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Adobe MAX 2021 is Oct. 26-28 and it's totally free

Adobe Employee ,
Oct 11, 2021 Oct 11, 2021

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Sign up for the conference here!

Registering for MAX before the start of the event will allow you to create a personalized schedule of the presentations you want to attend. There are tons of options – bookmark the sessions most relevant to you so nothing gets missed! Registered users will also be able to sign back in after the conference is over to watch replays of sessions, whether or not you attended them during the event.


See all available training sessions here!

Sort the sessions by product, speaker, or category to find the events that are best suited for you. Some of them are classes with step-by-step tutorials, some of them are discussions on creativity, some of them are sneak peaks into what's coming next from Adobe! All sessions will encourage you to connect with other creatives around the world, and pick up a few new tools along the way.


We hope Adobe MAX will be an extraordinary virtual event that leaves you inspired and empowered. Open to all, at no cost.


FAQ can be found here.

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