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‎Mar 03, 2025
01:05 PM
1 Upvote
I have found that "fancy" css can trip up the word conversion.
To test if it could be something in your css file, create a blank css file and use that instead of your normal css. Everything will look wrong, but if the generation finishes, you know it's something in your css file.
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‎Feb 25, 2025
04:26 AM
I think the output includes jquery although I couldn't say for certain. But it should be fairly easy to test by including a simple Hello World jquery sample script in the project.. A google should turn up such a script you can test out.
I'm pretty sure bootstrap isn't part of the output natively. However, I think it would be possible to include the bootstrap css, js etc in the project and get it working in the output. I don't say it would be easy to work with, but I think it would be possible.
For example, I got the datatables javascript library working in Robohelp Classic, and it should be easier in RH2022 which is built on more modern frameworks and supports multiple stylesheets more easily than Classic did..
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‎Feb 11, 2025
04:17 AM
1 Upvote
You can set up a separate publish destination that publishes to your staging area. You just need to make sure you select the correct publish destination before you right-click Publish.
You could also set up a separate output preset if you wanted to, e.g. My_Help_Test and My_Help_Prod. It might make it easier to ensure you don't publish to the wrong place. As with anything it has pros and cons. 🙂
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‎Feb 05, 2025
04:21 AM
It used to be possible by giving the new window a name (either in the target field for html link, or in the csh javascript code) and using that name in all csh calls. However, I haven't used CSH for many years, so I'm unsure if that has gone the way of the dodo. A web developer might be able to help, otherwise, ask Adobe support as Peter suggested.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
03:44 AM
This is late, but the difference is because of inline formatting in your code. It is recommended not to use inline styling for this reason.
This dropdown has a blue font colour applied inline (plus italics and normal (not bold) font weight):
<p style="font-weight: normal; font-style: italic; color: #4169e1;"><?rh-dropspot_start class="dropspot" href="javascript:TextPopup(this)" id="a1111" dataid="POPUP63861887711" ?><span class="dropspot" style="font-style: italic; color: #4169e1;">Planification graphique par personne</span><?rh-dropspot_end ?></p>
Whereas this on does not have any font colour, so uses the stylesheet colour:
<p><?rh-dropspot_start class="dropspot" href="javascript:TextPopup(this)" id="a3" dataid="POPUP598280916" ?>Interface<?rh-dropspot_end ?></p>
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‎Jan 24, 2025
06:23 PM
Peter is correct, and you should put your customisations in your own css file and add that css file in the User Assets section of the skin.
I would personally avoid copying the full css from the output, and only put the necessary differences in my custom css. Copying the full css probably won't break anything, but it will likely make it harder to make change in future as you will need to change a lot of places rather than only the necessary places.
There are some skins that add a "layoutdiff.css" file after you make certain changes, which Adobe staff have said is fine to change (again, making the minimal changes in order to allow the cascading part of cascading style sheets to take effect). However, I don't think Azure Blue is one of these.
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‎Nov 22, 2024
02:46 PM
I should also note, that Peter's advice about contacting Adobe is still recommended. There may be other considerations that we don't know about as we aren't Mac users. 🙂
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‎Nov 22, 2024
02:41 PM
The relative output path option was created specifically so projects could be used across Mac and Windows as they both use different file systems and the absolute paths don't work on each other. So you'll need to make sure that is changed in all your targets.
It's probably also worth checking for any other absolute paths in the projects and making sure they are relative (or use a web (https, ftp, etc) url).
The broken links report should help with where to check, but don't change everything willy-nilly as it will sometimes list things that are set up correctly for the output.
If you've made any changes to the skin files or added a custom css there, you'll need to double-check those manually, I believe.,a%20relative%20instead%20of%20absolute.
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‎Nov 22, 2024
02:31 PM
It's impossible to tell from the screenshots you have provided what is going on. But it may well be because RH2017 generally didn't do nested elements in lists correctly. So the elements might be using indenting rather than corect nesting, which pushes the right-hand side that much further right. From memory this will need tweaking of the right margin, but depending on the coding of the element with the border, this might require manual tweaks per instance, or the creation of multiple styles with different margins depending on the indenting level of that element (and manual application of that style).
The ultimate fix will be to make sure the underlying html code is correct (which you can do more easily in the WYSIWYG editor in New UI) but obviously that will take some time.
If you need more help, post some code of the relevant area (maybe a couple if different indenting applies), plus the relevant style setup from your stylesheet.
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‎Nov 22, 2024
02:21 PM
It might be worth raising a bug report. Obviously it won't help you, right now, but it certainly couldn't hurt for Adobe to take a look at something that worked fine in an older version of RH. And you've done all the hard work to prepare a dummy topic with the problem - I'm sure the devs would love to look at it. 😛 😛
You can request features and report issues here: Post the item number in the discussion so people can easily vote if they want the same functionality.
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‎Nov 22, 2024
02:14 PM
I don't think that's a bug. a map id is not the same as a bookmark.
It originally (30+ years ago) was usually provided by the develper, and was a human-readable text paired with the map number.. The developer used to provide it because the number was created by the developer, and they provided the human-readable text so the author knew which screen/field/etc the number was associated with.
Later, the author sometimes created both the map number and map id and provided that list to the developer so they could make the apprpriate changes to the program.
I do rather like your idea of using a bookmark as a map id, but that would be a feature request, in my opinion.
There might be a problem if you don't ensure your bookmarks are unique across your entire project though. But I haven't used CSH for such a long time I'm not sure on that point. At best, someone might get confused if two map numbers have the same map id (which feature does the map number relate to?); or, your csh stops working or returns the wrong result for those calls.
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‎Nov 20, 2024
04:37 AM
It should be possible to select the levels, according the help,.
I also can't change the levels when I try with a simple test doc. (The fact the styles vanish from that section when I close and reopn the settings dialog box is also disturbing.)
I think it seems like a bug myself.
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‎Nov 20, 2024
04:02 AM
Yes the requirements for map ids would be different. I was only talking about the requirements for bookmarks.
You do sound like you have a very unique workflow - I've never hard of anyone using the bookmarks to create map ids before. Linking a map id to a bookmark, yes. Creating the map id from the bookmark, no. 🙂
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‎Nov 19, 2024
04:49 AM
Just to slightly correct Peter, you can get to this same dialog box for sections. Click the section and in the General section click the little browse icon next to the Source field.
How that displays in the output is a different question. 🙂
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‎Nov 19, 2024
04:20 AM
1 Upvote
The extra paragraph mark is correct, if confusing.
It represents the closing tag. So when you have p tags inside li tags, you'll get a paragraph mark for the closing p tag and another paragraph mark for the closing li tag.
So if we have the following html:
<li><p>My text</p>
Imagine a paragraph mark replacing the closing tags, like so:
<li><p>My text¶
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‎Nov 19, 2024
04:01 AM
1 Upvote
I don't think the bookmarks have to be lowercase. I think the only requirements are that they can't start with a digit and can't contain spaces.
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‎Nov 07, 2024
02:30 AM
You shouldn't need to create a separate variable. It should take the formatting of the paragraph it is placed in.
If yuo have applied manual formatting to the variable, of course, then you would need a separate variable, but in most cases this shouldn't be necessary.
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‎Nov 02, 2024
10:37 PM
In your Assets File.jpg you show a small snippet of the Explorer window, but not the full path to the file you are showing.
If that path is very long and includes "Program Files", as you stated in your post, you have copied the css file to the wrong location. In this case, you will need to copy the css into tthe assets/css folder inside your project.
If the mention of the Program Files folder was a typo, and the file is definitely in the correct folder, then I'm afraid I can't offer any other suggestions.
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‎Nov 01, 2024
09:55 PM
For the list problem, what happens is that a p tag is added inside the li tag. You can see this happen if the have the tag breadcrumbs displayed at the top of your topic.
The way to get rid of the list is to click on the relevant list icon in the toolbar again, and select the None option - it should be the 4th option in the row.
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‎Nov 01, 2024
09:41 PM
Have a look at this archived page (the original site seems to be defunct). I've linked to the part 2 patge, but it might be worth reading through the part 1 for further background information.
Hopefully something there will help.
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‎Nov 01, 2024
09:13 PM
I want to confirm it's the generate step, rather than the puiblish step that is experiencing the problem. You have used both terms, but they do very different things.
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‎Nov 01, 2024
08:57 PM
In the New UI, you can add multiple topics from a single folder by Ctrl+clicking on the required topics, in case that helps a little. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work when you search, so you can only add topics one at a time using the search feature.
I would suggest submitting a feature request both to add the "All folders" option and to allow multi-select when searching in the Add Related Topic dialog box.
You can request features and report issues here: Post the item number in the discussion so people can easily vote if they want the same functionality.
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‎Aug 06, 2024
07:01 AM
If you can successfully apply bold to text in the regular paragraph above the table, perhaps you have a complex selector which specifically sets paragraphs inside table cells to normal weight.
I can't say exactly what might be set, because of the cascading nature of css, but look for something like:
td p {
font-weight: normal;
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‎Jul 23, 2024
04:16 AM
Scripting is supported in RH2022 using javascript and an RH scripting language. You can find the scripting reference in the help in the Appendix section. There are also a few sample scripts. They should be in %appdata%/Adobe/RoboHelp/2022/scripting
Perhaps your programmers can write a script to generate a report in the format needed.
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‎Jul 22, 2024
02:24 AM
It could be worth posting a feature request to ask for a (none) option for images in the skin.
You can request features and report issues here: Post the item number in the discussion so people can easily vote if they want the same functionality.
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‎Jul 11, 2024
03:29 AM
1 Upvote
Just as a side note, I suspect the .hh files were related to context sensitive help (CSH). I believe it is an alternate extension that developers might provide similar to the .h file that is normally mentioned in relation to CSH.
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‎Jul 11, 2024
03:23 AM
I'm sure I've seen this before but I can't remember what caused it. As Peter said, I feel it has to be something in the code. Check both in the topic source code inside Robohelp, and by using the developer tools to inspect the output (Right click on the weird text and select Inspect). You can screenshots or code samples here for us to look at. If you include a screenshot of the developer tools window, make sure you include the full window, rather than a cropped section.
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‎Jul 05, 2024
06:04 PM
So that would suggest there is something in your project causing the strange symbols when saving as pdf., rather than being directly related to the workaround. I'm not sure what though. Maybe the font you are using, if it's not a standard Windows font?
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‎Jul 05, 2024
05:47 PM
Oh. don't mind me. I opened a Frameless not a HTML5. 🙂
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‎Jul 02, 2024
03:22 AM
1 Upvote
Which RH version are you using? Please include this and the patch number in every post as answer are dependent on the version of RH you're using.
Where do you want this to happen? If it's in the skin I think you just need to specify the correct images and/or colour in the right places inte the skin. But you'll need to provide some more information for us to offer more advice.
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