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I am in the midst of upgrading a rather large project from RH2019 "Classic" to RH2022. In the "Classic Version", I had a snippet set up that is used everywhere within the project to jump to top of page when the user clicks an image. I did this previously by simply adding a link to to image with Link to: '#top' (see screen capture). With the new version upgraded the link gives me "about:blank#blocked" in the browser and there is nothing I see that can be done to fix it, so basicaly this just dissappeared and I do not know how or if I can get it back?
I am also getting an error "File name contains invalid characters. Do not use the following characters in the name: \/:*?"<>|';#%." when I try to add a style sheet (.css) to the snippet which I think is just something I am doing wrong. Any insite especially to the image link thing would be appreciated.
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There are two ways to apply a CSS to a snippet or a topic.
In the right panel go to Topic Properties > Style Sheets and apply it there. You can now apply more than one CSS if you want.
Alternatively drag it the open Snippet or Topic. It will not show in the right panel until you reopen the snippet or topic but it will be applied.
I just tried the code below in a topic and it works. Check its structure in your snippet and see if that fixes it.
<p><a href="#top">Back to top of page<
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Correction, I just removed the snippet from the upgared project and imported the snippet from the original project in an effort to start over again. When I click on the image "link" I am actually getting a page opening in a new window that is showing the HTML code for the Snippet file, very strange?
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Which output are you generating? I think there's a built in back to top button in at least some of the skins.
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There are two ways to apply a CSS to a snippet or a topic.
In the right panel go to Topic Properties > Style Sheets and apply it there. You can now apply more than one CSS if you want.
Alternatively drag it the open Snippet or Topic. It will not show in the right panel until you reopen the snippet or topic but it will be applied.
I just tried the code below in a topic and it works. Check its structure in your snippet and see if that fixes it.
<p><a href="#top">Back to top of page</a></p>
When you upgraded your project the name of your SSL will not have changed but the output in the preset will be a responsive skin. That will change any context calls if you use URLs, Map IDs should still work.
Now would be a good time to change to a Frameless template (skin) as that is where Adobe will focus future development and they offer more features. As @Amebr has pointed out, many have a Back to Top built in. URL calls differ from responsive URL calls so it's easier if you make the change now. The different calls are described in the RoboHelp Tour.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Hi Peter, when I tried to apply the style sheet to the Snippet using the first method you described is where I hade the issue (see screen capture below). Hovever, when I used the alernate method you suggested, it worked perfectly – thank you!
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You can see an example of the built in Back to Top in the RoboHelp Tour, bottom right.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Thanks Peter, that is what I have decided to do now is take the advice and go with the Frameless output. Setting up the new Home Page and Topic Page templates has proven to be pretty challanging though. The configuaration settings are very "touchy" and it seems a handfull of the settings cause the application to crash. Do you know if those types of issues have been reported to Adobe yet? If you think they have nor, I will be happy to put them together and submit them.
Below is one example . . . happens every time.
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Your screenshot is very clipped but wherever that happened I would think the issue is more to do with the results of the upgrade.
Only report things if you can repeatedly replicate the same steps.
When that error appears, you can often carry on working. Don't. Just because you can do something etc. Close and reopen the project.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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This probably needs to go to a new thread, by I am replying here to see if it is worth pursuing. I get the error message when editing the Home Page and Topic Page output templates. This seems to occur with the settings that are related to "hover over"type functions, like the one shown in the screen capture or for example: "search-textfield:focus | search-textfield-selected:focus. I checked and it does occur when using the templates that come with RoboHelp before I make any changes to it. I would think this has already been reported, but I was not able to find anythng on it.
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That path looks wrong.
Delete that file, then try adding your file again.
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Hello, I tried that and unfortunately it did not do anything to resolve the issue. Also, I notice when I used the drag and drop method and although that worked intialy, when I open the snippet or topic properties and just hit the apply button, I get the error message. I tested this with topics rather than snippets and not a problem with topics, so I guess. I anly have a few snippets, so I suppose I can just deal with it.
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I haven't seen that reported as an ongoing issue so rather than report it a bug, I suggest you go to Support as you will get a quicker response.
See for your Adobe Support options. The email link is recommended as it reaches a team dedicated to Technical Communication Suite products including RoboHelp.
My site includes many free Authoring and RoboHelp resources that may be of help.
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Thanks for the recommendation: I have sent my issue regarding the application error occurring with the output templates to support. I will be sending my other issue regarding the CSS and Snippets to them soon.