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How Do I insert an animated GIF into an existing PSD?

New Here ,
Jul 23, 2010 Jul 23, 2010

I know how to import an animated gif. But when I do, it doesn;t import it into the already open psd.  How do I get it into the exixsting psd?

I've been able to import the gif into the psd with no animation.  I want to import the gif and keep the animation.

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Jul 23, 2010 Jul 23, 2010

Unless Adobe has totally modified the PSD specs., you cannot add animation to them.

Now, if you have PS-Extended, you might be able to use an existing PSD as a Background, and then add an animated GIF and perhaps Save_As one of the AV file formats.

Exactly what do you hope to accomplish by adding an animated image to a static one? Might be another way to skin that cat.

Good luck,


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New Here ,
Jul 23, 2010 Jul 23, 2010

according to this link: http://blogs.adobe.com/jnack/2010/04/animated_gif_import_is_back_in_cs5.html#comment-21006

it is possible.

What i'm trying to accomplish:  I have one gif image that I want to be animated as well as ad seperate animation to the psd that i want to ad it to

Here's a link:http://a.imageshack.us/img810/2705/b4yp2.gif

the small dog is actually animated as well.  I'd like to show the animation

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Jul 23, 2010 Jul 23, 2010

Once you open your GIF animation in Photoshop, go to the Animation panel, select the frames you want to copy and then select Copy Frames from it's panel menu. Go to the destination PSD file and select Paste Frames from the Animation panel menu.

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New Here ,
Jun 15, 2018 Jun 15, 2018

All this first process of Selecting all frames on animation panel can be done but when you go to the destination PSD file or image file to paste there is no option of Paste Frames on animation panel menu. And am using PS CC 2017

Where to find it?

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New Here ,
Sep 21, 2018 Sep 21, 2018

Window > Timeline, then click Create Frame Animation.

There will now be an option to Paste Frames.

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Community Expert ,
Sep 21, 2018 Sep 21, 2018

Yes the current document needs to first have a Frame animation created with the Create Frame animation button.  That will create one frame. You could have all layers visible in it if your document is layered. Then in your other document with the frame animation you want to past into your layered document. In that document frame animation panel fly-out menu you can select all frames  and then in the same menu Copy Frames.  Switch back to your layered document with the single frame frame animation you use its animation panel's fly-out menu and select Paste Frames.  In the dialog that opens select after selection and make sure to check link frame so you will be able to position the animation relative to the one you are pasting the frames into. When you do that the layers and frames from the copied from document will be basted into the layered document you are working on.

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Community Expert ,
Sep 21, 2018 Sep 21, 2018

You're responding to an eight year old thread.

What is your final output/destination for your animation?

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Community Expert ,
Sep 21, 2018 Sep 21, 2018

Hopefully the original poster found After Effects.

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Community Expert ,
Sep 21, 2018 Sep 21, 2018

Sure give Adobe more of you money when there is no need to do so.

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Community Expert ,
Sep 21, 2018 Sep 21, 2018

After Effects really is the right tool for this task.  And, worth every penny.

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Community Expert ,
Sep 21, 2018 Sep 21, 2018

Photoshop has no problem doing the basic job. I'm sure After effect has many advanced video effects features one can use.  But AE is an additional cost for a Photoshop user the may not process video.  IMO AE is a tool for video editing and I sure it worth every penny if you edit video along with premier pro.

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Community Expert ,
Sep 21, 2018 Sep 21, 2018

Alternatively, if you have the Adobe Creative Suite, have a look at Adobe Animate.

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Community Expert ,
Sep 21, 2018 Sep 21, 2018

While I do get a Creative cloud subscription I only know Photoshop well and I'm 77 years old,  I have no desire to learn the rest of the Adobe Application in the Creative Cloud Suite.I would rather relax and drink some wine.

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Community Expert ,
Sep 21, 2018 Sep 21, 2018

I have a desire to learn new applications and drink some wine (and I'm older than you!).

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Community Expert ,
Sep 21, 2018 Sep 21, 2018

I have a problem with my short time memory.  The older I get and the more wine I dink the shorter my memory becomes.  It at a point where now I forget things before I even learn them.   My mind use to be an empty sponge that soak up everything it learned and could recall all with ease.  It still can recall things from my teen years.  However its now its a soggy sponge and can only seem to absorb more wine and can not remember doing so. More wine please.

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Community Expert ,
Jul 25, 2010 Jul 25, 2010

Devious-Graphics wrote:

according to this link: http://blogs.adobe.com/jnack/2010/04/animated_gif_import_is_back_in_cs5.html#com ment-21006

it is possible.

What i'm trying to accomplish:  I have one gif image that I want to be animated as well as ad seperate animation to the psd that i want to ad it to

Here's a link:http://a.imageshack.us/img810/2705/b4yp2.gif

the small dog is actually animated as well.  I'd like to show the animation

If that is what you want to do then open both Gif in Photoshop you will have two layered documents  opened in Photoshop with animation frames in the animation palette for the active document. In one Document target all the layers in the layers Palette. Click on the top layer in the layer's palette hold down the shift key and click on the bottom layer in the Layers Palette. Now all the layers should be targeted. Left click and drag the highlighted layers in layers palette and drop them onto the second open document.  For best results the documents should have the same size canvas size but it will still work if the sizes are different. Once you have all the layers in a single document you will have to add the layers draged in into the Animation Palette and set their times.  You will have one animation containing both animations.

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Community Expert ,
Jul 24, 2010 Jul 24, 2010

Menu File>Place seems to work its added as a smart object. Double clicking on that smart object layer in the layers palette open all its layers layers in photoshop.  where you can edit the animation and save it for the web when you close it I would think it would the smart object would be the updated version. I  

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Jul 24, 2010 Jul 24, 2010

File->Place won't work because the animation cannot be run from the master document, all that you'll get is the first frame of the animation.

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Community Expert ,
Jul 25, 2010 Jul 25, 2010

Zeno Bokor wrote:

File->Place won't work because the animation cannot be run from the master document, all that you'll get is the first frame of the animation.

Perhaps you better explain what you mean. When I place a animated gif into a document and save it as a psd file.  Later when I open my that master PSD file and double click on the animated gif smart object layer Photoshop opens the smart object  in Photoshop where  I can play it.  I can even modify it and save a new animation.  However the updated animation is not in the master PSD file I seem to had to delete the old smart object and place in the new one. 

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Jul 25, 2010 Jul 25, 2010

The problem is that you cannot run the animation from the Smart Object while in the master document which means that if you want to save the master document as a .GIF for instance, the animation from the Smart Object won't play. Also, as you've already noticed, you cannot modify the animation from the Smart Object because Photoshop needs layers to make the animation work but the GIF file format doesn't support layers so you cannot save the document back into the Smart Object.

So yes, you can import a GIF file into a PSD using File->Place but you cannot use it to import the animation from that GIF file and that's what the OP wants.

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Enthusiast ,
Jun 19, 2018 Jun 19, 2018

Save time, instead of placing GIF into Photoshop file, do the opposite.

1. Open or make the Animated GIF

2. Switch to the Motion Workspace

Notice all the frames in the timeline, etc.
3. Open Background image – copy/paste or place to the "Bottom of the Layer Stack" of Animated Gif

4. Select all the frames, and include the new background layer which is turned on for all frames

5. Export>Save for web (Legacy) select GIF option

Link to making an animated gif:


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New Here ,
Jun 28, 2019 Jun 28, 2019

I've been trying to figure this out for some time as well, I believe this is the answer you're looking for! Add a GIF to a Still Image (Photoshop CS6 Tutorial) - YouTube

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