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Premiere Elements fails to save scratch disk changes - ie they don't stick/persist

New Here ,
Mar 06, 2021 Mar 06, 2021

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I have Prem Elements 2020 running on an Alienware laptop with two drives: 

  • an SSD (drive C)
  • mechanical drive (drive D)


As drive D is larger, I keep the source files (eg AVIs) and the PRELs, all on D.  But I thought it would make sense to put all the TEMP files on drive C as it's an SSD and therefore fast for the temporary files, but I'd leave the larger (but slower) mechanical drive D to store the source files (eg AVIs etc), the PRELs and finally the mp4 output files.  A good plan  Or so I thought.......


I researched and found the FAQ https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/premiere-elements/using/scratch-disks.html about scratch disks, which says: "If (your PC) has more than one (drive), choose large, secondary hard drives for scratch disks and not the main load drive. In Premiere Elements, you can place each type of scratch file onto its own disk".   Quite clear it appears?


Cool .. so that's a plan then?  Err, NO ... it doesn't work apparently.  Let me explain below, but I'd appreciate if someone can duplicate my steps that lead to the issue below, so I can be sure it's not just my copy of PrEl, but a real bug that I've found.


1. create a temporary folder - (anywhere, but I was using 'C:\Users\NAME\Desktop\PrEl-TMP')


Then open an existing PREL file that's NOT in that folder (just double click on it) and then, once PrEl has opened, in the scratch-disk settings (edit/prefs/scratchdisks) point the Video Previews scratch disk to the new temporary folder you created.  The path should then be displayed, and the button changes to Custom.  Click OK


2. File/Save your newly re-configured PREL file (which should now have the new scratch disk location saved within it)


3. close Prem Elements completely


4. reopen the PREL file again by double-clicking it again, and then repeat the above steps to re-examine the scratch-disk's saved location ...


In my copy of PrEl2020 the new path entered does NOT persist.  And indeed, it changes back to the project path where the PREL file was double-clicked from.  ie the chosen new scratch disk location isn't ever saved - despite your having just changed it.  The same problem happens with any of the scratch disk entries EXCEPT the Media Cache entry, (which IS saved between sessions and edits, and does persist). 


Can someone please try and reproduce this issue, and save my sanity?  😁



Notes: I did try deleting the PREFS file but this doesn't appear to help - see https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/premiere-elements/using/preferences.html 

And also starting PrEl with the keyboard modifiers held down - again no success.

Error or problem






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correct answers 2 Correct answers

Explorer , Mar 10, 2021 Mar 10, 2021

This bug(?) has been around for several years (at least since 2018 and is in the new 2021 version). I've never been able to figure out what the issue is exactly. Sometimes I feel this 'global' setting is actually project specific but your description suggests it's simply a failure to save.



Community Expert , Mar 10, 2021 Mar 10, 2021

"When I leave and then come back and open an existing project my settings ARE maintained..."


Same here for existing projects.  For me, I have them all set to "Same as Project".   The Scratch Disk settings are "sticky" once a project is underway.  But, for me, the Media Cache Scratch Disk setting will only remember Custom.   My solution is to reset it each and every time I open a new project.  However, if I custom set it to an appropriate folder, that will be "sticky".



Community Expert ,
Mar 06, 2021 Mar 06, 2021

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My practice is different.   To take advantage of SSD speeds, I put everthing for a project in a dedicated folder, including copies of the source media files.   In that folder I build a directory for source video, stills, music and output.  As soon as I start the project I double check that all of the scratch disks read "same as project".    When it is time to take a break from the project, or it is finished, I move the entire folder to the D drive, or and external drive, for storage.  

Taking advantage of the SSD speeds improve everything from scrubbing through the timeline while editing to output transcoding.   My usual projects include 4K footage and I'm using a Lenevo gaming laptop.    My SSD is 512GB so has room for projects.  





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Explorer ,
Mar 10, 2021 Mar 10, 2021

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This bug(?) has been around for several years (at least since 2018 and is in the new 2021 version). I've never been able to figure out what the issue is exactly. Sometimes I feel this 'global' setting is actually project specific but your description suggests it's simply a failure to save.





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Community Expert ,
Mar 10, 2021 Mar 10, 2021

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I Must set project/media location EVERY TIME I do a new project, before I do anything else
Every time I start a project I set my project and work files to F:\Adobe
(F is MY drive for temporary files, your drive letter may be different)
I work in EXPERT view to be able to control every aspect of my project
I set every one of the options to F:\Adobe
PrE then automatically creates sub-folders as needed
F:\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements Audio Previews
F:\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements Captured Audio
F:\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements Captured Video
F:\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Elements Video Previews
F:\Adobe\Encoded Files
F:\Adobe\Peak Files


When I leave and then come back and open an existing project my settings ARE maintained... this is using version 2021.1





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Community Expert ,
Mar 10, 2021 Mar 10, 2021

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"When I leave and then come back and open an existing project my settings ARE maintained..."


Same here for existing projects.  For me, I have them all set to "Same as Project".   The Scratch Disk settings are "sticky" once a project is underway.  But, for me, the Media Cache Scratch Disk setting will only remember Custom.   My solution is to reset it each and every time I open a new project.  However, if I custom set it to an appropriate folder, that will be "sticky".





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