Rush keeps on crashing (usually after I add an image to a video)
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I have abatnd new laptop (with Ryzen 7, 16GB Ram, multicore etc etc.....) but since I installed Rush on it yesterday I´ve barely been able to work with it for more than 5 minutes. I need to add images to my videos but almost every time I do, the programme starts to freeze. Instead of showing the image with the soundtrack underneath, it will usually show a frozen image of the original video instead. Even when i then try to play another, seperate part of the clip, these begin to freeze, too. Based on the sheer number of complaints from users, i´m getting a little worried that this was an expensive mistake
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Hi Ryan!
Sorry about the performance issue. Can you provide the following information?
- What type of files are you editing (codec/ format, frame rate, frame size)?
- Can you try resetting the preferences?
- Could you check if there's an update available for your GPU driver?
Let us know.
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GPU driver is fully updated
Frame size 1920 x 1080, frame rate 30.5 per sec, format mp4. All clips
shot on a Samsung Galaxy S9 which fulfils the specs needed for Rush.
Honestly, the last couple of weeks have been incredibly frustrating and I
feel aggrieved that I´m paying for something that is completely unusable.
If I cant find a solution soon , I´m going to have to request a refund or
an upgrade to a more reliable package
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Hey Ryan,
Sorry about this. Can you control the size of your images? You don't want them to be too large for a HD video. 2K frame size is more than enough to pan and zoom. I like to preprocess images in Photoshop before editing with them. Do you have access to an image editing program? Hope we can help.
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Hey Kevin,
I actually stopped using images and I still had the same problem. I thought it was because i was trying to edit a large number of files together (10-12) but even when i cut it down to 3-4 files i had the same problem.
I got some help from someone at Adobve the other day who showed me how to transcode the files. I´m about to find out if that solves the problem.
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Hello Kevin,
It looks like the transcoding has stopped one of my problems - the editing of videos seems at least to be possible.
Hoewever, my issue with adding images has not gone away - for example when I add an image which is 1023 x 755 and only 260kb, it causes major issues with Rush. when reviewing the files after adding the image, the entire project will stop working properly. Once the blue line finishes passing through the image, the preview screen goes completely black with only the sound remaining. I then have to restart the programme.
I dont have photoshop or access to any other editing software. When i purchased Rush, i made sure that my hardware had all the necessary specs. I really didnt think that after almost two months of frustration and lost time that I´d have to be considering buying more software just to carry out the most basic tasks (editing in very small pics into my projects).