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New Premiere Elements User -- Near Constant Locking Up

New Here ,
Apr 02, 2020 Apr 02, 2020

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Hey everyone,


I am a new user, just recently purchased Premeire Elements 2020 for use to edit videos for my church during the current quarantine. I have many years of experience using various professional video editing software solutions, and decided to go with Adobe Premiere Elements for the simplicity and quick ability to edit prerecorded footage together for use in YouTube streaming.


Thus far I'm finding the program quite intuitive and easy to learn -- however, I am continually running into instances where the program is locking up during the editing process. Now, I know my computer is capable of heavy video editing (WIndows 10, Intel 8 core i7-9700, 2 1 TB SSDs, 32 GB RAM, MSI GeForce GTX 1660Ti graphis card), and I'm only editing one or two video clips and audio tracks per session at 720p 60fps, and this program doesn't seem to be capable of handling it. It bogs down, chops and locks up after just a few minutes of adding transitions and FX to JPG slides within the timeline.


I've attempted a wipe and reinstall of the program and continue to struggle with the same issues. In addition, I'm monitoring my PCs temp and resources and nothing is even getting close to maxed out, so it definitely isn't a lack of resources causing it.


Has anyone else experienced issues similar to these? Any suggestions on how I can make the program function properly within these reasonable parameters?

Crash , Error or problem , Freeze or hang , Performance




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Apr 03, 2020 Apr 03, 2020

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It could well be that you're adding video that Premiere Elements is not capable or working with. When you first add one of your clips to your timeline, is there a yellow orange render line above the clip? This is an indication that the program is not able to match your project settings to your video -- and that will give you poor performance. And, if you're working with 45 to an hour of video, that can choke the program.


Open one of your source video clips in the free download MediaInfo. In MediaInfo, set View to Text and then copy the text of this report and paste it to this forum. Once we know the specs of your video, we'll better be able to advise you..RenderLine.jpg




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