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Why My some images declined with the reason of "Similar images already uploaded" since i have not uploaded any similar image
Hi Sam,
I looked at your profile and also at the rejected files. I observe several similarity on your profile and almost 100 files that are similar to those that were rejected.
Similar is considered files that are close to or exact replica of another in your profile. You are allowed up to six similar as long as each file has significantly different element or orientation. Color should not be a factor to determine the difference. For example four of the following should not have been accepted:
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Similar image could mean that the reviewer found them similar. It could also mean that the reviewer thought there were enough of this similar image in the database. It could also be that he/she just made a mistake and gave the wrong reason.
Whatever, it does not matter because Adobe can refuse any image for any reason.
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Hi @SamFarooq ,
The people that monitor these fora do not have access to your Adobe account. To be better assist I suggest you submit a screenprint of your similar rejected file(s) and a link to your public profile so that we can better explain to you why or how so your files are similar or if there was an error.
Best wishes
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My public profile link..please see what is the problem..i'm getting image rejections with the reason of "similar images already uploaded"
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Hi Sam,
I looked at your profile and also at the rejected files. I observe several similarity on your profile and almost 100 files that are similar to those that were rejected.
Similar is considered files that are close to or exact replica of another in your profile. You are allowed up to six similar as long as each file has significantly different element or orientation. Color should not be a factor to determine the difference. For example four of the following should not have been accepted:
You needed only one file and the customer makes color changes to suit his needs.
You have almost 100 files that are similar to the ones rejected. That is far more than the allowed six. When the customer clicks on one of those that was accepted a strip of other picture in the series appears. They are all looking alike.
When the customer clicks on the "See more", this is what turns up.
Almost a page of what's similar files. For some customers this is confusion, don't know which to chose and they'll move on to diversity.
Something like this:
Pay attention to the strip below the clicked file. Look at the diversity.
And this:
If you observe, it's only two similar and if you observe the center they are both significantly different.
That is the level of diversity that is going to earn you cash. When the customer clicks on each diversified file it's likely for him to see new files that are different as in this case
This will not happen when you have too many of one file. The customer will get just more of the same thing. The whole idea is to keep the customer on your page as long as possible. That is good for your algorithm and sales.
With so many similar background files you are fortunate you did not start getting non-compliant rejections, which after a few of those could earn you a suspended account. With that said, regrettably I have to strongly suggest that you do not submit any more files looking close to those that were rejected. You have far too many on your profile. Do something totally different and submit.
Avoid submitting multiple similar file together.
I hope you found this helpful.
Best wishes
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Thank you so much..from now..I will try to be different.
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You are welcome @SamFarooq
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These all images rejected with the reason of "Similar images uploaded"
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It could mean that Adobe Stock already has millions & millions of other assets that are similar or the same as yours. They don't need any more. 😉
Find other subjects to submit that have less representation. Anything but sunsets, clouds, plants, flowers, trees, pets and abstracts. See related topic below.
Hope that helps.