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Problem with accesing my Fotolia / Adobe Stock Account after merger

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Aug 28, 2023 Aug 28, 2023

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I am a CONTENT CREATOR and I have a problem with my stock.adobe.com account.

I uploaded thousands of photos to Fotolia, and these photos are still being sold almost daily on stock.adobe.com . In this regard, I receive sales confirmations to my email [PII removed by moderator] In total, there is a high three to four-digit amount that has not yet been paid out to me.

There was an issue with the account merge with Fotolia (I just followed the steps), as I can neither see my uploaded photos nor my sales in my stock.adobe.com account, and my balance is $0.

I definitely followed all the steps to link my adobe and fotolia accounts; otherwise, I wouldn't be able to log in to stock.adobe.com with my email [PII removed by moderator] .

I've already tried logging in on two different computers and my phone. I can log in everywhere, but my hundreds of photos and the money from my account are not displayed.

However, I still receive daily emails at [PII removed by moderator] with information about my photos being sold.

I sent an email to contributor-support@adobe.com on june 5th and June 16th outlining this problem, but did not get a response until today.

I also tried to contact the Live-Chat, who bounced me around 4 times between the customer support and stock support departments (immediately after I explained the problem), before simply not responding anymore in the chat. 
I am a ukrainian refugee and had to leave my country several months ago, so I am really desperate and very much rely on your help to figure out this problem.
thanks for reading
Contributors , Fotolia , Troubleshooting






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New Here ,
Aug 28, 2023 Aug 28, 2023

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I just tried to create a new adobe id and link my fotolia id again -> here i get the errror "The selected account is already in use"

So my account is definitely connected to my fotolia id, but for some reason my contributor dashboard is completely empty.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 28, 2023 Aug 28, 2023

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You need to contact contributor support for this. Synching the Fotolia account with an Adobe stock account needs to be done manually now.

Need help? (Stock Contributor Support)


Live chat is for customer support. They sometimes try to help, but it is very unsure that you will get someone knowledgable (about your problem) on the line.


As June is a wile ago, feel free to check again with Contributor Support. Check your spam folder, they'll answer by e-mail.


Tagging @MatHayward for additional advice.


ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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New Here ,
Aug 28, 2023 Aug 28, 2023

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I did send 2 emails about this (including my adobe id, fotolia id and exact description with a summary of the problem) to contributor-support@adobe.com in june, but did not hear back from anyone.

I can vaguely remember also having used the form you linked, my memory is a bit blurry though.
Thanks for the information and I will try to send the support another message there and hope that they can solve my problem.





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Community Expert ,
Aug 28, 2023 Aug 28, 2023

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Using the form helps Adobe to better identify your account, as more information is connected. It may also be, that directly using the support mail will land your request in a spam filter. Adobe contributor support is currently quite busy because many contributors are flooding the system because of blocking screens and refusals.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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