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My Custom Scratch Disc locations Keep Resetting to Defaults

New Here ,
Feb 14, 2020 Feb 14, 2020

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I'm running Premiere Elements 2020 on Windows and I've tried, multiple times, to change the default location for Scratch discs. Everytime I close my project and re-open it again, the default settings are back. 

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


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Community Expert ,
Feb 14, 2020 Feb 14, 2020

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I've never found a way to change those defaults.  Most will remember from the last project but at least one never does.  Instead, I go through several first steps to start a project and setting the Scratch Disks is one of them.   Another is to be sure to start the timeline with a primary clip that will create the project settings.  




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New Here ,
Feb 16, 2020 Feb 16, 2020

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Thanks for the info. But, it's easy to set your custom locations - Select Edit / Preferences / ScratchDisks - the problem is when I log out of my project and save it, when I re-open the project they are all reset back to the default, which puts them on the C drive - the worst place you could put some of these files. The only setting that doesn't get changed back is the Media Cache. I would think that Adobe could - and should! - easily fix this bug.  




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Community Expert ,
Feb 16, 2020 Feb 16, 2020

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"Old school" think with slow mechanical drives was to spread the work over two or three.   With current, faster drives, especially SSDs, it is appropriate to have everything on the C drive.   

Why do you think it is a flaw or bug?


This forum doesn't do much for bug reporting.  A better place for that is:  https://feedback.photoshop.com/photoshop_family/categories/photoshop_family_premiere_elements




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New Here ,
May 06, 2020 May 06, 2020

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I have exact the same problem and yes, it looks clearly a bug to me.

(It maybe so that there is no or less need to spread the work over several drives, but what if the C: drive is nearly full? Or you have a faster drive somewhere else? Or want to make automated backups of your c: drive and want to keep that drive as clean as possible for that reason?)

The manual/user guide clearly states that you can set up (and save) the preference settings for scratchdisks. It did exactly that in earlier versions, but in this v2020 when you reopen the project, all locations are back to their defaults.

As you create a map for each project, like I do, each of those maps get clogged with new scratch-maps. Instead of them being (in one instance) just at one designated location.




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