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Hi everyone,
ProRes RAW support is now available in the released (non-Beta) versions of:
- After Effects 17.1
- Media Encoder 14.2
- Premiere Pro 14.2
- Premiere Rush 1.5.12
For System Requirements, please see:
Thank you to all for your feedback during the Feature Development. We will post a new discussion thread when we make further enhancements to ProRes RAW support.
PS: In case you don't see the above updates, try "Check for updates" from the He
...Hi Everyone:
We have now added support of ProresRaw on Intel and AMD GPU based systems on Windows platform.
The following Beta applications support import of ProRes RAW footage:
- Media Encoder (Beta) 14.3.2_36 (and later)
- Premiere Pro (Beta) 14.3.2_40 (and later)
- After Effects (Beta) 17.1.4_001
- Premiere Rush (Beta) 1.5.29_002
System Requirements:
Intel Integrated or AMD GPU with the latest drivers. 4GB or more Video Memory recommended for AMD GPU cards.
Required user-installation of
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Hi Ryan,
Thanks for the info and the sample clip you posted. We are actively investigating issue with ProRes RAW and Nikon/ NinjaV incorrect color.
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Having the same issue here, blown out exposure and oversaturated colors, especially reds, despite everything looking correct on the scopes when recorded (Nikon Z6 via Ninja V, ProRes RAW). Thanks for working this issue.
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You should be able to recover highlights through the "Source Settings" screen (first need to "Disable Masterclips Effect" to access it). The problem we're left now is with crap colour science because Adobe is missing the RAW to Log transform for this footage (waiting 3 weeks without an update now). Hope they can provide an update or at least show progress in some way * cough RAW to Log transform field in Source Settings cough*.
I mean, a temporary workaround/placeholder (S-Log3/S-Gamut3) shouldn't take that long to implement while they figure out the proper debayer/transform with Nikon. So frustrating sometimes and this is coming from someone who used to manage a software development support hub. More transparency Adobe peeps.
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Been a month. Got an update ? Seriously man.
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It claims that proress Raw files are "Unknown compression type"
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I have the latest 14.2.0 (build 5) and I am also getting this "Unknown compression type" error. I have downloaded and installed the Apple driver ProRes RAW Decoder , rebooted my computer and have all of the system requirements met. Am I missing something? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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Hi there I imported some prores raw footage to premiere and i encounter this error. I thought you guys added support for this codec on the latest beta version. Is there something im doing wrong on my end?
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Hi Mangual,
we currently have it available in private beta - subject to change shortly!
I'll post to this thread once we have a public build that has it.
Stay tuned
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COLOR CORRECTEDThank you guys for your hard work. Now i am able to edit raw footage. Is working great so far.
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Hi R. Mangual,
Glad you have ProRes RAW imports working now.
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Well, I followed the above instructions. And downloaded the BETA decoder to test it out. No luck on my end. I even updated my Premiere Pro CC to 14.0.1. And restarted my computer. Thoughts? My rig: i7-8700 | Nvidia 1080TI | 32 RAM | NVME Main Drive. Recording to an Atomos Inferno. Tested both ProResRAW and ProResRAW HQ.
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14.0.1 is a little old; could you confirm the PPro version, from the About box?
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Oh Sorry ... I just did the update and read that number. Now that I got into Premiere and clicked the About. Its ver 14.0.4 (Build 18)
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That's the official release version of PPro, not the Beta version (which contains ProRes RAW support).
Manish/Patrick, perhaps you could provide some guidance?
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OH I see ... I didnt realize there was a separate BETA Premiere Pro running around ... Thanks.
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So I guess we can't get a link for the Beta version ... would be nice to test this out. Considering most of us are just home and hanging out. these days 🙂
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Update ... I found it in my CreativeCloud ... thanks. Woot.
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Hi Arden,
I will reach out to you directly and get you set up for Beta.
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Hi Martin,
I'll reach out to you and we can make that happen.
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Hi Ryan,
Users should be downloading 14.2 series from Beta Apps on Creative Cloud. Try "Check for Updates" to refresh listing.
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On Updates Page, try "Check for Updates" in the pull down "...." menu on right-hand side to refresh listing.
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Done that. Several times.