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I have taken a bunch of pictures over a time period of the same object. I now wanna add the to premiere as one clip that runs at 24 fps.
How do I do this? They say that I should add from files and tick in "Numbered still" but if I do this it just adds the first picture and not the rest of the pictures from that file.
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First make sure you've set up your project for 24 fps video. Start a new project and, on the New Project panel, click Settings and select the preset for DSLR/1080p/DSLR 1080p24.
Before you import the photos int Premiere Elements, go to the program's preferences (Under the Edit men on a PC) and, on the General page, set Still Image Default Duration to 1 Frame (or .042 seconds).
Each still that you add to your project and to your timeline will appear at 1/24 of a second. As long as you add them to your timeline in the correct order, you'll see a 24 fps animation from your stills.
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I think that should do it. I have to search around a bit though cause I cant seem to find the exact settings (might be cause I have it in another language). The DSLR/1080p/DSLR 1080p24 setting I cant fint at all though, which is weird. Any tip where I can find that more then what you already wrote to me?
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