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AI artwork (really really bad works) are flooding have taken over Stock and it's becoming increasingly difficult to sift through to find what I'm actually looking for.
This isn't about stepping into the debate about the validity of generated art, but just let me filter the garbage out of searches.
It's getting harder and harder to jusitfy a subscription when the only thing that I'm gaining is lost time looking for quality resources.
At a quick glance this image is better than most. But on a closer look, it's just poorly made trash. This dog with a leash looks as if something unfortunate has happened to the left side of it's mouth, the leash is a mess, and has a bottle opener / churchkey on the end of it instead of a clip, and why is there an ear piece from glasses sticking out the side of the dog's muzzle?
Please, label the artwork as generated and us a way to filter it out.
Thank you.
1 Correct answer
Hello, I agree, that is a really bad image. I've reported 557540162 to the content team for review and added a request for an AI art filter to our search team. Thank you for the report and sorry for the problem with the asset.
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Since December 5 all generative AI needs to be marked as such. And I hope that moderators are getting better at detecting errors in these pictures.
@Contributor1 : This picture should not have passed, even by applying the classic requirements.
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Hello, I agree, that is a really bad image. I've reported 557540162 to the content team for review and added a request for an AI art filter to our search team. Thank you for the report and sorry for the problem with the asset.
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Since last August AI generated images have been creeping into Adobe stock. Most were not labelled at all. Now, it seems, they are better labelled, but at the same time the amount of them has exploded. While 99.9% of them are still pretty easy to spot, filtering them out by looking at them creates an unnecessary load on me. Why? Because instead of looking at, say, 100 results, I need to sift through a 1000, mostly useless for my work, images. I really need a checkbox where I can filter them out.
Can we have something more concrete than "our team is looking into it"? It's not that it happened by accident, Adobe is endorsing AI art, it has to be a category of it's own and as such needs a filter.
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The rules have been published on December 5th. The database was flooded with bad AI art even before that time, although the moderators were obviously overwhelmed at first to see the errors in the pictures. It is this flood of data that is currently causing problems.
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Ja das mag wohl stimmen, aber schlechte KI zu verkennen, zu übersehen, oder nicht zu bemerken, aber in fast jedem Foto Artefakte und Rauschen zu finden, ist schon ein Wiederspruch. Sicher nicht bei Adobe-Menschen, ist keine Beleidigung.
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Ich gebe Dir recht. Einiges an Daten hätte abgelehnt werden müssen. Aber die hier auftretenden Fehler waren doch ungewöhnlich, und wenn man auf Rauschen und Artefakte getrimmt ist, dann sieht man eventuell den Rest nicht mehr. Die Moderatoren begutachten ja Tausende Bilder am Stück. Wenn man da dreihändige Weihnachtsmänner nicht sieht, scheint mir das durchaus logisch zu sein.
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Das ist nicht KI sondern Müll den aber auch niemand braucht, so kann man auch die Welt auch zu müllen.
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Kindly prioritize this matter as it requires immediate attention. Failure to take action may result in the inability to effectively filter the influx of unwanted content (AI) in the Stock. This may lead to a reconsideration of our corporate subscription. Alternative stock options are being considered.