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I can no longer select the lasso tool with an action since updating to cc 2020
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Not all thing are recordable in action selection sone tool do not recode in actions. Selecting the lasso tool is not recordev the the action rcorder. If you want to select that tool in an action you neet to select a preset when show all tool are shown in the preset list in play or you can use a script in an action to select the lasso tool. The odd thing is the script needs to use action manager codet to select the lasso tool. You will see the Action manahet code in the selectTool function. It uses executeAction.
Script code to select a tool
selectTool('lassoTool' );
function selectTool(tool) {
var desc9 = new ActionDescriptor();
var ref7 = new ActionReference();
ref7.putClass( app.stringIDToTypeID(tool) );
desc9.putReference( app.charIDToTypeID('null'), ref7 );
executeAction( app.charIDToTypeID('slct'), desc9, DialogModes.NO );
/* some Photoshop tool names
'moveTool' 'cloneStampTool' 'typeCreateOrEditTool' 'artboardTool'
'marqueeRectTool' 'patternStampTool' 'typeVerticalCreateOrEditTool' 'perspectiveCropTool'
'marqueeEllipTool' 'historyBrushTool' 'typeCreateMaskTool' 'eyedropperTool'
'marqueeSingleRowTool' 'artBrushTool' 'typeVerticalCreateMaskTool' '3DMaterialSelectTool'
'marqueeSingleColumnTool' 'eraserTool' 'pathComponentSelectTool'
'lassoTool' 'backgroundEraserTool' 'directSelectTool'
'polySelTool' 'magicEraserTool' 'rectangleTool'
'magneticLassoTool' 'gradientTool' 'roundedRectangleTool'
'quickSelectTool' 'bucketTool' 'ellipseTool'
'magicWandTool' 'blurTool' 'polygonTool'
'cropTool' 'sharpenTool' 'lineTool'
'sliceTool' 'smudgeTool' 'customShapeTool'
'sliceSelectTool' 'dodgeTool' 'textAnnotTool'
'spotHealingBrushTool' 'burnInTool' 'soundAnnotTool'
'magicStampTool' 'saturationTool' 'eyedropperTool'
'patchSelection' 'penTool' 'colorSamplerTool'
'redEyeTool' 'freeformPenTool' 'rulerTool'
'paintbrushTool' 'addKnotTool' 'handTool'
'pencilTool' 'deleteKnotTool' 'zoomTool'
'colorReplacementBrushTool' 'convertKnotTool' 'wetBrushTool'