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Neat little program but..
Where does Ru store its project and preview files on a PC.
The tutorial tour does not go past Transitions.
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Hi Ann,
Rush video previews are stored here: Documents\Adobe\Premiere Rush\Managed Media\Adobe Premiere Rush Video Previews
I also want to know were the project file is stored.
The project file isn't stored the way Premiere Pro does it. The project is stored on the cloud and the project file database is located here locally: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\Team Projects Local Hub
Also if i want to save the file local it is always set to Document, it does not remember last setting.
...Sync with Creative Cloud lets you sync between multiple devices. The project is stored in Creative Cloud but the format of that data is very different than a standalone project file. Hence, you wouldn't find that in your Creative Cloud storage.
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Hey Ann!
Render files are saved in the default premiere Pro location ‘common’ Folder.
You can force render by going to the sequenced menu and select prepare Media for playback.
Let us know when you find it!
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I dont want to force render
I only want to know were everything is stored.
Render files are saved in the default premiere Pro location ‘common’ Folder.
Can you give me the path there a more then one common folders.
I do not like render files on my C drive.
I also want to know were the project file is stored.
Dont seem to be able to delete them from the program
Also if i want to save the file local it is always set to Document, it does not remember last setting.
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Hi Ann,
Rush video previews are stored here: Documents\Adobe\Premiere Rush\Managed Media\Adobe Premiere Rush Video Previews
I also want to know were the project file is stored.
The project file isn't stored the way Premiere Pro does it. The project is stored on the cloud and the project file database is located here locally: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common\Team Projects Local Hub
Also if i want to save the file local it is always set to Document, it does not remember last setting.
Let me check what's going on there.
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The project must be somewhere on the computer as I have uncheck syncing to the cloud.
I check the cloud and they are nowhere to be found.
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Sync with Creative Cloud lets you sync between multiple devices. The project is stored in Creative Cloud but the format of that data is very different than a standalone project file. Hence, you wouldn't find that in your Creative Cloud storage.
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The Rush projects are supposed to be importable into premiere. If there's no workable standalone project file, how can that be done?
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Actually, no need to reply, I've found the answer. Go to the home page of premiere pro and click on "open premiere rush project"
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Rush projects do indeed easily import into Premiere.
My guess is when you create your project on your IOS device, and it gets stored in Creative Cloud, the playlist (edit) is invisibly meshed in with all the media that is also stored with that project in the Cloud.
When you click on Open Premiere Rush Project . . . on the splash page of Premiere Pro, it will open a panel that will show you all available Rush projects currently on the Cloud that you can open in Premiere.
Rush works on a different structural paradigm than Premiere, which makes it well suited (IMHO) for the target user and that user's purpose.
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Hi Rameez_Khan:
Sorry I don't understand your question. how can we access the sync file in Creative Cloud?
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This sounds so easy - and thanks for posting - but that folder doesn't exist. I see the managed media; but only two folders in there different titles, and both are empty. I honestly cannot find my project. I don't even know the extension to be able to do a *. search - even finding this info online is rather difficult 😞
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Hi Deanne,
Sorry for the confusion, but there is no physical project file with Rush. It's a strange concept, but having project data stored in the cloud is how cloud computing and applications work in some cases. So, don't drive yourself crazy - there is no project file to find, per se.
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then how do you upload it to an email or youtube?
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If there is no project file, then Adobe Premiere Rush must be creating something else because it does eat hard drive space. I have also searched for these "files" but I can't find them. It's as simple as this: I right click on my OS (C:) and then properties to see how much space I have left. Then after I create/work on a project on Rush I go back to check on my hard drive space and I have less space (sometimes at least 1GB less space). There might be no project file to find, but there must be something else.
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Dear Adobe Team, you are continuously writing that Rush projects are not the typical files, etc. etc., and they are stored in the cloud. What does it happen when my space in Creative Cloud (100GB) is full and I need more for my projects? I don't want to buy more space on CC, since I have plenty TB on Microsoft OneDrive. Thanks
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Is it possible to save ONLY on my laptop and NOT on the cloud ? I prefer to have everything all on my laptop.
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We cannot save or backup projects manually and the auto-save refuses to work!? So we are stuck... renders the program pretty useless.
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There is nothing 'neat' about a little program that loses hours of work after resetting preferences as told because something wasn't working correctly. Now all projects are removed from the start screen and can be found nowhere!!?
Makes no sense. Thanks.
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Same here. Upgraded to Rush v2 and my locally stored projects have disappeared from the home screen. 25 projects gone. Adobe seem to be ignoring my help requests.
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This has just happened to me also! Adobe what the hell are you playing at! THE worst software I've ever used of yours.
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I gave up on Rush, used Premier Pro bit it was a one-off project.
Not interested in "cloud storage"..... does not wirk with no access.