Test Screen Name
Test Screen Name
‎Jul 07, 2023
10:48 AM
Then why didn't you say that?? Did you get a message about "qualifying product"?
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‎Jul 07, 2023
09:41 AM
Bot? No, humans. Adobe Review? No, absolutely not. Adobe's job in reviewing includes keeping the costs down. They couldn't review hundreds of thousands of images a week if people could review. Better to reject many good ones than lose profit that way. But... if you'd like to share 1-3 (no more) original (not reduced or stamped) images, the experienced reviewers here may be able to give an idea of why they think this isn't what Adobe are accepting right now.
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‎Jul 07, 2023
09:27 AM
What is your system configuration? What are your scratch disk settings? What disks are available (size, connection, technology)? what is a typical image size (not mb but pixels and layers)?
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‎Jul 07, 2023
09:20 AM
"Add image annotation functionality to your web apps with the ultimate image annotation library - marker.js 2." - so absolutely not.
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‎Jul 07, 2023
09:17 AM
(That is, the path name from your code, exactly as passed to the export ... call - not a telling of what you expect it to be. Probably best to write it to the console)
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‎Jul 07, 2023
09:15 AM
Please do share the path name from the one successful and four failing actions.
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‎Jul 07, 2023
09:10 AM
1 Upvote
Choose License this software and enter the serial.
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‎Jul 07, 2023
06:02 AM
That sounds like an issue with the Learning Management System, if the font is OK in Acrobat Reader. Suggest you contact the makers/support people.
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‎Jul 07, 2023
06:01 AM
There is nothing you can do.
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‎Jul 07, 2023
03:51 AM
1 Upvote
This sounds normal if Protected Mode is on. The specific purpose of Protected Mode is to stop files from being written by the Acrobat process. Switch it off. (Preferences > Security (Enhanced)), don't mix it up with Protected View.
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‎Jul 07, 2023
03:41 AM
1 Upvote
Also, if you are calling GetActiveDoc and PrintWithDialog, that is completely wrong. You are using methods from two entirely different APIs.
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‎Jul 07, 2023
03:38 AM
1 Upvote
Which flavour of Acrobat is installed? Acrobat Reader, Acrobat Standard, Acrobat Pro? Acrobat DC, 2020, 2017, 2015, ...? Do other API methods work ok? Does it work if used from VB?
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‎Jul 07, 2023
03:34 AM
Did your IT specialist check Adobe's "whitelist" to make sure all the (hundreds of) servers needed by Adobe can be reached?
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‎Jul 07, 2023
03:31 AM
1 Upvote
Let's make sure one thing is understood: Adobe Stock is not a "photography portfolio website." Absolutely not. And anything submitted to Adobe stock is a commercial use.
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‎Jul 07, 2023
01:45 AM
You cannot "run" a plug-in. You have to build it, then install the plug-in to Illustrator in the usual way. Then you run Illustrator, and if you have built it correctly, your plug-in loads and can add menus etc. to Illustrator.
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‎Jul 07, 2023
01:42 AM
What is the version you are now running? What is your operating system? You do not give enough info for Adobe to fix it, and posting in the forums isn't a bug report...
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‎Jul 07, 2023
01:30 AM
Ah, I found the link -- https://www.adobe.com/legal/dmca.htm Adobe will not accept copyright complaints any other way, so if you did not use this route, you now need to raise a DMCA takedown.
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‎Jul 07, 2023
01:28 AM
Vector images are sold in one of the formats EPS, AI or SVG. You can't choose which one you get. You would need to convert them to SVG instead, perhaps by using Adobe Illustrator. If you are getting the Adobe watermark, you are not downloading the Adobe Stock image that you paid for. You are downloading the preview, available before you buy. Licensed images are transferred to your library in the Adobe cloud, and you have to download them. Licensing an image does not remove the watermark in any previews you downloaded before.
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‎Jul 07, 2023
12:57 AM
There is a route to report it when people steal your work and try to sell it on Adobe - that's a DMCA takedown request. Did you send one? It has to follow the correct legal form. If you file a DMCA takedown Adobe are obliged to (a) take down the work (b) give the contributor a chance to explain themselves (c) resolve the dispute.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
04:37 PM
1 Upvote
"This part in quotes below I do not understand. Mega pixels? Photoshop app only gives me pixels . " A megapixel is a million pixels (more or less). It's a common measure of the detail of a camera. But it's equally used to give a minimum size of a graphic file. Suppose you have an image 1920 by 1280 pixels. To get the number of pixels, multiply 1920 by 1280 = 2,457,600. We'd call that about 2.5 megapixels. So we can see that a picture this size doesn't reach Adobe's minimum size. Meanwhile 1024px square is just 1 megapixel. You need to pay more to get a midjourney image that has more pixels, it's often said. Is this wrong?
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‎Jul 06, 2023
11:32 AM
1 Upvote
Indexed colour is not an alternative to RGB or CMYK. It is a way of arranging the colours. So it is NEVER a fault in itself, even if a preflight profile happens to say so. If you need CMYK then indexed CMYK is fine. If it's PDF/X1-a then it should be indexed CMYK.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
11:10 AM
1 Upvote
I can't see an obvious IP refusal. So it's probably worth telling us both the subject and keywords in case there is accidental IP in there. Not IP, but I am dubious of the QR code. I can't scan it with my phone, and that might annoy people. But if it were a random code, that might be worse and it might link to a business site - a disaster if someone dropped it on their own business site or posters. So I don't know how you made it, but it should generate it yourself and have a carefully chosen text, probably not a link. Maybe the word HELLO or something. Wait! I have it. Your credit card has the mastercard logo. Definite IP. Mastercard’s new logo suggests a future where payment is digital - Vox
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‎Jul 06, 2023
09:07 AM
Yes, and the subscription went up from around $15 to around $20 per month, in line with Adobe's other products.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
09:03 AM
Ooops, sorry Rob, I thought you were the OP, instead you were making the same point as me but better. That will teach me to look at the screen shots and ignore the text !!
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‎Jul 06, 2023
09:01 AM
The consumer (web visitor) will view at 200% at most, so that is how you must judge quality. Look at your picture. You have zoomed to 3200% !! Of course you will see pixel edges. Every image ever made will show its pixels at 3200%. I think you have an unrealistic expectation given you have to make a very small (=low quality or very simple) image.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
08:59 AM
Third party extensions are not controlled by Adobe. There MIGHT be an enterprise setting to disable them, but I have not heard of one. But any third party extension is likely to have its own list of online servers that it MUST access. So contact the maker of the extension.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
08:31 AM
I think your subject selection is interesting, but your composition is not good enough. Composition is a quality issue, and included in the "quality" rejections. People may have things to say about other aspects such as exposure and focus, but I'll stick to composition. Pancakes. Decorative. Nice dusting. But the composition needed to enclude the whole of the plate it was displayed on. It seems to be randomly cut off, especially at the right. Pancakes are a rather popular subject, it's hard to compete. But look at your competition: Pancakes Images – Browse 467,591 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video | Adobe Stock Typewriter. This is a beauty. Properly composed this could be a popular image. But not with this composition. It's carelessly cut off at the edge of the carriage, but more to the point, it seems to be surrounded by old junk - but not in an "old fashioned" way. Rather, it seems to be for sale in an antique shop. You need to present it on on a neutral background, a beautiful leather desktop, or even a carefully set up old office setting (drifting out of focus at the rear). Compare with Typewriter Old Images – Browse 72,818 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video | Adobe Stock, here is your competition. Another problem: REMINGTON is a trademark, you can't include it. Phone box. This is a fine piece of living history. But no, not with part of modern van and untidy yard behind it, and junk stacked against it, grass in front, and unfortunately coloured red flowers overlapping it. Compare with: https://stock.adobe.com/search?k=%22red+telephone+box%22 Flower. Unremarkable flower badly framed and (I have to say it) wildly out of focus. Don't bother with flowers, even perfect ones, there are many millions already on offer.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
03:36 AM
I have no idea what you mean " I don't want to use the site".
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‎Jul 06, 2023
03:26 AM
Of course we cannot see your emails. Abuse@adobe.com is not an email for support or complaints. It is for reporting software piracy. No reply is made. Support options here... https://helpx.adobe.com/uk/security/alertus.html I can tell you there is one price, and if you choose not to update (because you prefer older software or prefer not to buy a new computer) there is no discount, so you would be wasting your time. Just as if you chose not to use cloud storage, chose not to have a free portfolio, chose to use your software only at weekends etc. I do not work for Adobe -- this is a user to user forum.
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‎Jul 06, 2023
01:22 AM
You seem to be mixing up plug-ins with executables. You do not load Photoshop plug-ins. You do not run Photoshop plug-ins. Photoshop plug-ins are not installed in /Applications. Photoshop plug-ins are installed into a Photoshop plug-ins folder. They are loaded by Photoshop. They are run by Photoshop, for example when the user chooses a filter or a menu.
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