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Using audio from Adobe Stock for theatrical release

New Here ,
Dec 30, 2021 Dec 30, 2021

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Hi everyone, 


I bought two audio files from Adobe Stock but I can't use it on a movie because they don't provide the extented license.

Since I noticed that the audio source is FINETUNE MUSIC,  I already tried to find this track on their catalogue by searching the title used on Adobe Stock but without success.


Since in a previous discussion (https://community.adobe.com/t5/stock-discussions/audio-extended-licenses-for-commercial-videos-in-a-...), Adobe was able to provide a link to the original file on another platform, I'm kindly asking if someone could help me the same way. 

The track I'm looking for is: https://stock.adobe.com/it/search/audio?k=468461483.

Stock ID is #468461483.


Of course I'd be more than happy to purchase an extended license directly on Adobe, but it seems that it's not gonna be possible anytime soon.

Thanks in advance,

Daniel Bestonzo

Audio , Licensing






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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 11, 2022 Jan 11, 2022

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Hi @Daniel224461336abp,

I'm sorry we do not currently offer extended licenses for audio files. I don't recall how I got the Jamendo file you reference in the other forum post. My recommendation is to reach out to FineTune for assistance.





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Community Expert ,
Jan 12, 2022 Jan 12, 2022

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I speculate here: 

As licensing is a complex issue I suppose that Adobe is still in negotiations with the sound contributors to get the possibility to offer the enhanced license also for sound assets. I cannot imagine that Adobe is happy with the current situation, but if anyone has more information on the current situation, he or she will not be allowed to talk about it. 


My advice:

I think that is wise to plan for a replacement option of any soundtrack that you want to license from Adobe stock, that does need an enhanced license as long as Adobe does not announce the availibility of such a licence. I wouldn't even consider looking for assets here, if I have a doubt about its usability. Investing in a production and failing to license the last bit of the soundtrack is economically not viable.


(for the record: I'm not an Adobe employee and I do not have more information on this topic as is published on the web site).

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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