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Hi all,
have spent my hole day at my brother but still no idea what this error could be. After having this project in APE 8.0 and editing it now with the newly bougt Verion 10.0, everything was fine... Opened and saved it several time but today there were suddenly problems: Even a complete new project with the same material and same cut is now broken after having saved and exportet it....
When we are trying to open the project, we're getting the error:
"Premiere Elements has encountered an error.
And in the next window:
Project could no be loaded. It's damaged oder has old elements (not same words, cause my brother is using the german version)
I have tried everything so long: new installation, opening the damaged project on another computer with ELements 8.0 (identical error also there), deleting cahe, deleting Prefs, loading Auto-Backup (also damaged) and so on... Another "Test-Project" I have created with 2 clips is working fine.... I have no idea what to to else... The project is just a "normal" HD project with 20 Minutes and 20 Clips...
Everything on google (about 8 sites) I have tried - no success until now... 😞
so: any ideas???
Thanks a lot!
Hi everyone,
after getting some hints from you about the possible cause of this error, I have been able to fix my project and I'd like to give you back my insights...
First, I uploaded the project file in the Windows Editor. By comparing the file to an earlier backup version which worked fine, I found the following:
At one point in time PE10 corrupts the .prel file by inserting "," in decimal numbers instead of the required "." for the <StartKeyframe> as well as for the <Keyframes> tags. The corre
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Remember, this is a user-to-user forum.
If you'd like to contact Adobe, click the Contact Adobe button at the bottom of any page on this web site.
They are open to bug reports and feature requests.
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Made a console application (Windows) that solved this problem for me (based on the above regex but with some modifications). Make sure to backup your data before trying this! You need .NET4.
Premier10ProjRepair.exe <input.prel> <output.prel>
Thanks to SetAdMichael for the help with this. Hope this will be resolved properly soon! My experiences with Premier was so good until this fatal error occured .
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After running your exe, i have the same h-142 problem.
But i did find out something else.
The last working backup from my prel file is from 5-1-2012. This file is 3.223 kb
I then worked some hours and the corrupt prel file is from 8-1-2012. But this file is smaller: 2.462 kb ?
When you work at a projects, for as far as i know, the prel file will each time growing ... or not?
Can i send my files to someone who can look at whats going wrong with my last working good en defective prel file?
Would be very pleased....
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With a PREL, the file size will depend on what one is doing. If a Project is Trimmed, Assets are Deleted, etc., the size of the file may well shrink. It is, after all, just an XML database, and contains links to Assets, plus instructions, that will be used, when one Exports/Shares to an AV file.
Good luck,
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Thank you this fix, fixed our problems here at Tibble Gymnasium
thank you so much ❤️
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What version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system is it running?
Just curious....Rainer (post 15) is marked as the correct answer, but you seem to have found your correct answer in the post of Sanctus (post 24). Did you try both or just the one? If both, did Rainer's suggestion work for you also?
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Could all of you that still have this problem go to and click the "+1" (Add my vote) to make sure Adobe gets the extent of this problem.
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Yes yes,my prel is working again, thanks to tip in that post:
upload your defect prel file and get a working back!
Nice job!
Only "one little thing", you need to check all the video- and audio fade-in and fade-outs!
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I have the same problem. I have tryed all the solutions and are currently browsing trough my prel file for dot or comma errors that this solutions dont catch. But how do I know if this key frame is correct
or it shoud be 264.93505859375
I also have another recurrent keyframe
How can I know that 5,4 is correct, not 5.4?
Is there a way of knowing where in the file Premier Elements find the error?
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Puh, solved my problem.
I found a relativly easy way of figuring out the odd numbers Rainer talked about in his post. My solution:
I run the perl script from Michaels post.
Then did the ,< and ,, replace from Rainers post.
Ending up with finding the odd numbers
1) I made a copy of the perl file and change the filtype to .txt
2) Opend this file in Excel
3) Used filter sorting for <keyframe
4) kopied that into a new workbook witch I saved as a txt fil
5) I opend this file in notepad uses and replaces all the , with |
(This step should not be necesary, but excel did not sort out the colums in my next step if I did not replace hte , )
6) opend the new txt file and selected colums separated with |
7) then I looked trough the file for abnormalities. It was relativly easy spotting the errors.
8) When spotting an error, I searche for the number in my original PREL fil, witch I had opend in notepad and fixed the error
I then repeated the proces from step 3 sorting for <startkeyfram
I saved my project, but it is stupide that this error occure and Adobe has not mad a fix for it. If my memory is not wrong the exact same problem occured in an earlyer version of Premier 5-6 years ago.
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first of it is unbelievable that this still is an issue in Premiere Elements 10, when the issue is known for at least half a year. That just ruined my morning. Thanks everyone for the fixes here, that saved me 3 hours of redoing everything from the last working auto-save.
Thanks to VibaIT for hosting a website with the script, so everything was working again in 3 minutes.
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hello... i found a really really easy solution for your/my problem on the internet!
just upload your corrupt file and the fixed file will be automatically downloaded to your PC! it helped me a lot and my project works fine again!!!
best regards and hope it will help you (although it's been a while since you posted it here)
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Please continue the discussion in the other thread to which you have attached yourself.
Re: Problems with Premiere Elements 12
Or better yet, if our discussions continue on your Premiere Elements issues, it might be a good idea to start your own new thread so that we
can find each other. I nearly missed your display error screenshots in this thread that we are in now.