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FILTERS QUESTION /// I have a merged project (currently 25 projects merged, approx. 1000 topics) using RoboHelp 15, MSIE 11, Windows 7 ENT. I’m using filters. Sometimes the filter works perfectly (search returns only results matching selected filter), but sometimes the search results include topics that do not match the filter (YES! All topics have tags, so only the filtered content should be listed in the search results). AND sometimes when I click a topic in the search results the topic won’t show in the topic pane until I clear the search filters. All the merged child TOCs that don’t match the filter should disappear from the parent TOC nav pane, but only some projects/TOCs disappear. Why does this happen? Is a tag somehow being applied at the text level without showing on the Project Manager? Is this a Master Schema xml issue? Thanks for any insights.
I set up a parent and three child projects all with the tags A, B and C.
I created three paragraphs and applied one tag to each.
In their outputs, I defined the filters as A B C in that order.
It worked without issue.
Then I reordered the filters to C B A in each project and generated all again.
The filter order showed as C B A and still worked.
Finally I turned off filtering in all the projects except one.
The filter options still appeared as I would expect but they have no effect on the topics except
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I haven't tried it, but my first thought would be to triple check that the parent and all children have exactly the same conditional tags and filter groups configured.
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Editing in the Conditional Build Tags pod does not automatically update the tags in the SSL properties Dynamic Content Filter dialog. This potentially can cause a filter tag mismatch. oy
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I don't have access to a RoboHelp machine right now but if you are saying
changing a tags name doesn't match in DCF, report that as a bug.
Peter Grainge
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Listing some of my observations on using filters in a merged Responsive HTML. Any information regarding if these issues are fixed in more recent versions of Robo, BUT ALSO, especially, confirming I have it right or have gotten it wrong is very much appreciated.
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If Use Dynamic Filter… is not selected in child projects SSL Properties , child content will not filter, and will display with content from other child projects. Is there a way to display a filter for only one child without creating filters for all child projects?
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I haven't tested merged DCF much but I believe I was told the projects need
the same filters, even if the content does not use any or all of the tags.
Download the merged help demo off my site and experiment with a simple
setup. Always finds the issues more easily.
Peter Grainge
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Did you mean the same tags in child projs and parent, and must each be selected in the DCF of each child? (I tried that and several variations…)
Using PG merge demo I imported and tagged content in all three child projects, and attempted to display and use a filter from only one child, but had the same results, content did not filter, that is, matching content from all three child projects was displayed (I wanted use of the filter to display content from only one child). Will try a couple other ideas, but it seems that filters from all child projects must be displayed to be able to filter for one child. Any ideas or clarifications are welcome.
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I will take a look when I have access to a RoboHelp machine next week.
Peter Grainge
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Although the sequence of filters is edited in the Dynamic Content Filter dialog, it appears the merged projects filters order cannot be arranged. Can anyone confirm?
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Same filters in all projects would fix that one.
Peter Grainge
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anyone have any ideas about this? stumped...
"(When) the sequence of filters is edited in the (parent) Dynamic Content Filter dialog, - - edits do not display in the generated and published merge project - - it appears the merged projects filters order cannot be arranged. Can anyone confirm?"
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Where is that coming from?
I'll try to create a merged filter setup tomorrow.
Peter Grainge
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??? where is that coming from? not sure what you are asking... (it's my previous post if that's what you mean)
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I am referring to post 12 in this thread where you have put some text in bold. I can't see any post in this thread with that in it. If you mean another thread, sorry but I can't remember all the text in all the threads.
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yes, post 12 in this thread was referring to post 5 in this thread.
No worries, yes, I think it would be impossible to remember all the threads, and even though I find some of the discussions really interesting
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The post in this thread that I am seeing with the number 5 reads
Although the sequence of filters is edited in the Dynamic Content Filter dialog, it appears the merged projects filters order cannot be arranged. Can anyone confirm?
Post 12 looked like you were quoting something.
I'll set up a merged responsive output with filters to see what does and doesn't work.
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I set up a parent and three child projects all with the tags A, B and C.
I created three paragraphs and applied one tag to each.
In their outputs, I defined the filters as A B C in that order.
It worked without issue.
Then I reordered the filters to C B A in each project and generated all again.
The filter order showed as C B A and still worked.
Finally I turned off filtering in all the projects except one.
The filter options still appeared as I would expect but they have no effect on the topics except in the project where I had left it turned on. Working as expected
Looking at your specific questions:-
Editing in the Conditional Build Tags pod does not automatically update the tags in the SSL properties Dynamic Content Filter dialog. This potentially can cause a filter tag mismatch.
Yes. Apply the DFA rule. Don't fiddle about (or something like that).
If Use Dynamic Filter… is not selected in child projects SSL Properties , child content will not filter, and will display with content from other child projects. Is there a way to display a filter for only one child without creating filters for all child projects?
No. The filters must be the same in all projects and will always display. However, they will only work on projects the the option to use filtering has been selected.
Although the sequence of filters is edited in the Dynamic Content Filter dialog, it appears the merged projects filters order cannot be arranged. Can anyone confirm?
Wrong. They can be in any order you like but that must be consistent across all projects. When you set up filtering, there are arrows to move the tags up or down.
Adding a Dynamic Content Filter list in the parent of a merge seems to prevent search links from opening? Can anyone confirm?
They work in the demo I have set up.
I'm thinking the issue is with your tagging.
Contact me via my site with a link to this thread if you would like a copy of the setup.Include a link to this thread.
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thanks VERY VERY MUCH for researching!
I have contacted you for the setup via your web pages as requested.
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Again, thanks very much.
Downloaded and edited your RH15 build. Was able to change sequence of filters. AWESOME!!!
But now a very poignant question…Is there any way to copy and paste filter sequence/setup, perhaps in a js? I’m asking because I’d have to set the filter order in 27 RH projects. Oy.
Thanks again.
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There's a trick to finding the answer to such questions, use a non-dictionary word such as redzebra.
Create an tag called redzebra and then add it to one of your dynamic content filters. Save the output configuration without generating.
Then use File Explorer to search your project folder for redzebra. If it gets found then it will be in a file that can be edited in a text editor. Care how you edit though as it will likely be just a section you need to copy.
Create a backup first. I always recommend creating the backup as a zip file. That prevents you opening it accidentally and working on it before you realise it was the backup. This way you always have a clean backup that can be used to create a new clean copy time after time.
Let us know how you get on.
See for free RoboHelp and Authoring information.
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I may be last to the party on this one (because there were questions about this for RH8... years ago), but only a few recent posts… Anyway, I made a safe copy, searched as suggested, and harvested the rhbuildtag.apj. I’ll be testing the copying/pasting , and I do expect it to work. I’ll update RH support community by early next week with results.
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Not the one. That helps in terms of getting all the tags into your project with the same name. It doesn't set them up in filtering.
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Ok. Either way, I'll find out.
I think it might be the right file; the apj first lists the tags, then lists the order; see how it listed the edited and reversed order below...?
so it a seems to be the file... unless someone has a better idea.
<name>Responsive HTML5</name>
<caption>Filter by</caption>