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Hi again!
OK, so I have been getting a stream of accepted files, with a few rejected, but overall good ratio.
I did this series, 8 dogs running in backgraden and 8 cats running in backgraden.
All the cats were accepted and all the dogs rejected. Not sure why?
Can I assume that these files go in front of different moderators and that one could accept something that another probably wouldn't. Unless I am missing something obvious on this dog image?
Well...this particular cat shouldn't have been accepted either. It has no front legs that I can see, other than the deformed one. The dog's feet are also slightly deformed, so they chose correctly on that one.
First for your dog, just by looking at 100% at your asset, I found massively issues:
As for your cat:
The question is not, why your dog picture has been refused, but why they accepted your cat picture. Both are awful, I'm sorry to say that.
In addition to the malformed limbs, the grass texture is quite odd, more like hair...
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Well...this particular cat shouldn't have been accepted either. It has no front legs that I can see, other than the deformed one. The dog's feet are also slightly deformed, so they chose correctly on that one.
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First for your dog, just by looking at 100% at your asset, I found massively issues:
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As for your cat:
The question is not, why your dog picture has been refused, but why they accepted your cat picture. Both are awful, I'm sorry to say that.
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The brutal truth.
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The brutal truth.
By @Haunterrr
No, just a brief look at the asset. I really don't understand, why those have passed. Even an uncritical moderator should have seen one of the errors. An easy catch for a refusal. The first cat lover who prints this on his wall paper will be greatly disappointed.
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Perhaps the moderator was very tired, or maybe he was a newcomer or trainee. Nothing will happen to the author until someone significant purchases his image and lodges a complaint.
As a fan of browsing through author portfolios (100 pages of portfolio = ~ 10,000 assets) to find an idea, those whom Adobe showcases as the best in a week, I occasionally come across extra fingers, distorted faces, iris issues, and so forth. What can be said about newcomers, especially when examining their images in a cropped view...
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Well, the assets will be taken out. It will hurt your account if it gets cheaper for Adobe to block you than to correct your mistakes.
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Even I can see that the cat is missing a paw...
If it's on topic, then yes, there are a lot of moderators. It feels like some are more critical, others less so. By uploading a large batch of your images, you are more likely to end up with a more critical moderator, and ALL images will be rejected.
Regarding the ideal THEORETICAL image: I'm sure that if you upload your THEORETICAL image (not these 2 images) here that has 100+ purchases and 0 complaints, it will still be criticized to smithereens here. Do not try to prove that your image was rejected due to a moderator's mistake.
P.S. Nonetheless, there are problems in your photo that are obvious to the naked eye, and it is better to delete it before anyone buys it and writes a complaint.
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Regarding the ideal image: I'm sure that if you upload your image here that has 100+ purchases and 0 complaints, it will still be criticized to smithereens here.
By @Haunterrr
I don't see those assets getting 100 downloads. And the errors in both assets are obvious.
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I'm not referring to these images. I'm discussing a theoretical image that has garnered 100 purchases.
Generating an image with so many details, even in motion, is an extreme task.
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I'm not referring to these images. I'm discussing a theoretical image that has garnered 100 purchases.
By @Haunterrr
Post your 100-sales asset here, and we will have a look at it.
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"Even I can see that the cat is missing a paw... it will still be criticized to smithereens here." So you're criticizing the image but denouncing the comments of others who have criticized the same image????
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You didn't understand correctly what I meant, perhaps because I didn't divide it into paragraphs.
"Even I can see that the cat is missing a paw..." - an assessment of the provided example images; everything is obvious here.
"Regarding the ideal image: I'm sure that if you upload your image here with 100+ purchases and 0 complaints, it will still be criticized to smithereens here." - I mean, uploading your rejected image here and trying to justify it is foolish because I have never encountered a situation where local experts did not find technical problems. From this, I concluded that the vast majority of images have technical issues; they are simply categorized as very noticeable even in previews and barely noticeable even when enlarged.
I don't understand whether this is a translation difficulty or a misunderstanding that my message about criticism is not about these 2 Images but rather that in theoretical images with a large number of purchases, technical problems can also be found here.
Where do you see here that I condemn those who criticize?
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You seemed to be inferring that the participants in this forum will find something wrong in every image uploaded here, i.e. "criticized to smithereens", which is incorrect. Yes, it is true that the majority of already rejected images uploaded here for additional input were rightly rejected, and it's often quite easy to see the flaws. However, from time to time, the flaws are so minor, or undetectable, that we conclude that it was wrongly rejected.
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"You seemed to be inferring that the participants in this forum will find something wrong in every image uploaded here, i.e. "criticized to smithereens", which is incorrect." - Just my observations. I didn't imply that your 'criticism' is incorrect or unfair. People share their rejected images here, and in each case, you point out to the author where they made mistakes in the image and why it was rejected. Or is the term 'criticism' offensive to you? If so, I apologize; that wasn't my intention just translation difficulties. Still, people here don't brag about their perfect images, and you're not 'criticizing' but rather acknowledging the good work of the moderators.
"Yes, it is true that the majority of already rejected images uploaded here for additional input were rightly rejected, and it's often quite easy to see the flaws. However, from time to time, the flaws are so minor, or undetectable, that we conclude that it was wrongly rejected. " - Yes, the word 'critics' doesn't fit here, for which I apologize.
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No apology needed. We quite often engage with Contributors here who want to argue about the findings of the Moderators; and when they find that the participants in this forum agree with the Moderators, they think we're all out to get them! Those Contributors who can't accept "constructive criticism" and learn from it are doomed to have a very short career in Adobe Stock!
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I mean, uploading your rejected image here and trying to justify it is foolish because I have never encountered a situation where local experts did not find technical problems.
By @Haunterrr
I've sen some where we really speculated what the issue could be. But you have to know that we mostly see assets that got refused, so the chance is given that we see some errors in an asset.
Sometimes we have assets that are so bad that I think that a reasonable person would not want uploading this.
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Not sure which paw is missing? The two front legs are present and the rear behind leg could be floating about the visiblity line. The cats front right leg is on the ground under the rear one.
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You must be kidding. The front leg on the right is deformed. Period.
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I'm so confused right now.
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Check this out:
I am not convinced that your picture shows a running cat as one leg is in the air, the other is touching the ground. That's not very plausible. But the argument is indeed mood, as there are so many other errors in this picture that I think that the moderator just clicked the accept button either in error or without looking…
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Or not so hyper-critical as you lot 😛 No need to reply to that 🙂
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Well, I was not hyper critical of your asset. You need to know, that besides being a contributor, I'm also a customer to stock assets. And if I get a stock asset like yours, I would immediately return that. If you have a lot of those returns, Adobe will ban you.
Why? Because returns are costly and make customers angry. Searching for a correct asset in the stock database costs easily around $800 for my company, respectively for my company's customers. Doing a design and needing to redo that design costs much more. You see, even if you earn only $0.40 for an asset, it has a real impact on other players in the field.
Contributors think that a customer simply does not need to licence their assets if they don't like them. But there is much more behind this than you imagine.