24, 2024
12:02 PM
One way:
- Use the rectangular marquee tool with max feathering. Draw the rectangle to mask the surrounding space you want to progressively mask.
- Select Inverse
- Use the brightness/contrast tool and set brightness down.
- deselect.
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‎May 23, 2024
04:51 AM
Were you able to get passed the "Sign-In" activation window when you tried re-downloading PSE13? From what support told me, that was impossible because the servers had been retired.
By @rjasso421
Yes, as expected I could download the PSE13 version and recover the serial number. In the installation process I was asked to enter the serial number and that did work, and PSE13 is still working.
I think that there is truth in the closure of the old registration servers, but then, why does it work for me and not for you and others?
A possible explanation could be that my process did not require access to the servers by Adobe's staff to delete the activations from the now unaccessible servers. I still have the option to "sign out" in the help menu. I suppose that to know more, I would have to test by trying to install again PSE13 on another computer with or without signing out from the present activation. That would tell if the activation servers are still available only to the users themselves, not by Adobe's staff to deactivate.
I can sign out then sign in back. If I don't sign in, I am back to the trial version. Maybe I'll try to sign out then try a new installation on a new computer when I have time. (Anyway, for me, PSE13 is not worth the trouble to keep it).
The big trouble with trying to reinstall very old PSE version is that most of the time both legit activations have been used on different computers at several times. As time passes, none of those computers are still available to deactivate. If one is still available for deactivating and the reinstall does not work, then I have no explanation.
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‎May 22, 2024
05:27 AM
The only minor issues with the Elements transfer and upgrade was that various original Organiser settings preferences were not re-instated. Those details must not get stored in the Catalog backup. So I've had to re-set those. (e.g. switch off all media analysis, show a timeline, etc). Also, restoring the Catalog on an empty drive revealed that my catalog included some photos which were in unexpected document folders. Now moved to a more appropriate location.
The folder structure is such that my Elements pictures folders are all on D: drive (with a capacity of several TB, sufficient to hold a large catalog) whereas OneDrive documents and OneDrive Pictures folders (not in the Catalog)have installed on C: drive (a 1TB SSD) which is fine for OneDrive, but has insufficient capacity to host my ever-growing size of my photo media folders.
By @howardc92178242
Thanks for the feedback.
The preferences are not linked to catalogs, so you need to take a manual note when you reinstall PSE on a new computer. It may be possible to save the preferences to a new location, but I don't think it's worth the trouble.
My OneDrive system folder was located in a distinct internal drive than the C system drive. I am not sure if it can be moved to an external drive. All my media files are also stored on big external drives.
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‎May 22, 2024
05:15 AM
Hi Greg, I don't know if there is a way in Bridge, but I remember using an external free software, I believe it was exposure plot. That was more than ten years ago...
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‎May 21, 2024
07:32 AM
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‎May 21, 2024
07:06 AM
Just to mention that I am primarily using the Organizer and only Bridge to use the full ACR version. I don't have to install the full Photoshop, so if I set Bridge as my secondary editor, I can use the option to 'open in camera raw' to get the full ACR version in Bridge.
On the other hand, If I set Bridge associations to the PSE2024 editor, I can choose to edit with it, which opens the limited PSE ACR version. So, from Bridge I can use either version, full or limited to compare them.
Of course, just like in the organizer, jpegs automatically open in ACR if they have been previously opened and saved in ACR.
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‎May 21, 2024
06:51 AM
I also use Bridge to open in ACR, but I have a Photographer's plan subscription. This allows me to open the full ACR version in Bridge (open in camera raw). If I want to ask Bridge to open in the limited PSE ACR version, even if I set Bridge to open by default in PSE 2024, that does not work. I discovered that Bridge has a setting to open both jpegs and raw in the wrong software, the home screen, not the ...editor.exe. It was set to open the PSE13 version which I had just installed for testing purpose. Once the associations have been corrected in Bridge, I can open the raws in the limited PSE ACR version. I can also open jpegs the same way if they have been edited in ACR in the past.
So, my question is: do you have a susbscription allowing using the full ACR ?
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Community Expert
in Photoshop Elements Discussions
‎May 21, 2024
06:23 AM
1 Upvote
‎May 21, 2024
06:23 AM
1 Upvote
The search by details allows to define a range of ISO values. Just change the 'IS' option for the "range" option.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop Elements Discussions
‎May 18, 2024
12:23 AM
1 Upvote
‎May 18, 2024
12:23 AM
1 Upvote
I recently bought a new PC.
I deactivated Photoshop Elements 13 in the old computer and attempted to activate it on the new computer. I'm still getting the endless loop of "Sign In" pop-up.
I contacted support, and nobody was willing to help me. The only thing they wanted me to do is upgrade to Photoshop Elements 2024 - which I don't want. I bought a physical copy of PE13 a few years back and love it and want to continue using it. It's what I'm familiar with and comfortable with. When I explained that, the support agent said the activation servers for PE13 are retired.
By @rjasso421
Hi, @rjasso421
Just before your post and after reading the current similar posts, I wanted to check if I was still able to install an old version on my new computer. I have most older versions available in my Adobe account, with download links and serial number. It happens that I did choose version 13.
I can't remember if I had deactivated the license on the old computer or if one activation was still available.
Everything worked as expected: download and use of the registered serial number. I only had to ignore one or two warnings (about the Revel service). I am now on Win 11 with PSE 2024. I took care to install the 64bits PSE13 installer. The help menu tells me I am "signed in".
I don't think I'll keep that very old version because there has been so many changes since that time.
Most people think that upgrading software and hardware after more than five years is taking a big safety and useability risk.
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Community Expert
in Photoshop Elements Discussions
‎May 17, 2024
07:10 AM
1 Upvote
‎May 17, 2024
07:10 AM
1 Upvote
"It would just make Elements licensing unique compared to all other Adobe products."d
I would like to mention that in my Adobe account, I still have all registered products mentionned without any information about normal or discounted price (from PS6 and PSE10 to PSE2024).
And I have never had to provide the serial number of a previous normal price version to justify the upgrade price. I can't be sure, but I may have been in the situation in the past of two computers on the recent version and two other ones of a previous version.
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‎May 08, 2024
08:10 AM
To explain why I have doubts about the current state of the backup feature of the organizer:
- As explained before, my two attempts to restore a recent backup to a new drive have not been fully successful.
First part:
Restoring the media folders hierarchy did end normally with a "sucicessful" message. That required 3 and a half hours; backup folder size 588GB and 130 000 items.
Following I got a dialog saying someting like "preparing catalog".
The the program sort of froze indefinitely.
The net result was exactly the same as a restore of both the media files and the catalog folder from any other backup software. The organizer opened normally with the new catalog showing only greyed out thumbnails and location details of each file still pointing to the old broken disk.
After two attempts, I tried to 'reconnect'. The process would have required more than a dozen hours to be conducted manually.
I have always two other external drives synced for the main folder containing my whole library.
Then I edited the catalog.pse2024 sqlite database of the wrong to point to the new drive. That meant only a few minutes.
Only minimal disadvantage: The synced library contains about 10% media not included in the catalog. So, what I get is more than what is only in the catalog, not a big deal.
To summarize, I don't know what went wrong. To get a better understanding, I would need more attempts with different parameters. Is the problem linked to PSE2024, to the growing size of my library? At what stage does the real updating of the location take place...
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‎May 07, 2024
09:09 AM
I'll leave Greg answer your questions in detail (which I am sure I will 100% aprove). I will just discuss the backup preference.
We are generally discussing two different configs: Very large catalog with face recognition and automatic features with powerful hardware for Greg, and medium size library without face recognition nor automatic features for myself.
The difference for the duration of backup is huge. I am happy to create a backup in about 4 hours and to restore in a little less. I suppose that it would mean more than a night job for Greg.
I have always been an advocate of the organizer backup for mainly one reason. It was conceived to be able to restore both the media files and the catalog to a new computer, drive, partition or master folder while updating the file location data in the catalog. If you use your good external backup system to save both your media and your catalog folder, the restore will work without updating the location data (disk identification) in your database in the new destination.
In such a case, Lightroom offers an efficient 'reconnecting' feature, so it does not need to save the files and you need to use your external backup software. Elements has a reconnecting function which works only for a selection of subfolders, and is unable to reconnect a whole catalog.
So, my advice was to always use the organizer backup when planning a computer/disk migration, and to use it at larger intervals regularly.
Now, I have been forced to restore after a sudden failure of the external drive holding both my media library and my catalog. Big surprise ! The organizer restore failed after restoring correctly all the media files. After a 'restore complete' message, it followed by a 'preparing catalog' process wich lasted indefinitely. After closing, the restored catalog did work with NOT updated locations, still pointing to the old broken SSD external drive. I did try twice with the same result.
So, until I find what went wrong (update to Win 11 and new computer), I can no longer recommend the organizer backup choice.
Fortunately, I always "sync" my working disk to other external drives and I know how to update the catalog to the new disk location via an external sqlite feature.
I would recommend testing your own backup software to use it to restore to a new external drive to see if it is apt to move both the media and the catalog while keeping the location updated in the database of the catalog.
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