Premier Elements 2022 trimming
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Starting to use PE 2022 again after a few years of not having the time and tried the F1 PE User Guide. When trimming unwanted parts of a video clip from the middle, you split and then drag and end up with a gap which you must close or delete. According to the help guide which does not tell you what version it applies to, "You can trim a clip in the Preview window, the Monitor panel, the Quick view timeline, or the Expert view timeline". The only place I see the In/Out points as show in the attached screen grab from the help is in the preview window you get from double clicking the video timeline or from the project assets. in Quick view you can't seem to trim anything and in Expert mode in does not show the In/Out points like the help shows. I don't see the 'Set In' and 'Set Out' anywhere like the help image shows. Does the guide not apply to PE 2022 or am I missing something?
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F1 will show you the Help Guide to the current version of the program -- in this case, version 2025. The Program Monitor editing features are not available version 2022.
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What I do in version 2021
set CTI (Current Time Indicator) where you wish to cut
-hover mouse and click the Sissor icon
-may then right click and ripple deleted everything to left or right of the cut
-OR set another cut point and ripple delete between the two cut points
NOTE - I say ripple delete, the actual option is 'Delete and Close Gap'
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If you want to trim clips on the timeline use ripple head or tail tool
Select clip, move cursor as close to the joining of the two clips and drag.