DISCUSS: Faster warp stabilizer
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We just made the Warp Stabilizer way faster! The warp stabilizer is one of our most popular effects in both Premiere Pro and After Effects and it is known for doing a really high-quality job of stabilizing shaky footage. We are seeing speeds up to 4 times faster.
Warp Stabilizer
What’s different
Stabilization is a two-phase operation
- Analysis
- Stabilization
We found that the analysis phase is taking 90-95% of the overall stabilization process. We took various steps to dramatically improve the time it takes to analyze the shaky footage while leaving the actual stabilization process unchanged. The result is that the quality of the stabilization is as good as before – just way faster.
Please tell us what YOU think
The improvements are turned on by default so just use the tool like you always do. If you are happy with the results let us know in the comments below. If you are NOT happy, definitely let us know in the comments. You can disable these improvements to go back to the old method to compare the results.
Uncheck the Fast Analysis box to revert back to the old version of the warp stabilizer.
Fast analysis
Question to the beta community
If you are happy with the new results, can we remove the option to use “Fast analysis” and just have it be fast all the time? Or do you find cases where the old method yields better results? Please leave comments below. We really appreciate your participation in the beta discussion!!!
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About time. I'm sure this was a top 5 user voice post on a regular basis look forward to trying this out.
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Okay this is exciting news....
Can I add one suggestion for the team, can you add a way to "exclude" parts of the frame from how itcalculates the stabilze? Not sure how big of deal it would be to most people, but I sometimes find that it helps to have a way to ignor parts of the video frame. Right now if Warp Stabilize fails to work well enough, I switch over to Mocha (so I can exclude stuff), but I prefer the simplicty and more automatic modes of Warp Stabilize.
As a second suggestion, can you make it so that if you are doing multiple clips at the same time, that it works better when you have 10 clips or more being processed. I like to have it process the footage, then tweak the settings for each clip.
Would be nice to also add ability after a past effect command to automaticaly start the process too :-), not trying to be greedy, but I had to ask.
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I think currently we are providing this feature in After Effect, you can remove unwanted feature points for stabilization, we may add this feature in Premiere Pro also in the future.
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Please do add to Premier the removal of unwanted feature points with warp stabilizer. That would be such a welcome addition.
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THIS would solve so many issues if this was a feature.
I need to say that removing unwanted feature points is not the solve we are looking for. And with FPV footage with mounted cinema cams, it's impossible. Unfortunately will need to look for alternative software if this isn't fixed in the near future.
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Stabilization used to be single threaded and the workaround was to analyze multiple clips at once so it would use multiple threads. It looks like this is no longer working on 23.0.0 on my system..
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I should also add, please find a way to speed up saving process. It appears Warp Stabilize saves the data inside the project file, and when you have any notable amount of clips with stabilize effects, the saving process is dramaticaly slow. It would be nice if the stabilize data was stored seperate from the project file, and that way any save requests would be fast.
Something that maybe would be worth while doing short term, is at least with auto-save, to avoid resavings the stabilze data. I have projects that can take over 5 min to save because of the stabilization data in an autosave. My system is not slow, everything is on seperate NVME drives, 128GB and an RTX 3090 video card... the warp stabilize contributes significantly to the save time of projects files and slows down the edits. I have resorted to stabilization, then export each clip, and then import them back into the project to avoid this limitation.
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Thanks for pointing out, we will look into this.
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It we be reallty nice to get the save time optimized.... thank you for looking into it.
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I have the same issue! I have a relatively quick auto save interval so it really starts to interrupt the workflow once I have added the effect.
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Just an update. I have noticed the disk utilization is only 20 MB/s when auto saving. If autosave could push the save to the disk at a faster speed, then this might help. Recently the saving has been taking so long that the program stops responding or crashed when it tries to save.
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You have to make premiere go as fast as Davinci, use the cpu to the fullest, if not people are going to davinci because adobe is very, very slow. Please there are many working on it, do it now or it will be too late and They will all migrate to DaVINCI, which from what I see on YouTube are already leaving. Thank you
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if warp stabilizer slowness issue isn't being fixed within this month I'm literally leaving this program, even if they redeem themselves. Too much time has been spent trouble shooting and trying to fix yet another 100th bug and workaround everytime an update is being released. Every single project I spend atleast 25% of my time just fixing premiere problems. The monthly money spent is no longer justifying using this software (if it has ever). Davinci Resolve is currently killijg every other program out there and since I bought a black magic product, I actually have it at my disposal, for free!, right now! the full studio version! I stayed with Premiere because I finally started to be able to use it really well after 3 years, but I'm just tired of constantly wasting hours on fixing problems. Get your house in order, guys!
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I agree
I suggest Davinci Resolve
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So, very exciting to get the feature update... do you know what version number to expect it to arrive in (outside of the beta)?
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The fast analysis feature will be available in the March Release.
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Fast stabilization works execelent. I tried it for many videos and just few times need to change to common method.
Sad it is not in 14.9 release of premeire.
(there is some problem with warp stab which i described here https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro/warp-stabilizer-error/m-p/11760820
but it is not about "fast stabilization", it exists it regular version of effect too..)
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The fast stabilization feature will be available in the March Release.
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Warp Stabilizer: Never Good Enough: Why Cannot Be As Good as DaVinci Stabilizer or ProDad Mercalli
- Premiere Pro 2022.04
- have Intel Core i7-1165G7 (11th Gen) 16GB Ram, 475 Gb, SSD, Laptop with 2GB external graphic card
Premiere Pro Warp Stabilizer has been extremely slow ( does not even work at all in some clips longer than few seconds long) whereas DaVinci or stand-alone ProDad stabilizer (add-on Prodad no longer works fine in the recent versions of Premiere PRO - no thanks to Adobe) in my laptop
Some will say "why don't I get a more powerful processor/system"
I'd say "why doesn't Adobe get their act together and code it good enough to work properly, requiring less resources like DaVinci stabilizer or Prodad Stabilizer"
C'mon guys & girls:
please fix the stabilizer issue first before adding new features (they are mostly beta to be tested anyway)
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In a recent product announcement, Blackmagic Design announced that they now use the Gyro data recorded by the sensor in their cinema line-up of cameras (URSA & Pockets) to help stabilize footage in Resolve.
When will Premiere Pro support this feature? Are you able to read out gyro data embedded in the metadata of recorded footage from said cameras?
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The majority of issues that occur with using Warp stabilizer is when multiple things in the frame move or when you have a camera shake that translates differently to the foreground vs the background.
The result in both cases is that you get the wobble-warping effect.
So far, the only solution was to take the clip to After Effects and - in Advanced mode - start going through the clip frame by frame deleting the keypoints you don't want the stabilization to happen on (e.g. by deselecting points on a moving person separate from their background, or delete points in the foreground).
Will we see similar features in Warp in PPro?
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Another feature I would like to see added to Warp Stabilizer is this use case:
Suppose that you have recorded an interview but inadvertently bumped the camera for a few moments.
One approach is to stabilize the entire shot, which takes up a lot of processing time and power.
Another approach is to make a few cuts just before and after the point(s) where the bump(s) occurred and apply Warp only to the designated section between the cuts. The result, however, is at least two jumps between the previous and the next cut point, as Warp will resize the frame to accomodate for the bump(s).
It would be cool if you could instruct Warp Stabilizer to do its magic on certain parts of the recorded clip, but leave other parts untouched, setting the sizing of the preceding clip and the succeeding clip in such a manner that you won't see a visual difference.
Is that a viable thing to achieve?