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Premiere Elements 7 crashes and freezes ->unusable

New Here ,
Oct 18, 2008 Oct 18, 2008

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Hello all

For a long time, I was looking for a programm to cut my AVCHD clips taken with a Canon HF100 camera. In the past I used for DV videos Adobe Production Studio (Premiere CS2, Encore CS2). I have tried AVCHD with AVCHDUpshift to convert the AVCHD clips to MPEG clips and cut it with Premiere CS2. The final video I have tried to burn with NERO 8. But this is very cumbersome.
I recently saw, that Adobe has released the Premiere Elements 7 with AVCHD support. Because of the many negative posts of Pinnacle Studio 12, I expected better stability and performance from Adobe Premiere Elements 7. I gave it a try.

Installation was OK.

I tried to add about 50 clips to the AVCHD project -> takes a long time but OK.

Playback quality of the clips is very bad. Video quality is bad (blurry), audio quality even worse (2 seconds you can hear sound, 2 seconds no sound, 2 seconds sound, 2 seconds no sound ....). With PowerDVD playback of the clips is fine (video and audio).

I have put 6 clips on the time line (total of 1 minute with dissolve transitions). After pressing the Enter key, it takes a long time to render. Why? No smartrendering seems possible.

I tried to add a disc menu -> crash. Tried again OK, tried to remove disc menu -> not possible, tried to drag another template to the disc menu-> crash..

Tried two times to select the blu-ray output medium -> crash. Tried it again -> OK.
Tried to export this one minute to blu-ray -> freeze after some minutes saying, not enough memory (in the taskmanager about 2.2GB of the 4 GB are used, premiere.exe used about 1GB)
Tried with different export option MPEG-2, H.264 ->freeze after some minutes, always saying to low in memory.

Tried to export H.264 to file -> OK. But then I have only the movie, and no disc menu. I don't want another program to create the menu and another program to burn it...
Export to Blu-Ray seems impossible.

I have tried to work for 4 hours. I had at least 10 crashes and freezes, then I gave up and deinstalled it.

The support recommends for example to disable Anti-Virus, running Vista in very basic mode (no glass etc.). This is not what I want and this is not the way users have to do with their computer. Not a single bad program has to define the functionality of a good running PC to the minimum.

The bottom line:
This is the worst program I have ever got from Adobe. I would like to know, if somebody had success to burn a blu-Ray disc.

My HW: New HP DC7800 Quad 2.5GHz, 4G Ram, 1x250G Raid1 C:, 1x750G Drive D: Data, OS Vista Business all latest Driver, Blu-Ray Recorder LG GGW-H20L




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replies 129 Replies 129
Explorer ,
Aug 25, 2009 Aug 25, 2009

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As Hunt indicates, please start a New Thread and list all the items that Hunt has listed in that thread.   The thread that you are on is a very old one which very few people look at.   By starting a new thread, your 'trouble' will be visable to many more people which will result in a lot more help being offered to you.    See you on the New Thread.   Thanks for your understanding.    Kent 




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Explorer ,
Aug 25, 2009 Aug 25, 2009

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Go to the above location  and at the top of the page, click on New. When the "New" screen appears, create a title for your new thread called "PE7 Crashes".    Then, proceed to describe your problem and list all the features of your computer.   We'll then jump in and be glad to help.   See you there!





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New Here ,
Aug 25, 2009 Aug 25, 2009

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I finally got my project finished and am not looking back - I only do video

editing about once a year but I can tell you, next time it will not be with

PE 7. so sorry I cannot help - the way I finally got thru was loading a

completely different hard drive with just the Vista OS, absolutely nothing

else - and PE 7. with PE 7 being the only thing on the whole computer, it

"only" crashed after I would do about 10 changes, then I would reboot and

could do another 10 - since I only had about 25 left to do, I got thru it.

good luck -

just wanna edit




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Explorer ,
Aug 25, 2009 Aug 25, 2009

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I was just wondering.... Do you have any other DVD copy software on your computer? and   Did you go into msconfig.exe and clean up the services and startup tabs?     You have a very capable computer, so it sure sounds like there might have been a little 'gremlin' hanging out in your computer that might have been causing the problem.   There are a number of DVD copy programs that reside in 'memory' even though that DVD copy program isn't running.  Please do me a favor and also look all the programs you have on your computer by clicking on Start, Control Panel, Programs and Features.   Once there, look at all the programs and see if there are any DVD copy programs on your computer. If there are, right click on that program, then select Delete.

I told you previously that I don't give up easily, so please hang in there.   That way, you can have a GOOD experience next time you go to edit your video.

PE7 runs great on the vast majority of all the computers it's installed on, so we just have to find the 'little gremlin' that's causing you problems, and then eliminate it.   Let me know if you find any such programs. Kent




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Mar 11, 2010 Mar 11, 2010

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This thread is now locked. If you have an issue you'd like to discuss, please start a new thread. Thank you.




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