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Bonjour à tous,
J'aimerais avoir vos avis, j'essaye en vain de proposer des photos sur Adobe Stock mais à chaque fois elles sont refusées car “elle (la photo) ne correspond pas à nos critères de qualité“.
Pourtant toutes mes photos sont shootées en RAW, exportées en JPG, format 4571x2571 pxl ce qui me semble être une bonne base qualité.
En exemple, des photos qui m'ont été refusées dernièrement. Merci par avance pour vos prochains retours !
First image: In general, I think Adobe prefers that the main subject to be in focus. I mean, I get's a creative approach, but from a commercial standpoint, Adobe shys away from this approach. And the image is a little on the dark side.
Second image: The shadows could be opened up, the exposure brightened a tad, a little more contrast wouldn't hurt, and while my eyes are still adjusting to waking up, the image seems a bit on the bluish side in the trees.
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First image: In general, I think Adobe prefers that the main subject to be in focus. I mean, I get's a creative approach, but from a commercial standpoint, Adobe shys away from this approach. And the image is a little on the dark side.
Second image: The shadows could be opened up, the exposure brightened a tad, a little more contrast wouldn't hurt, and while my eyes are still adjusting to waking up, the image seems a bit on the bluish side in the trees.
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Merci beaucoup pour votre retour, je vais essayer de corriger ce qui peut l'être pour ne plus avoir ce soucis à l'export. Bonne continuation !
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Both images have underexposed areas. I agree with @daniellei4510 about the main subject being completely out of focus in the first image. It's rather distracting.
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Underexposure. The main issue with your assets is the exposure. There may be other issues, however, too.
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The winding road is actually a great image if the exposure - lighting and focus - were right. I like the sharpness on the back part of the road though. In both images the foreground should be in focus - and lighted up - not the background. Seems to be a fine camera ...?
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Regarding the first image. What/who do you want to be the subject - the moon or the person? I think the person should be sharp because I guess the idea is that she is looking at the moon; as she is out of focus, the idea doesn't come across. If the person is out of focus then she is not important so why is she there?
The winding road: one could argue that the road is leading the eye out of the frame; it is getting too close to the edge.