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Anyone know how to get a model release for a generative AI portrait of jesus christ? I don't ... And will Adobe accept a portrait of Jesus Christ without a model release since his actual likeness is not known. I submitted a AI portrait of Jesus today and am hoping it won't get tied up in any nonsense like I might be suggesting.
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Well...he was born again so...if you submitted it you just need to wait and see.
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That said, if this was intended to be an Easter theme, you should have submitted it 4 to 6 months ago.
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Oh really??
I submit when I want. Not the question I was asking. But you digress.
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If your using that AI software and it uses bits and pieces of other's artworks to create a new image, wouldn't that be controversial? It wouldn't really be your own work.
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You're kinda late to the game when it comes to this debate. It's been going on for over a year now.
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Here's the thing. The first time AI was used to create a movie was in the making of the Terminator. AI was different then than it is today, but it was still AI. And I think it's safe to assume that it is used extensively in the making of movies today (Marvel, DC Comics, etc.). Why should only Hollywood have the right to use AI to create images and movies? AI is here, and it's here to stay. And if anyone can find at least one square inch of pixels from one of my AI images that was taken from another exact square inch of an existing image, I'll give up creating AI. 😉
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If your using that AI software and it uses bits and pieces of other's artworks to create a new image, wouldn't that be controversial? It wouldn't really be your own work.
By @PaintedKitty
No, only if you mentioned that in your prompt.
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BamBam, sometime I think you reply to EVERYTHING just to see yourself included. Your responses always leave in want. Always straying off topic, interjecting notions never stated, muddying the waters.
Respectfully, I find you really quite annoying.
Somebody please close this thread. As usual, it has descended into a confused plethora of nonsensical notions of a speculative nature.
BTW. Anyone figure out an answer to being double taxed because of PayPal reporting the same 1099 info reported by Adobe to the IRS.
Yeah ... I know ... ask a professional tax advisor ... why of course! Don't bother to offer any real useful info.
blah blah blah blah
So informative.
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Somebody please close this thread.
By @mars lewis
Done! This was a really bad topic to begin with.
NOTE TO SELF: Do not feed the troll. It bites.
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I never even suggested this is the origin of the image. Thanks for the confusion.
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[Modeartor moved from Stock to Stock Contributors.]
Did you check the box for Fictional Generative AI when you submitted?
Pictures based on real people or property require you to submit a signed release form by the model or property owner.
Model/Property Releases:
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Ask him...
As nobody know how he looked like, you need to submit that as a fictional character, except if you modelled him after a living person.
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Oh reallllllyyyyy?
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That are the rules.