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I have seen posts elsewhere complaining about the excessively large file size created by Premiere Pro, eg thread "Estimated File size 322MB, Real File size 1.6GB" ), and I'm finding the same issue in Rush (Windows 10 Desktop version). Yes I have read all the posts about reducing quality etc., but the file size is still excessive. Unfortunately the solution of turning off hardware encoding as I have seen in a couple of forums including the thread above cannot be done in Rush as the option does not exist. So... any solutions ? Just for comparison, I did exactly the same project in the Windows 10 Photos App (yes you can edit Videos in there!) and the output file size was much more sensible, and yes I was comparing apples to apples in terms of the codec and quality etc. as closely as possible. Unfortunately the App doesn't quite have all the features I want. hence looking at Rush
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Hello Dangermouserd,
Unfortunately, longer videos and/or 4K videos do take up a good amount of storage no matter what you do. A video that is over 1 GB in size, even in H.264 format, is completely normal, particularly if it is 4K and over 10 min. in length. How would you describe your video in terms of codec, frame size, and duration? File sizes in video are large, typically, and it's hard to get around that. What is the issue with 1 GB videos? Do you need additional storage?
Hardware encoding doesn't affect the file size as much as frame size, frame rate, codec, and duration. I would say that it's not a significant factor when comparing it with a standard H.264 export.
The Windows app has a different framework, uses different code, and encodes files differently than Rush. That would be difficult to compare, so I'd avoid doing so.
Come back with further questions.
Thank You,
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I downloaded Rush because Premiere Pro has similar issues. I thought Rush would be able to export a closer file size to the original but no - IT'S WORSE!
I had a 256mb file, i trimmed 15 seconds from the video and didn't add anything else. Estimated file size on automatic, 2.3GB! Lowest I could get was 799MB! Rediculous
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This is absolutely true. Completely obvious when you get started using the application and see how it makes files BIGGER when you cut down the footage
Rush is basically unusable for its stated reason for existing
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Is there a solution for Premier Rush excessive file size?
I am having the same problem and I did not add anothing to the video. I only trimmed the beginning and end and the file size increased. Please advise...
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I had 1 GB file, only clipped out 15 minutes in the middle, no titles, no transition, nothing, exported and voilà , 5.8 GB. Reduced from 1080p to 720p, still 3.6 GB (original 1080p 1.01 GB). This is not acceptable from a software I pay, I am glad I know command line and ffmpeg enough to fix this trash.
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Hi Kevin
When I import videos to Adobe Rush they run really slow in the edit view and the audio doesnt play. I mean, I can se the audio line and audio volume on the bottom right side, but it doesnt play. (I have check mi computer volume several times, I know thats not the problem)
Can you please help? 😞
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Was there a resolution for this issue? I have the same problem. I started with a 208GB file (16min video), uploaded to Rush, made a few cuts here and there (resulting in about 1minute shorter video) and exported it. I did not add anything. At 1080p (default settings), the file was 817GB. I tried 740p and got a 433MB file. What would the export file be twice the size as the file I started with?
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Very sorry about this and that I lost track of this discussion. I'll continue to investigate as to why this could have happened. Wishing you luck in all your creative pursuits.
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I had the same problem. I started with a 5KB file, trimmed 2 seconds out of it, and it became 56KB. That's insane. This is the first time I've used Rush and I'm uninstalling it.
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Any update on this? I have a Zoom video that was 880MB out of Zoom. Uploaded to Rush, trimmed 9 seconds off the beginning, and the file it wants to export is estimated at 10692MB!!! This has happened with EVERY other file I have tried with Rush.
I've reduced resolution, tried the low-rez Facebook and Youtube outputs and reduced quality to Med....all are absolutely enormous, any times the size of the original. How can this be???
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Hi Kevin-Monahan
I am having the same problem. The source file is 79,935Kb. The source video footage is from a screen recording - lots of static areas - very little changes.
I editted the video - cut out 2 minutes of video and exported it from Rush.
The exported file is 255,933Kb.
The lowest settings are too high:720P is too high a setting for rendering a screen recording. Is there anything I can do to drop the quality down lower?
Thank you
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Hi, @Kevin-Monahan - will you followup, please? It's been over a year since you said you'd investigate and over 2 years since this was reported as a problem for so many of us. Thanks.
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It's been multiple years since this issue was first reported. It has not been resolved or even addressed. This isn't a glitch. It happens with every render, for every person, on every install installation of Rush. When will Adobe fix their faulty software?
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@jshaha, @richardd31820739 , @marianjway , @IDRA_MMVega , @DrDug , @MarkPizz , @Szilard23092697otc9 , @mmowrer , @Andrew Jasper HPS , @wade0D44 - and anyone else posting on this thread:
PLEASE CONTACT ADOBE CUSTOMER SUPPORT to report this Premiere Rush performance issue. It's clear that they are not monitoring this community. But contacting customer support will for sure document this.
Log in to CC at:
Engage the chat icon from the bottom right.
Request support for Premiere Rush issue - "something else" (so you get a chat support person and not a list of docs)
In your chat, please make sure to link to this thread, .
Together, we can push the envelope! Thanks.
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Since we can only tag 10 folks at a time, also tagging: @defaultv9jw6wa62sug , @casmith1 , @liladude , @marionp81845128 , @jradob68
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We have to assume all this inflation is data embedding, and sale of this meta data to the online hosts.
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this comment was in Dec, 2020, now it's Feb, 2023, i persuaded my bosses to buy me a creative cloud Subscribtion becasue i believed Adobe has a Solution for everything, i ended up sending them waaaay bigger files than the original ones i recieved! and that did not make them happy because they cant send the clients back with tripple+ file sizes, i assume there was no solutions in recent updates from Rush, anyone found a solution during all this years ? or do i accept my boss's suggesion ? to switch to another Software ? im comfurtable using Adobe Apps but this is a big issue
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If you have the subscription to all apps, open the Rush project in Premiere Pro. Then, export to Media Encoder where you can have more control over export file sizes.
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Also having this issue--I cut 15 minutes out of a 300 mb training mp4 and exporting it on the lowest settings blows this up to 1.3 gb. Many of my clients have hosting limits of sorts on their (paid, premium) video hosting plans and it's frustrating not to have a decent Adobe authoring tool for this.
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So I was working with way bigger files to see what would happen. I had 24 videos, roughly 2Gb each which totalled 50Gb about. All I did was edit them together into one long video and the file size went from 50Gb to 364Gb. This is absoultely unacceptable. Especially since it's a paid program. Its been 2 years since this thread and there has been no fix.