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I created a photoshop listener (Script Events Manager) to trigger which action is played (from the actions panel list) when the user runs it.
The listener fires well and I want to get the 2 vars:
A) Name of the action Set just triggered;
B) Name of the Action just triggered;
We use this to send the result to an external database that collects the Photo-editor history log, and I want to send the set and the action name.
This is the AM code from scriptlistener:
// ______________________
var reference = new ActionReference();
reference.putName( stringIDToTypeID( "action" ), “MyAction Name here" );
reference.putName( stringIDToTypeID( "actionSet" ), “MySetName here" );
descriptor.putReference( charIDToTypeID( "null" ), reference );
executeAction( stringIDToTypeID( "play" ), descriptor, DialogModes.NO );
// ______________________
The listener is installed and it runs a script I named “actionPlayed_listener.jsx"
app.notifiersEnabled = true;
var cstoolEvent = new File(Folder.desktop + "/actionPlayed_listener.jsx");
app.notifiers.add("Ply ", cstoolEvent);
// the code in the “actionPlayed_listener.jsx” file:
var actionSet_name = myDescriptor.hasKey(stringIDToTypeID("actionSet"));
var action_name = myDescriptor.getName(stringIDToTypeID("action"));
"Set: " + actionSet_name + "\n"
+ "Action: " + action_name
What’s the problem?
actionSet_name ERROR: It returns the name of the action and not the actionSet name!
action_name returns the name of the action
I tested on CC2017 (mac and PC)
Have you another way of return to correct value, or is this a bug we can’t solve?
more correct
...// the code in the “actionPlayed_listener.jsx” file:
var r = arguments[0].getReference(stringIDToTypeID("null"));
var x1, x2;
var t1 = r.getDesiredClass();
switch (r.getForm())
case ReferenceFormType.INDEX: x1 = r.getIndex();
case ReferenceFormType.NAME: x1 = r.getName();
r = r.getContainer(); // can fail, so use try-catch
var t2 = r.getDesiredClass();
switch (r.getForm())
case ReferenceFormType.INDEX: x2 = r.getIndex();
case ReferenceFormType.NAME:
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var actionSet_name = myDescriptor.hasKey(stringIDToTypeID("actionSet")); // Change struckthrough part to getName.
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Sorry, I wrote the wrong code.
The bug is still there even using getName
var actionSet_name = myDescriptor.getName(stringIDToTypeID("actionSet"));
// returns wrong data
It returns the name of the action, not the name of the Set.
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So maybe change getName to getString?
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getString returns an error because getString is not a method of the ActionReference class
myDescriptor.getString is not a function
ActionReference in Photoshop DOM
It must be getName
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"action" can also be an Index type.
use myDescriptor.getForm() to obtain type.
P.S. myDescriptor is an ActionReference you have
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I used
and it returned:
So getName should be working, but it returns not the name of the set but the action name itself.
It's a bug?
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You use this function incorrectly.
Try to understand how this code works.
Here r (the ActionReference) emits your myDescriptor and contains similar data,
two or even three values: setName(or index), actionName(or index), cmdIndex(or Name)
// example 1
// ref contains name and name
var r = new ActionReference();
r.putName(stringIDToTypeID("actionSet"), "some S");
r.putName(stringIDToTypeID("action"), "some A");
var form1 = r.getForm().toString().replace("ReferenceFormType.", "");
//here can use r.getName or r.getIndex, depending on form1
r = r.getContainer();
var form2 = r.getForm().toString().replace("ReferenceFormType.", "");
alert(form1 + "\n" + form2);
//here can use r.getName or r.getIndex, depending on form2
// example 2
// ref contains name and index
var r = new ActionReference();
r.putName(stringIDToTypeID("actionSet"), "some S");
r.putIndex(stringIDToTypeID("action"), 7);
var form1 = r.getForm().toString().replace("ReferenceFormType.", "");
r = r.getContainer();
var form2 = r.getForm().toString().replace("ReferenceFormType.", "");
alert(form1 + "\n" + form2);
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Could you install the "play" listener and use the script it runs instead?
I can't start from a well-defined actionSet and action names because I don't know what action the user has run.
Those are the strings I need to catch when the user clicked an action to run.
I created a listener ("Ply ") that automatically runs a script. This is the script we are talking about.
The code I need is to read the data (both actionSet + action names) and send it to a personal database I need.
So, I must start with arguments[0] >> this is my ActionDescriptor which contains my ActionReference with both names I need.
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Oh oh oh
// the code in the “actionPlayed_listener.jsx” file:
var r = arguments[0].getReference(stringIDToTypeID("null"));
var x1, x2;
switch (r.getForm())
case ReferenceFormType.INDEX: x1 = r.getIndex();
case ReferenceFormType.NAME: x1 = r.getName();
r = r.getContainer(); // can fail, so use try-catch
switch (r.getForm())
case ReferenceFormType.INDEX: x2 = r.getIndex();
case ReferenceFormType.NAME: x2 = r.getName();
alert("Set: " + x2 + "\n" + "Action: " + x1);
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Finally, thank you very much, r-bin!
Sorry I couldn't figure out earlier.
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more correct
// the code in the “actionPlayed_listener.jsx” file:
var r = arguments[0].getReference(stringIDToTypeID("null"));
var x1, x2;
var t1 = r.getDesiredClass();
switch (r.getForm())
case ReferenceFormType.INDEX: x1 = r.getIndex();
case ReferenceFormType.NAME: x1 = r.getName();
r = r.getContainer(); // can fail, so use try-catch
var t2 = r.getDesiredClass();
switch (r.getForm())
case ReferenceFormType.INDEX: x2 = r.getIndex();
case ReferenceFormType.NAME: x2 = r.getName();
alert(typeIDToStringID(t2) + " = " + x2 + "\n" + typeIDToStringID(t1) + " = " + x1);