Photoshop premiere 2018 won't open my video projects
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I'm older and a tad slow. While looking for music, my video project turned red as in disconneted. Nothing will load up from my past projects. One statement noted was posible codac error. How do I fix this and get my project back.
Maybe I'm not bright, what topic lable fits my requet from down below?
Why did the Adobe service rep send me here? Why didn't he just help me? I feel lost again. I have been using photoshop premiere since 2013. I'm not new. Not instalatlion. Not activation, Not ccFAQ. I guess cloud?
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I have no idea what you mean... Photoshop (or Photoshop Elements) is a program, Premiere Pro (or Premiere Elements) is a different program... exactly what program do you have, and are you working with individual pictures, or video?
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Sorry, I know it can get fustraiting dealing with neophytes. I don't know what happened. My Premiere Elements brought up my videos again after I posted here. I am so slow at editing and if something leaves the norm, I get lost. I put a lot of my mind into my video and if I lose it, fustration peaks. I once lost a month long project for my twins grandsons when I thought it would cross over in the files to my new computer. I couldn't ever get it back.
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Moved to the correct program forum
To find a forum for your program please start at
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You might want to start with my free 8 part Basic Training tutorial series. It will show you in very simple terms how the program works and how to create a project, add media, edit, add effects and titles and how to output your finished movie.
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I can always keep reinforing my knowlege and make sure I didn't miss something that would inprove my ability to make good videos. I have to go over things many times as I get older to make them stick. I am having trouble figuring how to put an arrow on my video to point out something. I need to learn that.
The problem I was having in getting my video to load was resolved. I don't know why, but it's fixed. The program froze while looking for music to put with the video. I reloaded the Adobe app many times to no avail. I didn't want to lose my project and the work I put into it.
It seems finding the right route to resolve my problem was a problem. There seemed to be no definitive route. I was lost and fustrated. Sometimes I wasn't sure who or what I was communicating with. I went through help, automated, a person that dropped me. Another person that texts me for a while, then sent it to someone else, that person texted a while, then sent me to the forum. The automated forum asked questions that I wasn't sure how to pick the right answer. A person responded and then moved me on to this forum. So, I will keep this forum handy in case any issues come up. Thanks.
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I'm clear on your problems, but I'm not sure what your question is, Wildroot.
What are you trying to do exactly? Are you adding music from Scores, from the music library or from your hard drive?
Or are you trying to add an arrow overlay? If this is what you're trying to do I have a tutorial on that also.