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Hallo Community!
Das Bild wurde mit Hinweis auf „Schutz geistigen Eigentums“ abgelehnt. Suche ich aber auf Adobe Stock mit den Stichwörtern „Kopenhagen“ und „Bibliothek“ finde ich eine Vielzahl von ähnlichen Bildern des gleichen Objekts (Königliche Bibliothek in Kopenhagen). Wird hier mit zweierlei Maß gemessen? Oder entscheidet jeder Prüfer individuell?
1 Correct answer
The images on Adobe Stock may have had a property release submitted with it. To upload this to Stock these days, you will need a property release. If you can't get one, then I wouldn't bother to upload this. Try to find something that is unique.
Most buildings these days need a property release, especially if they are modern!
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The images on Adobe Stock may have had a property release submitted with it. To upload this to Stock these days, you will need a property release. If you can't get one, then I wouldn't bother to upload this. Try to find something that is unique.
Most buildings these days need a property release, especially if they are modern!
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Many of the photos were imported from Fotolia and my not have releases.
But, the rule on buildings is:
When your images depict recognizable places, buildings, artwork, cars, pets, or other property owned by someone else, you often need their permission before you submit the images to Adobe Stock.
Here are a few examples of submissions that need property releases:
- Famous landmarks, historic locations, and modern architecture
- Copyrighted works like art, books, maps, and fictional characters
- Identifiable exteriors or interiors of private homes and buildings
- Distinctive product shapes like toys, bottles, luxury furniture, vehicles, and airplanes
- Unique animals, such as race horses, famous pets, and certain zoo animals
- Properties with photography policies, which may include stadiums, museums, concert venues, and amusement parks
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How can you say there is a double standard since you cannot see that other contributors submitted a release when it was needed??
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Entschuldigung! Ich habe keine Behauptung aufgestellt, sondern eine Frage formuliert. Ist dachte, dass wäre hier erlaubt.
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Oh, that is allowed. There may be a problem with translation and emphasis. My point stands: when you see an image for sale, you should assume (because Adobe have checked) that all model releases and IP releases are checked. You cannot verify this in any way, or ask to see the releases...
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Null Problemo! Fragen ist erlaubt. Allerdings hat @Test Screen Name auch nur eine Gegenfrage gestellt. 😉
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Many of those existing images in Adobe Stock are marked "Editorial Only", which do not require the contributor to supply a release.