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Is this at all possible on media export?

Participant ,
May 20, 2020 May 20, 2020

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Is it possible to have a default selection for exporting media when it comes to selecting Entire timeline, In/Out etc. and crucially that default would carry over to AME when using it through either Queue or dropping a timeline into the render queue via dynamic link?


I ask this because 99.999% of the time I want Entire Timeline. Most of the time I dynamically link my timelines in AME and drop a finished one in there and let it render while I start to work on the next version for the next newscast.


Last night I didn't realize I had a rouge in point about 7 seconds into a 12-second reporter stand up intro. Guess what went on air in our newscast? Yup, a 4-second intro that made no sense. The default settings for both AME and the local export suck that you cannot pick "Entire Timeline" and it will default to that if that's your jam. In news we move fast and sometimes little things that should not have any consequence on the final export like a random in-point still sitting on the timeline can literally kill a story. Even a simple checkbox next to the selector that says "Make this selection my default" and it locks it in until you need to change it would be fantastic. ANYTHING to let me lock in "Entire sequence" as my default exporting method on Premiere and Media Encoder needs to happen. And yes, I've suggested this in the little online suggestion thing that becomes the black hole of type it and nothing ever happens, so I'm hoping since people who write and tweak the code are in here a lot they can look at this and think to themselves "Hey, that's a fix that would take me 'x hours' to do" and they do it.

Feature request , Question






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Adobe Employee ,
May 22, 2020 May 22, 2020

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Hi, I can understand your frustration when you accidentally trigger a behavior that was intended to be helpful (if an In or In/Out range is set in your Timeline sequence, set the export range to match). I also checked User Voice requests and I'm not seeing many requests to change the current behavior, but would like to hear from anyone else how they would prefer it to work. We have to be careful about changing long-standing behavior if there isn't a good amount of support for it, because there are likely many other users who are happy with the way it's working today. A preference to always use Entire Sequence by default could be another solution. Question: if we made it much more noticeable when an In/Out range was set in the Export settings preview monitor, would that help you notice it and then remember to reset the range to "Entire Sequence" if that's what you wanted instead? 





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Participant ,
May 22, 2020 May 22, 2020

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Honestly, it really wouldn't help to make the in/out range more noticeable. I am coming at this from a fairly unique perspective as a television news photographer. 4 out of 5 nights I have on average 45 minutes to edit a 2-minute story, export it and feed it into our servers from wherever we are that night. There are nights I use every single second I can get to make slot. You lay that last edit in and some nights it is just start the export process or we aren't going to make it. And there's a good chance my mind is already moving to the live shot I need to set up, so getting tripped up by an errant in or out point can be a catastrophe. 

I totally get what you are saying about changing the behavior. To me one of these two solutions would be fantastic... 1. Put something in the preferences menu that selects the default range (and leave it to what everyone is used to as the default, but people like me can go into the menus and select something we want instead and that will be our personal default export range) or when you bring up Ctl-M have a checkbox next to the selection thing that locks the selection in place, a "Make this my default choice" checkbox that if I select Entire Range and check that it will lock that in. I don't know which method is easier to use so it translates across to AME as well. Often now I will just use the dynamic link method of bringing up my projects and grabbing timelines and dropping them into the export dialog in AME. I would kind of think a preference setting would be easier to translate across, but I'm not a computer programmer. The downside to that method is if there is an in point or outpoint I don't know about it will screw me, and AME has no way of choosing a different export selection. Even a menu option next to your video codec and file name that said export range that you could select would be a huge improvement there. At least I would see Entire Range selected and know that is what's going out.

Either way, thanks for listening!





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