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Scrolling credits in Premiere Elements 2018

New Here ,
Mar 25, 2020 Mar 25, 2020

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I am creating a scrolling credits text at the end of my video, using "Classic Titles - General - Default Roll." I have over 20 names to put in, but when I get to the bottom of the display screen with about 10 names or so entered, the text box will not scroll upward so I can see to enter a name in the next blank slot. When I play it back, it advances to show more slots available, but when I click on it on the timeline to edit, it takes me back to the screen with only 10 names, and apparently no way to enter more. The first time I tried, I hit "tab" to advance to the next slot, and the next time, I pressed "enter" (return). No go either way. I found I could hit return and type a name in, but I had to do so blind (the cursor having advanced to a point out of sight below the bottom of the screen), not sure if it would be in the right place (it wasn't). Also, I could not remove the unused "Add text here" slots at the bottom. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Adobe sure doesn't! And I found no YouTube videos that address this. 

Feature request




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Community Expert ,
Mar 25, 2020 Mar 25, 2020

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When I've done that I start by deleting all but the top text box that says "Main Title".  To delete the other box, I select all the text with a Ctrl+A and press delete.   Typing multiple lines works if you move the box by switching to the Mode arrow and then back to the "T" for typing.  I can post screen shots if needed.




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New Here ,
Mar 25, 2020 Mar 25, 2020

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Thanks! Using the mode arrow allowed me to move the text box. Of course, when I was done I had to reposition the box so that the top of the box was in the right place. But unfortunately, a new issue has confronted me which, like the original, is not covered in any help sources: Because I have so many names, I slowed it down by clicking and dragging the right end of the title on the timeline, stretching it further out. This produced a satisfactory speed, but for some reason there is an unacceptable delay, over 12 seconds, before the credits even appear when I play it back. I tried using the scissors tool to "section off" the blank part at the beginning, then shortening the time, but then it crammed the entire credit reel into that small space, then ran the credits again in the second part, with yet another long delay. I cannot understand why the program defaults to such a long delay at the beginning of the credits before they even appear, and I cannot find any means of changing it.




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Community Expert ,
Mar 25, 2020 Mar 25, 2020

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The rolling credits title can get a little fussy to make work right.   The "work around" may be to put the "work area bars" on the title and export that section to a new file and then use it in your project.  You will have more control over the speed and delays.   You'll also be able to cut the beginning and ending. 




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