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Rechazadas por falta de calidad

Explorer ,
May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023

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Ustedes perdonen pero en esta foto no entiendo la falta de calidad, no tiene ruido esta a ISO 100, no es una composicion, y no creo que el balance de blanco este tan mal, asi que porfavor ¿donde esta el fallo?. Ultimamente veo que muchos rechazos que otras agencias no me hacen. Lo siento pero es una obsevacion sin animo de ofender. Gracias.

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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023


I don't decide, that's Adobe's job!😁 My view is based on experience of what makes a good photo. This at times can be subjective, there are also objective points as well. - technical issues such as white balance, noise, artifacts, etc., Composition is even a technical issue! Don't underestimate the importance of composition. If the rainbow is the subject, then why is it out of focus? If the rainbow is between the tree which attracts attention, then shouldn't it be in focus? If it is out o



Community Expert ,
May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023

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I think the background should be in focus! Isn't that the main subject? Or is it the tree? What is the subject?




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Explorer ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

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Con todos mis respetos el arco iris no tiene por que estar enfocado ni siquiera las montañas. Es el arco iris entre el arbol lo que llama la atencion y no las montañas, el arbol debe estar enfocado para dar mas realismo a la imagen, o asi lo veo yo y lo que yo pretendia es enmarcar en la V del arbol el arco iris y no tengo porque incluir mas tronco del arbol en la imagen. Son puntos de vista diferentes y ustedes lo ven desde otro punto de vista que no coincide con el mio, pero claro ustedes son los que deciden que foto es aceptada y cual no. Un saludo.




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Community Expert ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

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I don't decide, that's Adobe's job!😁 My view is based on experience of what makes a good photo. This at times can be subjective, there are also objective points as well. - technical issues such as white balance, noise, artifacts, etc., Composition is even a technical issue! Don't underestimate the importance of composition. If the rainbow is the subject, then why is it out of focus? If the rainbow is between the tree which attracts attention, then shouldn't it be in focus? If it is out of focus, then that is not the subject. So, because the rainbow is in the centre of the frame, and is framed by the tree, then it means that the rainbow should be in focus as that is the subject.

In other words, I think you should have a greater depth of field. In this photo, it is too shallow!


Or perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree?😁




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Community Expert ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

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You can have your point of view, but Adobe did refuse this picture. We don't refuse. Exposure and composition are not correct.


BTW: what yor intend was or is is not important. When Adobe accepts, it's OK. If not, well, then the picture gets refused. All of us have refusals, and we wouldn't submit, if we would not think that the picture would be perfect. I many cases, after an post-refusal analysis, I agree.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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Community Expert ,
May 22, 2023 May 22, 2023

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Having pictures accepted somewhere else does not mean that they get accepted here.


There are two issues here. First the histogram:


You have missing blacks and whites, creating that nice flat look, that everybody wants, but that is easy to get, when the exposure is correct. This makes that the contrast of your image is not good.


And then, there is a composition issue, if the tree is your main subject, you should have more of the lower part of the tree in view.

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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Community Expert ,
May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023

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Magnify the image to 300% and you will notice a light colored halo around the tree. Also, the image should slightly be rotated to the right so that the "V" is vertical.

By the way, we do not decide which images get accepted. We are not Adobe employees. We are contributors like yourself.. Only we have years and 1000s of submissions expierience.




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