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Using Adobe Stock to create presentation and or document templates for a client

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Oct 10, 2022 Oct 10, 2022

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I have a freelance client that I am working on a PPT template for as well as matching Word Doc templates. 
These are for company use, not being resold or anything by them and I would say that really the assets would be use for a title slide or as part of a cover page. Meaning the value of the templates will be the information the client adds in (copy). 
My question is, can I use a standard license to download assets to help with this project? 
I've read through a lot of the terms and it seems that because the value isn't in the assets and they aren't being sold by the company, so the standard license should be ok as long as it is only used for one client?

Licensing , Terms of use






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Community Expert ,
Oct 10, 2022 Oct 10, 2022

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Most of the information you give here is irrelevant. The test question is indeed, is it merchandising (give-aways may also be merchandising, even if they are not sold)? No.

Is the value of the stock asset the main incentive to "buy" the product? No.

Is it getting printed with a run of more than 500k? No.


So, a standard licence is OK. Each final customer needs a separate licence. And your client and all depending clients need to agree to licensing terms that are at least as stringent as the original Adobe terms.


Look here for more information on licensing: https://community.adobe.com/t5/stock/links-for-licensing-terms/td-p/11366788
(Disclaimer: As always with licensing, this is my interpretation of the rules. I think they are correct and advice is based on reading and interpreting the licence terms and on fair use for both the buyer and the artist/stock company, but I cannot rule out that my interpretation is wrong. I'm not an Adobe employee).

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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