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Hello friends.
After installing / updating photoshop to the new version of 2021 (in windows 10), some extension panels appear cropped, without being able to use the functions found in the cropped area.
I leave some image captures of one of the panels that offer that error. In this case it is Tony Kuyper's panel 7, but the same error appears in other panels.
Can anyone help to solve this problem?
Thanks and greetings to the community.
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Add that, the error occurs even with panels of Photoshop itself. For example, the "Adobe Color wheel" panel also has the same error, and it is not possible to resize it to show the cropped areas.
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Have you tried resetting your workspace? (Windows>Workspace) and then changing it to a different workspace and then changing it back?
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Have you tried resetting your preferences? Here is help on how to:
Please let us know if this fixes the issue, or if you are still having the problem.
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Gracias por responder. He restablecido las preferencias como me indicó, pero sigue ocurriendo el mismo error.
¿Alguna otra solución?
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Thanks for answering. I have reset the preferences as you told me to, but the same error keeps occurring.
Any other solution?
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The only other suggestion I have is to uninstall and reinstall Photoshop.
Wr can see if any of the others have a suggestion for you!
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First of all, thank you for your responses.
I have reset the preferences. I have reset the workspaces. I have uninstalled Photoshop 22.0 and reinstalled it, but in all cases the problem persists. Several extension panels appear cropped, without being able to be resized. In Photoshop version 21.x this problem does not occur.
Some of those extensions are critical to my workflow. I would appreciate any help that could solve the problem.
Thanks and best regards
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Good morning!
The extension panels that you are referencing--are they third party plug-ins?
If so, have you checked with them to see if they have updates for the latest version of Photoshop? I realize that not all of the panels you referenced are third-party. But it is worth looking into.
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Hello again, mglush, and thanks for your interest.
In answer to your question I can tell you that some panels are third party plugins and some are from Adobe. For this reason, I understand that it is a general problem that affects any panel indistinctly, regardless of its creator.
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I still have the same problem, and after having consulted some programmers of the extensions that present this error, they tell me that everything is correct and that they cannot do anything. They tell me to contact Adobe to fix the problem.
Does anyone have any solution
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Maybe a scaling problem?
Do you use any typ of scaling in Windows or Photoshop?
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Thanks for your attention, Winkelmann.
I don't use any kind of scaling. In the previous version of Photoshop, you did not have this problem, but with the new version, several panels have this problem.
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I am sorry that nothing has worked! I would suggest at this point that you submit a bug report. Here is the link:
Don't let the name in the URL fool you, it is a wish list and bug report. And make sure to mention that you have talked with the 3rd party developers and their response.
Let us know how it goes,
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In the Adobe Photoshop Familiy forum, a fix to the bug in the new version of Adobe Photoshop has been published.
It can be found at this link:
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So, as I suspected, a scaling problem 😉