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DISCUSS: Quick Export

Adobe Employee ,
Sep 14, 2020 Sep 14, 2020

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Premiere Pro Beta Users!

Screen Shot 2020-09-14 at 5.00.17 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-09-14 at 4.47.27 PM.png

We have an exciting and convenient new way to get your projects exported out of Premiere Pro with just a couple of clicks!  Quick Export takes the frustration and guesswork out of exporting. Just click on the Quick Export icon in the header bar and press Export. The high-quality H.264 output will satisfy the majority of users.


Get your sequence exported with just a few clicks

Quick export is made for exporting sequences with minimal fuss, so make sure the sequence you want to export is in focus.

  1. Click the Quick Export button in the upper right corner of the header bar
  2. You may change the file name and location if you wish (optional)
  3. Click export



There is a shortlist of common H.264 options in the preset dropdown. The default choice “Match Source – Adaptive High Bitrate” will create a high-quality H.264 .mp4 file which is a great choice for most applications – like posting to YouTube (or posting anywhere else online for that matter). There are presets for Medium bitrate or smaller frame sizes which will produce a smaller resulting file and is a good option for stakeholder reviews or where bandwidth is limited.


Advanced options

If you still need more options and other codecs, the exiting Export Settings dialog can still be accessed (File > Export > Media), and you can still queue to Media Encoder for even more flexibility.


Feature request , Feedback , Performance , Question




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Explorer ,
Sep 20, 2020 Sep 20, 2020

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OK, only if you could set your own presets and target location for Quick Export in preferences ?  . Because you can change, of course  the destination  but every action  you have to do it  from the beginning ..  Or if you  can  make a Quick Export right away, for example to You Tube, or FTP. ? it could be cool!    Cheers Wojti




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Enthusiast ,
Sep 23, 2020 Sep 23, 2020

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There are several issues with Quick Export:

1. No keyboard assignable shortcut.  I searched the Keyboard Shortcuts panel for a way to add a keyboard shortcut to Quick Export but didn't find anything.  Will it be possible to assign a keyboard shortcut to this?  If not, this feature is going to be frustrating for power users right off the bat.  Note: When calling up the Quick Export window through a keyboard shortcut, it should appear in the center of the screen by default, and then where ever the user last placed the window (just like it works with the 'Export Settings' window).

2. The export icon is on the 'Workspaces' panel.  That is a terrible place to put the icon for 2 reasons:

  1. Power users create their own custom workspaces in which they eleminate redundant panels as much as possible to maximize efficiency.  Part of maximizing efficiency is getting rid of the 'Workspaces' and the 'Tools' panels (power users assign and memorize custom keyboard shortcuts for their workspaces and tools and therefore have no need for those panels cluttering up their workspace).
  2. Users who do use the 'Workspaces' panel almost certainly will have it at the very top of the screen.  This puts the Quick Export button further out of reach of the user.  A much better place to place the icon is in the Program Monitor, inside the Button Editor so users can place it where they want it!  While not everyone uses the Workspaces panel, it's safe to say that 100% of Pr editors use the Program Monitor.  Plus, since the buttons on the Program Monitor are at the bottom of the window, this will usually place the Quick Export button closer to the Timeline where most of an editor's mouse action happens.

3. The save location defaults to my 'Documents' folder on Windows 10 everytime I reopen a project.  Sorry to be blunt, but this is terrible design.  The save location should default to the last saved location, on a project per project basis.  When working on two or more projects at once, users want their exports to go into the correct folder relative to the current project being worked on (e.g. Exports from project 'Test 2' should go in the 'Exports' folder for project 'Test 2'.  Likewise, exports from project 'Test 1' should automatically go into the 'Exports' folder for project 'Test 1').  Unfortunately, the 'Exprt Settings' panel always defaults to the last export location for any project rather than the last used location for the current project. THIS is a problem that should be fixed first and foremost, before spending time on Quick Export!  Rather than fixing this export location problem, Quick Export makes things even worse by always defaulting to the same export folder every time a project is reopened.

4. The blue 'Export' button can't be activated by hitting 'Enter'.  Mousing over to a button and clicking on it is always slower than using a keyboard shortcut, so enabling 'Enter' is a must for maximum efficiency (the 'Export Settings' window does allow users to hit Enter to activate the 'Queue' button, so the omission of this in the Quick Export window is both strange and inconsistent)


As it stands now, despite being simpler, the Quick Export tool is even slower to use than the traditional Export Settings window!

Note: I'm surprised development time is being spent on this feature that probably few if any people were asking for.  The issue people have been asking to be fixed, saddly, still isn't being addressed: the problem of exported files always defaulting to the last used export location, whether that location is relevant to the current project or not.  Please fix this first! 


Final thought: Rather than making Quick Export a completely separate window, why not combine it with the current 'Export Settings' window?  Give users 2 display options they can easily toggle between (via toggle button or 2 tabs): 'Quick' which would show the current 'Quick Export' interface, and 'Advanced' which would show all of the options of the current 'Export Settings' window.  This way, either interface could be called up using the same export button (added to the Program Monitor) or using the same Keyboard shortcut!  The display setting should of course be 'sticky', meaning that if a user toggled the window to the 'Quick' view upon last use, when calling up the export window again it should display once again as 'Quick'.  Finally, user saved export presets should be accessible from the 'Quick Export' view, and also be 'sticky' (defaults to last used preset when opening a project again).


Thanks for listening!







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Enthusiast ,
Sep 23, 2020 Sep 23, 2020

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I posted a more detailed version of my post above on User Voice: https://adobe-video.uservoice.com/forums/911233-premiere-pro/suggestions/41469646-fix-issues-with-cu... and included some illustrations (which I've added here as well for reference).

Quick Export - Task Manager does it right.jpg

Quick Export - Bad approach.jpgQuick Export button location.jpg




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Participant ,
Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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Here are a few thoughts on the illustrations... I agree the top right corner isn't ideal, but my only issue with putting it in the program monitor area is that area is super customizable, so people may not want that icon there (and maybe it is better as a toggleable icon) So then the next best place in my mind is somewhere in the sequence pane maybe? The most logical would be at the end of the icon stack that usually sits to the right maybe? I also think to reinforce it it would be nice as a right-click menu option when you are selecting that particular sequence out of the project panel. People have different habits on how they do a task, and lord knows Premiere usually gives you a thousand ways to do the same thing (which is a good thing.)




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Enthusiast ,
Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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Thanks for your thoughts Mizzou95.  Is this the location you're suggesting in the Timeline?

Any location is better than the icon's current location in the Workspaces panel, IMO.


Export Menu Button in Timeline.jpg






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Participant ,
Oct 03, 2020 Oct 03, 2020

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I went back and looked closer, and yup, either side of that wrench in my opinion would be ideal. It is close to what you're working on, and I believe everything inside that set of icons associates with each individual timeline, so if you have multiple timelines open it would associate with the timeline that you have open in front of you. (I often have the 5pm story 6pm story and others open at once, so if it associates with the timeline I am working on then I know the right one is going out) I would think they could program that to be there by default, but then have a toggle within the Timeline settings wrench next to it for people who absolutely never think they ever use that option.




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Engaged ,
Sep 24, 2020 Sep 24, 2020

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Pierre, thank you for articulating these issues. I agree completely. We shouldn't have to waste our time asking for keyboard shortcuts for a "Quick" feature. This is half baked at best. 




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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 24, 2020 Sep 24, 2020

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Thank you for your candid feedback, we welcome it.  Stay tuned for more updates.  This is not the end of the road by any means for this feature.  




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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 24, 2020 Sep 24, 2020

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Thank you very much for the great feedback. 
We are aware of many problems and we are working on features that will make it much more useful, but all feedback is much appreciated.

The current export settings design is quite scary to new users so the quick export should really simplify it. I don't think moving the button to program monitor would be as discoverable for new users, but we definitely need a shortcut and better accessibility. 

Please keep the feedback coming as we iterate on the feature. Thanks again.




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Enthusiast ,
Oct 02, 2020 Oct 02, 2020

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Hi Dima,


"I don't think moving the button to program monitor would be as discoverable for new users"
I disagree, and here's the simple reason why: a button on a panel that all users have visible in their Workspace  all of the time (i.e. the Program Monitor), is guaranteed to be more discoverable than a button that is on a panel that not everyone uses.  Sure, the Workspaces panel might appear by default when a user first uses Pr, but with so many people editing on laptops nowadays, that panel takes up screen real estate most editors simply can't afford.  In many cases, users are better served by removing that panel from their workspace altogether, since in addition to taking up screen real estate and further poluting the layout, that panel doesn't offer any functionality a user can get through the 'Window' menu and/or through keyboard shortcuts.
If the concern is to make the button more discoverable, just place it prominently among the Source and Program Monitor's buttons by default rather than hiding it in the Button Editor.
I agree with you 100% that the Export Settings window can be scary to new users.  The best solution to this problem however is not to create a new separate tool, but to provide a simplified view of the Export Settings window.  This approach would be MUCH MORE discoverable and easy to access than an entirely new tool since this simplified view would share the same keyboard shortcut, the same menu option and the same on screen buttons as the More Options view which is the current Export Settings window.
Here is what the interface could look like:
Export - Less or More Info.jpg
By default, new users would see the simplified interface.  If they're curious to see what the added options are, they can easily toggle the More Options view.  If they're horrified by what they see, they can instantly toggle back to the Less Options view! 😉




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Engaged ,
Oct 02, 2020 Oct 02, 2020

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Once again, I agree completely with Pierre. Adobe's implementation of this feature breaks numerous principles of intuitive design. Your idea of making the Export window work like Task Manger would be the best improvement to Premiere's UI in years. 




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Participant ,
Oct 01, 2020 Oct 01, 2020

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I will offer a few thoughts and counter arguments...


1. I would love to be able to "set" a custom preset of my own design as my quick export as others have mentioned. I have not seen specifically, but if the default isn't "Entire sequence" it should be. Essentially it would be great to take my "favorite" export settings and be able to set them as my Quick Export settings.

2. Pierre complained about files defaulting to their last exported location. I prefer that. In my television news workflow, I export my story to the same folder every day because my CMS software looks in that folder by default, thus it is faster for me to always export to the same location so that I can export it into our playback server from anywhere in the field.

3. A hotkey to launch quick export would be fantastic. Perhaps I end up remapping my familiar Ctl-M to the quick export function that knows the export settings I use and prefer 99.9% of the time.




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Engaged ,
Oct 02, 2020 Oct 02, 2020

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2) I don't think you read his post correctly. He is advocating for the behaviour you request. As a TV engineer, I agree too. 




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Engaged ,
Sep 25, 2020 Sep 25, 2020

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In addition to woytekz's notes; 

  • There is no Menu Bar item
  • One cannot export the range on the source monitor
  • The Quick Export menu takes multiple seconds to open
  • Save as Type on Windows doesn't show up correctly


Every new feature should get a menu bar item and keyboard shortcut. Essential Sound and Graphics shipped with barely any keyboard shortcuts.


Can you please fix the tab button selecting the timecode field in the Timeline window too? DVAPR-4217854




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Contributor ,
Dec 10, 2020 Dec 10, 2020

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Is there gonnan be an option to export "quick" the proxy version of the edit? Or is this stay within the File-export menu ?

The IN-OUT option would be great ? 


I think quick export is ment to be a fast export for a director? Then it would be nice if you work in proxies to use that. 




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