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I tried to learn photoshop a lot by sending question to community,
by practicing, by reading. My target is to achieve 100% skill. But in vein.
Please tell me what is solution.
Akmu try, there are several online courses
I wonder if you would consider another option that may be available to you if you live in or near a large city.
I suggest you check the Adult Ed (also called Continuing Education) courses that may be available at a nearby college, or the local community center. Check their sites to see whether Photoshop courses are offered and look at their description of course content. These classes provide the opportunity to work at a computer as you cover the material, proceed in a logical sequence and ask qu
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Akmu try, there are several online courses
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I wonder if you would consider another option that may be available to you if you live in or near a large city.
I suggest you check the Adult Ed (also called Continuing Education) courses that may be available at a nearby college, or the local community center. Check their sites to see whether Photoshop courses are offered and look at their description of course content. These classes provide the opportunity to work at a computer as you cover the material, proceed in a logical sequence and ask questions during each session.
Some instructors offer email assistance when an assignment has you baffled. In addition, you will meet people with a similar interest and probably form a mutual-aid network when the class is over. Avoid the One Day cram courses. They are usually worthless.
In he spirit of full disclosure:
The Adult Ed Photoshop courses I taught at a college in NY met for three hours on 8 consecutive Saturday mornings. I suspect other colleges have a similar setup.
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"My target is to achieve 100% skill. But in vein. Please tell me what is solution."
Practice, practice, practice. When you complete 10,000 hours of practice, you will be almost there.
YouTube Channels
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I started with Digital Darkroom before it became Photoshop and I am still learning. New things. Photoshop is so deep, you will rarely meet someone who knows Photoshop to 100% . But that is, were the fun is, there are always new things to learn!
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I have to admit that my original response is one I have posted before and repeated here because it rarely gets the attention it deserves. Consider an additional opinion that may have its detractors.
It is this:
I believe it is nearly impossible to become thoroughly proficient in Photoshop without first becoming proficient in the aesthetics and technology of photography. I will set aside aesthetics and composition for another time. Consider leaqrning the technology. In order to enhance or salvage an image, it is helpful to identify what caused the problem.
A partial list of that technology includes:
1. Lens focal length and its effect on depth on field, image distortion and scene compression.
2. The effect on perspective of vantage point choice
3. The effect of inadequate lens covering power
4. The appropriate use and control of intentional blur
5. Understanding and controlling lighting: direct, diffused and bounce light.
6. The type, size, position and intensity of shadows each casts.
7. Photography considerations when an image will be converted to black white, including lighting ratio and filtration.
8, Considerations when using multiple light sources. Ratio and color
9. The effect on image color of its Kelvin temperature, including its effect in sunlight and skylight outdoors.
10. Coping with ccene luminance range problems.
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Have you heard of the learning triangle? If you were to draw a triangle, one point represents learning by being shown how to do something, another corner represents learning by reading a user manual, and the third point represents learning by just trying to use something (and usually mucking your way through it). Most of us fall somewhere within the triangle and not at any of the outer most points. The trick to learning is recognizing where you fall and finding training that best fits that.
Some great resources have already been listed in this thread.
For self-guided study, I recommend these three resources:
If you're ever in the Los Angeles area, consider booking an Adobe training course with either headTrix Training (Santa Monica) or Accelerate Computer Training (Long Beach).
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One more to add to your list: