First vector upload rejected for technical issues
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Hi there, i'm trying to upload an illustrator file which is rejected for technical issues, and lists the following possible reasons which neither look my case (find the file at this link😞
- Your vector file contains a raster/bitmap image, and vector files must not contain raster elements. > NO IT DOESN'T
- Your JPEG preview file has been compressed too much, so textural problems have occurred in the file. > I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS, I DIDN'T UPLOAD ANY JPEG PREVIEW FILE BECAUSE I CAN ONLY UPLOAD THE ILLUSTRATOR FILE
- Your JPEG preview resolution must not be less than 5,000 X 3,000 (15 million pixels) > THE FILE IS 5000X4000PX
- You didn't use anti-aliasing when exporting your vector file to JPEG, so there are problems with lines on the JPEG file. > AGAIN, DIDN'T UPLOAD ANY JPG FILE
Can any veteran help out? What am i missing?
Thanks, chiara
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The text is stock text and does not necessarily reflect your situation. In addition, what the text states is outdated (Adobes omission!). You only need to give us the header of the refusal reason. Quality issues?
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Yep the header is quality issues, and in the explanation it says technical issues and then listing the (outdated) issues. Thanks for that, didn't know 🙂
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(...) the explanation it says technical issues and then listing the (outdated) issues. Thanks for that, didn't know 🙂
By Chiara3447265552nb
That's Adobe's fault for nor revising these stock texts. They are linked to the error, not written by the moderators, so they are in most of the cases useless. Some, like this, are simply confusing.
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Looking at the file enlarged I see a lot of mistakes on and arround the berries.
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Thanks Ralph! By mistakes you mean they are not gruped properly? Or they have too complex and too many elements that confuse?
Because this is a vector from a pixel graphic so it necessarily comes out like this if you zoom in. Maybe it's just not the kind of content adobe is looking for?
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I would a vector graphic being a vector graphic, with features of a vector graphic (circles, gradiant, …). Vectorizing never can create that. It's good, but normally, manually vectorized work is better.
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Your file is the result of vectorizing a pixel graphics and did produce a very complex vector file, that is not structured. I would expect a properly grouped file. I wondered why the birds were so put into a corner, the asset is seamless, which is a plus, but the moderator may not have seen that. In addition, the object definition is not “vector like”:
This may pass as an Illustration, but I'm not sure with that neither.
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Thanks Abambo super helpful! I'll try and place the bird in the middle and not sure about gruoping things since it's very complex, as you correctly state. How does one make a drawing, scans it, vectoriizes it and not have such complexity? Good idea on the "illustration" definition also 😉
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It's very complex, so it should be properly grouped. You are the creator. You should deliver an asset that can be easily manipulated. It can't be manipulated if the items are all in one big group.
The first thing, I would have to do as a buyer, is to take all elements and put them properly in groups. With this asset, I would simply return it. To much work.