Something for the weekend - Part 129 Thai time

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This is a photo from northern Thailand I took on my travels many years ago, so what can you add to it.
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* Anything goes, as long as it meets the forum rules on decency, copyright etc
* Anyone, and everyone, is welcome to have a go, whether you are a complete beginner or a Photoshop expert.
* There are no prizes apart from the chance to practice, show off, or bring a bit of humour and fun. Don't be shy, join in and have a go!
To download the image below, hover over the image and click on the circle with the arrows at the top right. Then, when the image opens in its own window, right click and choose “Save Image As/Save Target As” (or similar depending on your browser).
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the tourist committee felt it needed a more modern touch to bing in the kids
p.s, model comes from this free tutorial
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I.M. Pei strikes again.
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Ged , thanks for starting us off this weekend 🙂
Just passing through ....
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Great work Dave. Reminds me of a slogan we had at my university - Never Stand Still. It applies to statues as well. 🙂
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Nothing better than a Thai ice cream cone on a hot day!
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not going to share it?
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That opens some posibilities Rafael. It could be a microphone, or an icecream cornet, or makeup brush...
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Indeed, Trevor. Flipped around it could be a nose-picking tool! 😆
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Great animation, Trevor.
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It was entirely hand made a frame at a time, so only has 16 frames. Looking at it again, I think I should have added some foreground/background jitter with white and a light grey. I was mostly using Aaron Blaise cloud brushes, but there's no reason why you couldn't modify the presets and save them again as new presets. Aaron is a master with special effect brushes, and it is always interesting to see how he makes them, and learn a trick or two into the bargain.
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Thank you!
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Great work Trevor. 🙂
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LOL! Very nice Norman. I love the humour. We have been hearing on the news that Stonehenge was originally located 200 miles from its current location, over by there in Welsh Wales, isn't it.
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I'm not sure. I wasn't invited.
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Norman you can't throw out a straight line like that and not expect the predictable, but entirely accurate, 'You're old enough'. And did you have any involvement in the Egyptian Pyramids? I think they came about a thousand years after Stonehenge, so you'd still have been a lad. OK, I just checked Wikipedia which says Howard Carter gifted this wall carving to The British Museum. Ipso facto methinks.
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so they emigrated?
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Cupid was there!!! Happy Valentine's Day to all of you amazing Adobe Community Pro's!!.
Thanks for the fun!
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Looks like a magical place to have visited!
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Great photo Ged. I'm pleased to see you have led this SFTW. I've been busy in the last little while so will add this to my to do list. 🙂
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I'm a bit late but here's my version for the week.
Hand Credit:
Evan-Amos -
Did try photographing my own hand but didn't like it 🙂

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