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Hi all,
I'm still learing PE 2022, and did something stupid. I created a project (near done w/ it) on custom sequnce settings and unbeknownst to me it changed the settings when clips were added. My recordings are in 2650 x 1440 and the project settings I had were the same. When I added media to it, I never checked the settings and continued working on it. It automatically changed the settings to 1280 x 720. I have spent hours working on this project and don't want to have to do it all over again.
My questions:
- Is there a way to transfer the clips with all edits, texts, audio, etc. over to a new project with the correct sequence settings?
- If there is, would it affect the video quality?
Thank you for any info you have! It was stuupid of me not to check the settings after clips were added, I've definitley learned that mistake. I just don't want to be forced into biting the bullet and having to do it all over again.
Thank you!
Here's a trick I developed.
Copy link to clipboard
Here's a trick I developed.
Copy link to clipboard
Thank you, that worked for me!