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I need help. I'm a long time user of Adobe Stock. I publish my work regularly. Usually, the review process takes a maximum of 5-6 business days. But, now several of my works have been in a state of review for 13 days! They have not yet been published, but I have not received a refusal either. I can't delete my work and I can't re-upload it for review. Perhaps this is some kind of bug? Tell me what to do?
3 Correct answers
Watercolor paintings. It usually takes 5-6 days.
By Elizaveta23808849br9n
It appears that there is not a specific queue for generative AI, but there is a specific queue for illustrations. I'm sorry for this. I suggest you contact contributor support. Need help? (Stock Contributor Support)
Nb: In general, all moderation seems to get a small slowdown.
Keep us updated, please.
Scan the other posts in this forum from the last few weeks, and you will see a continuing theme on this subject. The moderation queue has increased considerably, and it appears that Generative AI assets, in particular, are taking a month or more to be reviewed, primarily because some contributors are submitting hundreds at a time. My most recent small batches of photographs are taking the usual 3-4 days to be reviewed and accepted.
Maybe there is, maybe there isn't. Adobe don't tell us. [Adobe aren't under any obligation to do things in order, or be fair, in any way.] The people here are just saying what they see, and drawing their own conclusions, as you draw yours.
Perhaps you can share with us your method of getting submission date from asset number.
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What kind of assets? We have reports that certain kinds of assets now take more than one month to get moderated.
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I got the same problem in my account. First 10 uploads ever and its in review since 16 days.
its AI generated content, all according to the ai guidlines
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Reports are now for waiting times of more than a month. Keep us updated.
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Watercolor paintings. It usually takes 5-6 days.
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Watercolor paintings. It usually takes 5-6 days.
By Elizaveta23808849br9n
It appears that there is not a specific queue for generative AI, but there is a specific queue for illustrations. I'm sorry for this. I suggest you contact contributor support. Need help? (Stock Contributor Support)
Nb: In general, all moderation seems to get a small slowdown.
Keep us updated, please.
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Hi there, I think it is some kind of bug.
If you search on the site for recent illustrations, you can see that illustrations submitted yesterday (7th March) have been accepted on the site already. Here is an example.
If your submissions have file numbers lower than 578852333, there were submitted BEFORE this example. From this, we can see that the submissions are not reviewed on a first-come-first-served basis. This person has somehow managed to jump ahead of you in the queue.
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The flaw in this logic is assuming that all asset reviewers review any sort of asset. I suspect that there are different people with strengths towards particular types of assets. How they get divided or assigned is another story, but I bet it happens in some sort of fashion.
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If there is a first-come-first-served queue as you suggest, how do you explain why this AI illustration is already on the site? We can tell by the file ID that it was submitted in the last couple of days?
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I'm not suggesting that.
I believe that saying "assets are reviewed in the exact order they are received" is applying simple logic to what is a very complex system.
I do believe that assets are more or less reviewed as they come in, but that the exact review process is very nuanced. Even just having another reviewer look over an asset could put a pause on one asset while others are accepted for instance. Another example is if 10 reviewers send borderline acceptable assets to a manager it could cause a significant delay for some assets. I think this would be amplified with AI generated content as they are more difficult to review in my experience.
It's sort of like a fast food drive-thru. It would be easily assumed that customers are first come first serve. For the most part that's true, but there are plenty of times where that isn't the case.
How does an asset ID number show they are approved on the last few days? I've never heard any mention of the asset numbers being assigned in chronological order or anything like that.
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Yes, because they are not playing according to the rules. You can short-circuit, if you are not marking the assets correctly. I fear that this is also one of those …
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If you search on the site for recent illustrations, you can see that illustrations submitted yesterday (7th March) have been accepted on the site already.
By Paul_RNRS
The assets to which you refer may have been submitted & reviewed earlier but rejected for additional information -- i.e. model or property release. The turn around time for submitting a release would be only a day or two which makes perfect sense.
Or maybe it was submitted by a VIP -- an artist with exceptional track record for submitting high quality assets that sell. It wouldn't suprise me if invited contributors get higher priority than non-invited ones.
In any case, it's not our concern what Adobe Stock does. It's their show. They find the customers and handle all customer complaints and transactions.
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Scan the other posts in this forum from the last few weeks, and you will see a continuing theme on this subject. The moderation queue has increased considerably, and it appears that Generative AI assets, in particular, are taking a month or more to be reviewed, primarily because some contributors are submitting hundreds at a time. My most recent small batches of photographs are taking the usual 3-4 days to be reviewed and accepted.
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Why are some AI submissions taking a month to process when AI assets like this are only taking 1 day?
It doesn't seem like there is a first-come-first-served queue
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Maybe there is, maybe there isn't. Adobe don't tell us. [Adobe aren't under any obligation to do things in order, or be fair, in any way.] The people here are just saying what they see, and drawing their own conclusions, as you draw yours.
Perhaps you can share with us your method of getting submission date from asset number.
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People like to think it is a queue, or multiple queues, but it is easy to prove that it is not. Maybe it once was, but it is not now.
Here's how you can tell...
Upload an image and note the file ID, lets say it's 579200000
Upload an image at the same time tomorrow and note the file ID, lets say it's 579500000
File IDs are sequential. If an asset appears on the site with file ID between these two numbers, let's say 579400000, you know it was uploaded, reviewed and accepted in the last 24hrs.
If 579400000 is generative AI illustration and you have generative AI illustration stuck 'in review', you can tell they are not processed as a queue.
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Do you have a comment to these remarks?
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Color me skeptical. IDs could be assigned by region, genre or any of a dozen other criteria. We don't know for sure. You don't know for sure. You're just guessing.
In any case, Adobe employees who do know probably won't discuss it due to NDA.
I think we should drop the idle conjecture and get back to the original topic. OK?
Wait times are longer for everyone right now. Deal with it however you normally deal with long wait queues. Stop worrying about things you can't control. Find other things to keep busy. Write, read, draw, clean a closet, visit friends, do whatever makes you happy.
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You are probably right. But, I don't send AI-generated art. I upload my watercolor paintings. Previously, it took up to 5-6 days for moderation and approval, but now everything is stuck.
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Small update. I was able to delete previously uploaded paintings and submitted them for review again. It's been 6 days and still no results. I haven't been able to post my new watercolors for almost a month now. My gallery fails in the ratings without new works. This is all rather sad.
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Deleting conforming assets and resubmitting sets you at the end of the queue again. It really seems to come down to the Illustration category. I've tried out now all but illustration, and none experience significant delays.
The only advice that I can give, is to submit in a rate as usual and to ignore the long waiting time, if you are a seasoned contributor, and are confident, that most of your assets pass.
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It is very sad. I've had very few rejections ever since. I am not an active stoker, I publish my drawings, warm-ups, sketches there so that they do not gather dust on the table. 99% is moderated and my content sells well.
I don't do a lot of similaires and I don't upload 100 illustrations a day. That is why it scares me that it looks like my account will die.
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Submit as usual, your 5 assets a day/a week and ignore the long waiting time. It's just when you are doing seasonal work, that you would need to be more carefully submitting. Submitting now for the easter season (having submitted a month ago...) will not work out in time.
For the rest, you won't be hurt more than we all. Some buyers complain loudly about the bad quality AI, and the time it takes to search for decent assets, because of bad AI. That is a bigger concern to us all. I embrace AI, but I think that Adobe should have done and should do a better work at refusing AI at a higher rate. Not because they are AI, but because they have very obvious errors.
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Thank you! I will follow your recommendation and continue to upload works as usual!
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You're welcome. Make the best out of it and update this, as soon as the moderation speed improves or worsens considerably. Good luck.

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