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Buen día, tengo una consulta con respecto a dos fotos que fueron no aceptadas por ustedes y no encuentro fallas con respecto a sus terminos de calidad. Ninguna de las dos fotos muestra tener algun error con respecto a la tecnica, ubicacion, iluminacion entre otras caracteristicas. Soy nuevo en esta plataforma, de modo que me gustaria de forma directa saber cuales fueron las consideraciones al negar estas dos fotografias.
Both photos are out of focus. The shadows are underexposed in the first photo.
Hi, I agree with Ralph's feedback. In addition to his feedback I think the temperature in the first photo is too cool/blue. After raising the shadows you can also see chromatic aberation in the form of purple fringing on the branches as highlighted below.
Purple fringing
I want to clarify that we are not Adobe employees or involved in the approval process. We are contributors like yourself who have also had photos accepted and rejected.
Lastly, there are literally millions of flower photos alre
Hola Julián,
como consejo te diría que cuando edites las fotos las veas al 100% de zoom, para ver con detalle si realmente están enfocadas o hay halos (bordes azules). El sujeto principal de la foto debe de estar enfocado. Los halos los puedes corregir con Lightroom en el bloque de CORRECCIONES DE LENTE, clicas quitar aberración cromática y activar correcciones de perfil, en el mismo bloque al lado tienes la pestaña Manual con un cuenta gotas. Clicas el cuentagotas y vas a los halos y le pasas el
...While the underexposure and color fringing can be fixed by re-editing, the soft focus cannot be repaired. Practicing your photography and editing skills on plants and flowers can be useful, however the Adobe Stock databases are already saturated with this type of image, so it is unlikely that yours would ever be sold. There is simply too much competition, therefore I would suggest not wasting time uploading, titling and keywording such images.
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Both photos are out of focus. The shadows are underexposed in the first photo.
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Thanks for your answers, I'm learning a lot from them. I don't speak English and I read through Google translator.
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You can write in your language, and we will use the translation feature.
And you can use translate to get the article in your language.
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Hi, I agree with Ralph's feedback. In addition to his feedback I think the temperature in the first photo is too cool/blue. After raising the shadows you can also see chromatic aberation in the form of purple fringing on the branches as highlighted below.
Purple fringing
I want to clarify that we are not Adobe employees or involved in the approval process. We are contributors like yourself who have also had photos accepted and rejected.
Lastly, there are literally millions of flower photos already on stock. Hence, the standards are very high for new submissions. The chances of getting a less than perfect photo accepted are slim and the chances of selling such a photo are even slimmer. Best regards, John
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Hola Julián,
como consejo te diría que cuando edites las fotos las veas al 100% de zoom, para ver con detalle si realmente están enfocadas o hay halos (bordes azules). El sujeto principal de la foto debe de estar enfocado. Los halos los puedes corregir con Lightroom en el bloque de CORRECCIONES DE LENTE, clicas quitar aberración cromática y activar correcciones de perfil, en el mismo bloque al lado tienes la pestaña Manual con un cuenta gotas. Clicas el cuentagotas y vas a los halos y le pasas el cuentagotas, verás como desaparecen. Hay que tener cuidado porque no todos los halos desaparecen y a veces queda peor. Siempre se debe revisar la foto al 100% una vez finalizada antes de enviarla. Espero haber ayudado, un saludo. Antonela
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While the underexposure and color fringing can be fixed by re-editing, the soft focus cannot be repaired. Practicing your photography and editing skills on plants and flowers can be useful, however the Adobe Stock databases are already saturated with this type of image, so it is unlikely that yours would ever be sold. There is simply too much competition, therefore I would suggest not wasting time uploading, titling and keywording such images.