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Hi, I'm new to this community, and I just saw that NONE of these photos passed through your minimum standards, and I really don't know why, it just says "technical problems"…
Thank you.
Burning sky:
Missing blacks, as shown in the histogram, therefore missing contrasts:
Artefacts, a bit everywhere where you look (seen at 100%):
Encaged little garden:
Out of focus, overexposed, typical artefacts of small sensor cameras:
Ant's path:
Artefacts, colour noise because of the phone's fake DOF.
Shadows are underexposed (blue area where clipping occurs).
The way's eye:
Underexposed, as shown in the histogram:
No structure, washed out colours, typical for small sensor photos:
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By the way, sorry for the errors and the images dubled, I can't edit the post, it seems...
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I deleted the doubles and also corrected the errors. You need to reach a certain level to be able to edit your own posts, this because of users editing back required edits from the moderators. Sorry for the inconvenience. Those are Adobe's rules…
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Oh, I see! Thank you very much!
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You're welcome.
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1. Noisy
2. Plants are not all sharply focused, probably due to depth of field
3. Too much out of focus
4. Underexposed, unfocused, white balance issue
5. Focus, noise, chromatic aberration
6. Focus
7. artifacts in the sky
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Burning sky:
Missing blacks, as shown in the histogram, therefore missing contrasts:
Artefacts, a bit everywhere where you look (seen at 100%):
Encaged little garden:
Out of focus, overexposed, typical artefacts of small sensor cameras:
Ant's path:
Artefacts, colour noise because of the phone's fake DOF.
Shadows are underexposed (blue area where clipping occurs).
The way's eye:
Underexposed, as shown in the histogram:
No structure, washed out colours, typical for small sensor photos:
Life to heaven:
Artefacts and missing structure typical for small sensor cameras:
Painterly look, due to over optimization:
Tiny path:
Looks like you had motion blur.
I do not see anything in focus.
In addition: Chromatic aberration and other artefacts.
Artefacts, artefacts, artefacts...
Nothing is really in focus.
All your pictures have probably been taken with a phone camera. Even though smartphone cameras are accepted, the images are examined with the same quality criteria as images from large and expensive cameras. Only a few pictures taken under the best conditions and processed with as little AI as possible have the quality required here. The small sensor has bigger problems with borderline conditions. The lenses also have no depth of field. This is usually emulated on the software side, but this rarely leads to acceptable images.
If you are new to stock, you should consider these resources:
Please read the contributor user manual for more information on Adobe stock contributions:
See here for rejection reasons:
and especially quality and technical issues:
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Wow that's really an elaboration of the why's! Thank you very much! Even, alas no image has been accepted, I'm happy for all your effort on teachering the issues! I'll look how improve the quality of my photo's!
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You're welcome. We all have our share of refusals…