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views of the stock medium of a maximum of 500,000

Community Beginner ,
May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021

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I have a question about the copy- or viewer count for advertising.
Can I use an image with a standard licence for a coach print? Or is that not possible because more than 500,000 people could see the coach with the image?

I understand that it is not allowed to create more than 500,000 print copies with a standard licence, but what exactly is meant by 500,000 spectators? 500,000 viewers in one place at one time or 500,000 viewers who could ever see the image?


Thanks for your help!


Terms of use




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Community Expert ,
May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021

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Hallo Mareike,

The licensing terms are also available in German. Maybe that's easier for you!


I would take the terms literally: 500,000 prints means 500,000 prints and not 5000 prints and 10,000 viewers per print. From  a practical point of view: how would you measure the number of viewers? Seems to be quite complicated.


Look here for more information on licensing: https://community.adobe.com/t5/stock/links-for-licensing-terms/td-p/11366788
(Disclaimer: As always with licensing, this is my interpretation of the rules. I think they are correct and advice is based on reading and interpreting the licence terms and on fair use for both the buyer and the artist/stock company, but I cannot rule out that my interpretation is wrong. I'm not an Adobe employee).

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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Community Beginner ,
May 17, 2021 May 17, 2021

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Thank you very much: I have already read the terms of use in German.

Please do not refer to the terms of use again - I would like a concrete answer.


Can you please give me two concrete examples of:

1.) Standard licence with less than 500,000 viewers
2.) extended licence with more than 500,000 viewers?


Thank you very much for your efforts!




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Community Expert ,
May 18, 2021 May 18, 2021

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I would suggest you to consult a lawyer specialized in that matter.


If you really have read the terms, you would have learned that viewers is specifically used for anything that is not print:

(1) you may not, in the aggregate, (a) cause or allow a Work to appear on more than 500,000 printed materials (including copies of such materials); or (b) incorporate a Work into a live, recorded, or digital production if the
audience is expected to exceed 500,000 viewers, except the restriction on audience size does not apply to Works displayed only on websites, social media sites, or mobile applications;


Look here for more information on licensing: https://community.adobe.com/t5/stock/links-for-licensing-terms/td-p/11366788
(Disclaimer: As always with licensing, this is my interpretation of the rules. I think they are correct and advice is based on reading and interpreting the licence terms and on fair use for both the buyer and the artist/stock company, but I cannot rule out that my interpretation is wrong. I'm not an Adobe employee).

ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer




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