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Premiere Elements 15 Crashes/Hangs When Importing from Device

New Here ,
Oct 02, 2017 Oct 02, 2017

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Hi all,

I've just downloaded the Windows 10 64-bit trial of Premiere Elements 15, and I'm experiencing an odd issue: I can't seem to import any files from my Samsung Galaxy S7 (or any other smartphone). When attempting to import photos, the Adobe Photo Downloader identifies my device without any problems but hangs permanently at the message 'Connecting to device... Please Wait.' When attempting to import videos, the program crashes immediately. I can view the files and folders on the phone using the standard 'Add media from files and folders' option, but when I select a file and click 'Open', nothing happens.

I can copy both photos and video to my computer using Windows and import them to PrE from my hard drive with no problem at all, so it isn't an issue with the files themselves.

Is this just because my Galaxy S7 isn't on the list of supported devices, or is there some larger issue here?

Thanks in advance,





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Community Expert ,
Oct 02, 2017 Oct 02, 2017

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I have a Galaxy S5.  When I've used it for video clips I connect it to my computer as an external drive, copy the video files to a folder on my computer and then use the Premiere Elements add video routine to put them in a project.

The hard part is always trying to tell my computer to treat the phone as an external drive.  Until I do that, it is stuck doing nothing.  It has nothing to do with Adobe.  It is between Windows and the phone.   To remember what to do I usually have to google for "connection my phone to my computer"!

The other potential issue is that your phone shoots in a variable frame rate.  Video cameras shoot in a fixed frame rate.  Some have reported to this forum that the variable frame rate needs to be converted to a fixed frame rate with software like the (free) Handbrake.  In my personal experience, once I get the phone video to the computer, it works in Premiere Elements without any conversion.

Hope this helps and good luck with your projects!





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New Here ,
Oct 02, 2017 Oct 02, 2017

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Thanks for your quick reply, Bill, but unfortunately the solution you propose is actually the workaround I've already been using - copying files directly to my PC from my phone and then importing them as normal 😃

My experience is similar to yours: Premiere Elements handles the photos and videos with no issue once they are being imported from my PC, so it's not an issue with the files. The problem seems to lie in the import process itself when importing directly from my phone through PrE.




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