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I'm loving the latest build of Premiere Elements (2023). It's much faster and includes all the latest video formats, however I'm missing some of my go-to effects such as Earthquake and Active Camera. Are these hidden somewhere else in the program?
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Lots of stuff has been dropped from 2023.
1. Movie Menu and DVD share for Windows platform.
2. Instant Movie.
3. Video export formats other than H264.
4. Camera Raw support.
5. Effects and Transitions – All NewBlue effects, Hollywood Looks, Legacy Key Luma, Color
Emboss, Legacy Key Remove Matte, Legacy Key NonRed, Texturize, Spherize, Legacy Key
RGBDifference, Corner Pin, Bevel Alpha, Emboss.
If you are not happy about this ask for your money back.
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Hi Ann. Do you have any idea why they have dropped these features?