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Will Adobe Sketch and the other mobile apps be available on Android?

New Here ,
Jun 18, 2014 Jun 18, 2014

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I love the idea of a mobile digital sketch pad but I don't own anything other than Android products. Are Android users going to have to bite the bullet and buy a tablet they don't want for a program they do or, will there be a light at the end of this tunnel with apps for everyone to fully enjoy?






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Community Beginner ,
Jun 20, 2014 Jun 20, 2014

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I agree, I would love to use all the mobile apps from Adobe, but all my devices are Android-based and so are the devices of most people I work with. It is not simly the tablet itself, but switching from mobile OS and all related other apps is the actual problem for me. 





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Explorer ,
Jun 20, 2014 Jun 20, 2014

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This is a natural question of course and count me in for wanting an answer.





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Jun 21, 2014 Jun 21, 2014

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I also would love to know!





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 23, 2014 Jun 23, 2014

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We're focused on making a great experience on iOS currently. When we decide to create Android versions, we'll post here!


Will Eisley

Product Manager





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Jun 23, 2014 Jun 23, 2014

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Dear Will,

Thank you for your response. Would you be able to elaborate on some of the factors upon which your team's decision for Android apps depends?

Kind regards






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Enthusiast ,
Aug 11, 2014 Aug 11, 2014

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So, I assume the official line from Adobe re: an Android version of Sketch is still "*shrug* maybe we will maybe we won't whatevs chill bro"...?





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Jan 07, 2015 Jan 07, 2015

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Dear William,

it has been some time since your response to this thread and I was wondering if you could offer us an update? "When we decide to create Android versions..." is a very unclear answer. It would be nice to know, for instance, will you ever feel like creating Android versions?


- sincerely, a paying cc customer who happens to use Android.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 21, 2015 Jan 21, 2015

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So do Android users get a discount with CC since we are not "important enough" to get all the programs/apps that come with CC...?





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Explorer ,
Apr 21, 2015 Apr 21, 2015

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Awesome, in the mean time can Android users have a discount on their monthly package because unlike so many other companies out there, Adobe seem unable or unwilling (a crappy service which ever way you look at it) to develop for OIS and android along side each other.

Considering the Note is the perfect reasonably priced drawing tablet out there and exactly what i brought it for, to exclude Andriod for so long is plain stupid and insulting to Abode customers who use android. Adobes infatuation for apple needs to stop. They are supposed to be a software company, not a bunch of hipster collage student.

How does this make sensible business sense.






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Apr 22, 2015 Apr 22, 2015

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Thanks FGP71, for sharing this completely out-of-control answer.

Your reaction is (1) quite appalling towards Adobe, (2) a clueless insult to Apple users, (3) shows a typical lack of knowledge about how companies work together, and (4) reveals your ignorance about what it takes to develop an app in general, and especially a decently behaving app on Android.

FYI, your suggestion that Adobe is "attached to the hip" with Apple is an outdated view on the current eco-system. For premiums, Adobe gladly partners with Microsoft (look at the Illustrator "Touch" version on Surface Pro's), teams up with Google (ever heard of "Web Edge Fonts" ?) and prefers to develop Apple iOS versions first for most of their pioneering apps.

I bet if Adobe would bring out these new 'baby' apps immediately on Android, you'd probably be the first in line as well to start shouting and swearing about how weak its feature set is, and why your one-out-of-hundred model of the utterly fragmented installed base of Androids isn't yet working properly with the app.

I do admit Adobe isn't the quickest or even wisest company in the world when it comes to changing and empowering their visions and roadmaps, but at least they're moving. And as you might have understood from my earlier posts in this thread, it's quite likely that in this premature stage of these apps, Adobe prefers to get well-constructed feedback from iOS users first, before the red-hot masses in your sales graph get their hands on such freebies.

So relax, be patient, or move on.

BTW: such graphs about quarterly global sales of smartphones don't tell me nor Adobe anything about how and how many mobile devices are being used for creative tasks by Adobe customers.





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Apr 22, 2015 Apr 22, 2015

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This brand fight, do people ever get tired of it? Does it ever get old? Thanks Peter for your words, I would like everybody to focus on these easy words: would you really as a company rely on customers who use this tone? So fragmented as the Android world is, though I still have in mind a couple of personal aggressions just because I tried to suggest that developing apps androids require a different approach and hence take longer time, and already very well served with high quality apps, try to expect some delay.

I look at the kind of android customer that runs out of many posts: whining, passive aggressive, denigrating other people's choice, easy to non motivated sarcasm.... Though I see many are really loyal to the company and want the apps for what the integration means for the workflow, what I find here are people who can't wait to get their hands on adobe apps just to say how poor they are.

It takes longer, it is frustrating, it takes to your nerves - everybody is allowed to express frustration. But there should be a limit given by your own intelligence too. To spit in the plate you eat in, why? To offend others for different choices? Why? To mock a company for choosing to launch a product on a kind of customer that is less aggressive (my opinion not Adobe's) but why why why?

The best way to get served last is to be a complaining, annoying, impolite individual. Many individuals that bark make a pain in the butt. Don't be that. Stay cool. It costs less energy and gives more chances to not sound like a d**chebag in the perception of those who read your posts.

Constructive criticism especially when right on demanding answers leads to answers. Destructivism leads to more delay. What's so hard in holding a respectful tone? It is more about commenters' dignity than adobe's own.

Please, I really don't want to see more comments like FGP71. They really bring nothing to the discussion. Think before you send.





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Community Beginner ,
May 16, 2015 May 16, 2015

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floramc wrote:

This brand fight, do people ever get tired of it? Does it ever get old? Thanks Peter for your words, I would like everybody to focus on these easy words: would you really as a company rely on customers who use this tone? So fragmented as the Android world is, though I still have in mind a couple of personal aggressions just because I tried to suggest that developing apps androids require a different approach and hence take longer time, and already very well served with high quality apps, try to expect some delay.

I look at the kind of android customer that runs out of many posts: whining, passive aggressive, denigrating other people's choice, easy to non motivated sarcasm.... Though I see many are really loyal to the company and want the apps for what the integration means for the workflow, what I find here are people who can't wait to get their hands on adobe apps just to say how poor they are.

It takes longer, it is frustrating, it takes to your nerves - everybody is allowed to express frustration. But there should be a limit given by your own intelligence too. To spit in the plate you eat in, why? To offend others for different choices? Why? To mock a company for choosing to launch a product on a kind of customer that is less aggressive (my opinion not Adobe's) but why why why?

The best way to get served last is to be a complaining, annoying, impolite individual. Many individuals that bark make a pain in the butt. Don't be that. Stay cool. It costs less energy and gives more chances to not sound like a d**chebag in the perception of those who read your posts.

Constructive criticism especially when right on demanding answers leads to answers. Destructivism leads to more delay. What's so hard in holding a respectful tone? It is more about commenters' dignity than adobe's own.

Please, I really don't want to see more comments like FGP71. They really bring nothing to the discussion. Think before you send.

I can understand your frustration as well as others, mine as well.

I have been waiting diligently for the release of the apps for Android ever since my twitter post (oct 31 2014 Adobe Creative Cloud on Twitter: "Adobe Ideas is now Adobe Illustrator Draw. Get our redesigned, mod...) But in your post to generalize that android users are served last because of how they are acting in this thread, well is just wrong. Reverse the tables and you can bet the Apple people would be acting the same way. You can disagree but we will never know because its not going to happen, its to late for that.

Yes some of the posts are a bit harsh, but should be expected, since everyone would like there fair share of the apps. No matter if there working right on apple devises or not, just the same chance to see, and use the app. If its going to take longer to develop the apps on android, then state that on the site in the news section, post it on twitter.

But don't just post it one time and forget about it, keep us informed from time to time. (follow up post on the development for Android devices) That might just relieve some of this behavior.





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Community Expert ,
May 17, 2015 May 17, 2015

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‌i don't generalise, I am targeting one by one all people who are using this post to animate a discussion that has nothing with Adobe to do. I answered directly to each and every. It will never happen that I generalise, I am a woman dealing with tech, it would be like shooting on my feet.

I am also referring to people who expect the staff to answer: they cannot insult personally people, which has happened more than once here. One cannot behave way above the lines and expect the staff not to notice it.

Whenever I have news I update, whenever I see the tone and the attitude of this topic become inacceptable, I come back and try to control the level of rage. This for those users who are rightfully mad and can express it without stepping outside warning levels. I don't want this thread to be closec because of trolls, that is what I mean with whine too much and you get last to be served.

I report on bullet points all complaints I read to the customer service. Even that users would like the evangelists to buy a windows to show tutorials. I left nothing out if it is not offensive. I keep up with Will to grant all news will come in this thread first. But if I don't raise my voice (and more people are intervening with the same goal), other moderators would come here and decide this is to be closed.

I hope you see my point now





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Community Expert ,
May 22, 2015 May 22, 2015

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Well, waddayaknow, Adobe launched a beta program for their Android apps !

And they discontinue Photoshop Touch and have started a new development.





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Community Expert ,
May 22, 2015 May 22, 2015

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Well done, Peter, great call. I actually did not know about the g+ so you taught me something new





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May 22, 2015 May 22, 2015

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‌Photoshop touch was anyhow not part of the apps connected to CC, it was on sale by side.

but we are waiting for project Rigel to replace it and more news will come soon





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Community Expert ,
May 22, 2015 May 22, 2015

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To be honest, after 6 attempts of Adobe to launch some Photo app thing service whatever (Touch, Collage, Revel, Express, Mix, Sketch) I'm calling it a day. I can't and won't blame them for trying, but I do blame myself for jumping on those bandwagons too eagerly...





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Community Expert ,
May 22, 2015 May 22, 2015

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‌lol! Yes, apps are a lot doing at times things that look pretty similar. Personally I am not going to miss touch a lot. It was not part of cc, I never liked that I paid for it and it did not really do the things as well as other apps.

I have a feeling that at Adobe they are just launching ideas of apps and slowly fell for the desktop connection, discovering the libraries to be a one of those "and all at once The Great Idea". Same feeling of love for sending to ps, sending to ai, sending to ind, they noticed that all at once they were making portable extensions. The Great Idea again and now they look back at the huge amount of things they produce and drop what does not fit this integrated vision. Because the risk with these apps is that they end up toys.

if it is so that they want to really build a portable cc I like it. What I don't like is that we will never know who's next to leave until we are in this primary stage. Colour was strong at the very beginning, it is a tool that just needed a name change. You have no idea how I did not like the name Kuler. This is an official place so I save you from my inappropriate jokes but that name was never a winner. Yet the app has value.

I suppose a lot depend on users' engagement. It will be fairer to see it on both platforms, in that we all agree, and I suppose that new apps like shooting stars will appear after too.

this is a new chapter for creative design, but Adobe or not I like portable tools, so I have a high tolerance to instability. I understand your reaction, though, Peter.





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May 22, 2015 May 22, 2015

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I liked PS Touch a lot. Yeah, it wasn't full-on Photoshop but it doesn't have to be due to the platform.

I'm guessing John Nack leaving Adobe for Google was a big factor in its discontinuation. PS Touch (along with some of the first iteration of apps) were his babies, after all.

I've noticed that Project Rigel looks more or less like a version of Camera Raw with some warping (which is great, IMHO). However, Cnet mentioned that there aren't any compositing tools in Rigel (which was intentional). Adobe apparently plans for Photoshop Mix to handle that. The problem there is, as far as I know (since I'm not an iOS user), Mix only allows like 2 layers max, which is quite different from about a dozen or more available in PS Touch (depending on project size, of course).

And then there's the issue of things like effects. I'm a creative, not a photographer. (Well, I do photograph things and whatnot but I'm mainly a creative.) Does Mix even have effects like tilt-shift blur? I just hope they consider all this during development. Cautious optimism, as they say.





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May 22, 2015 May 22, 2015

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Funny, I really liked that Kuler moniker, it sounded quite "cool". But apart from this, the Color name is not consistent. It varies from Color to Color Themes and Adobe Color Themes, is translated in some applications, and sitting in the Color category or still under the Extensions section. But the mobile app is great and the CC implementation of it is very useful already !





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Community Expert ,
May 23, 2015 May 23, 2015

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‌I do not know if you have French as mother tongue, I noticed that the name Kuler gave those vibes to French speakers above all. In other languages that word was sadly closer to very much gross vocabulary and I believe that made the name uncool to ridiculous for many. The global market is filled with products that need a name change to be sold in different areas. You have a point that color maybe is less consistent, but it is acceptable for more. Many times here where I live eg I had customers asking me "how do you even pronounce that?" I may agree it is just a name, but the hard laws of marketing forgive nothing.

Same issue with Napoleon becoming Ink. "Napoleon" made many people roll in lol. It was a strange choice, that awoke regional feelings, I remember the jokes those days "can't I have a pen called Lord Nelson instead?" Or "I buy it if they call it Waterloo". With all good intentions the wrong name can put a good product 6 feet under. If color has less consistency there is no consistency in using inappropriate names for tools or apps, it distracts from the ultimate purpose of it, that is not discussing the name but using the tool.





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Community Expert ,
May 23, 2015 May 23, 2015

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I'm not French but I do speak and read French quite well, and I can imagine now Kuler wasn't such a good idea...

Going completely off-topic now: it reminds me of the time I was in a Paris underground train, wearing a T-shirt with large "100% Mac" lettering on it. Someone local guy kept staring at me and eventually asked: "I hope it's about that computer?" (Mac can mean pimp in French slang...)

BTW: Napoleon was Adobe's temporary nickname for the little ruler (Slide) – not the Mighty pen (Ink).

But the word was out, and the name stuck.





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May 23, 2015 May 23, 2015

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‌I speak French too, spent a year to and fro Paris, that was really recalling kind memories from the past. Yes, it was the ruler, right, I mixed that up, thanks for correcting me on that.

btw Adobe Color for android beta version is one of those apps open to everyone, to go back on topic. Sorry, I am talkative and fell off topic.

as I see it in the Google + these are the apps on beta:




i hope many users here will go give a check on them. Color and brush are two faves. Shape is one I find at times a bit hard to control.





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Contributor ,
May 22, 2015 May 22, 2015

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Thank you for the update Peter, that is great news!





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