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I just wanted to post my solution to this error that was preventing me from saving in Substance 3D Painter 7.4.3. I had seen several posts saying this is caused by having lost/unallocated textures in the file, but I did not have any. What solved the issue was deleting the default "Layer 1" paint layers that Painter automatically adds to each texture set. I imagine any empty layer could cause this error. It seems incredibly neglectfull that the file defualts that ship with a software are completely preventing user files to be saved in some cases.
Filing a bug report for this as well, but figured it would be useful as a topic here in the meantime.
Use this Go to
File > Clean then save.
It's worked for me.
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It didn't work for me deleting the layers created by default by substance but I opened the error log and right clicked + clear and it let me save. It also makes a lot of sense...
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it didnt make sense to me when you just have to clear the error log but it works for me man. Thank you !
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I was just having this issue. Mine was caused by an imported texture. Not sure why there was a problem at all, as I've done this many times before, but I created an ID map outside of substance and imported it to my project. All my other maps were baked in Substance. Once I removed the file from my project completely (cleared from baked maps and cleaned my file), I was able to save again. I tried reimporting the file again to see if it would work, but had the same issue. So, ended up unable to use my id map.
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Na nothing is working..there's no default layers, cleared extra resources, still giving error [ResourceImage] Can't serialize empty surface
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It´s happened to me too, but cleaning the scene worked perfectly, thank you so much
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This usually happens with corrupted bakes, invalid paths to imported assets, and other similar issues: the "clean" option is here to solve that sort of issue.
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Do you mean remove unused resources? I can't find clean option in file menu.
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The Clean option has been renamed Remove unused resources... We thought the previous name was a bit abstract, but it does the same thing.
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"Removing unused resources" didn't work for me. I worked with one map fixing it with Photoshop then reloading to Substance. The problem solved when I resaved it with Photoshop in different file, deleted that broken one in Substance and loaded the new file.
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I have the probleme too. "Remove unused resources" does not fix it. It seems the problem happens because a previous failure of loading a new alpha. I got the alpha with a beautiful red cross instead of the preview. The alpha is valid.
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This issue is very probably due to the corrupted ressource. Delete the ressource, try to save and let me know if it helps.
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Not corrupted. bitmap issued from Substance designer as PNG. I delete it does not disappear. The third time I succeed and reimport it successfuly. Bug !
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Not solved ! Having same issue. Used Clean, deleted the imported projection texture files from shelf, every layer and projection brush, and from source folder, in separate save attempts, still not saving. Having same problem o mac and pc with different, unrelated files and hierarchies. Mine says [ResourceImage]Cant Serialize Empty Surface -> Save Failed, currently.
It's encouraging that this thread is recent. Please help.
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Thanks for the message @LioCursor .
Can you share your log (help > export log), so I can take a closer look at the error? You can send it at
Best regards,
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Hi, unfortunately each SP start erase previous error log.
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You'll also find the log in
C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Painter
So no need to launch a new session.
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Hi @LioCursor ,
Thanks for the log file image.
It seems you are using a file named "*****.png" which is located in a One Drive folder. I advise you to delete the layer containing this asset, remove unused resources, and then map a path for the network folder before reimporting the asset.
Substance 3D Painter doesn't support networked paths because this require an account authentification , which the software can't do. I'm afraid this is what was causing the issue.
For you @Silent5EF3, I admit not seeing any significant error in the log. Was the last opened project the one with saving issues? I'd advise you to make sure the shader isn't outdated (Resources updater > Shader), but I'm not sure this will solve the problem.
Best regards,
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Hi, thanks for taking time to investigate. Next time it happens I will collect all logs and make screen captures.
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Im currently having the same issue
[ResourceImage] Can't serialize empty surface
[Project] Failed to save project to 'I:/VR CHAT AVATAR/Avatar bases/floofvali files/v1 wrong UV.spp'
[Project management] Save failed - this is unusual, check previous messages for more information
i have removed my unwatned assesnt and none of my imports are in the cloud
help me please! i dont want to lose the last 5 hours of my life
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Я нашел решение. Использую google переводчик. В процессе работы я переместил файлы в другую папку. Из за этого не сохронял проэкт. В моем случае я в ручную удалил старые карты нормалей. Потом перезагрузил те же самые , но из другого места. И все заработало.
I found a solution. I use google translator. While working, I moved the files to another folder. Because of this, I didn’t save the project. In my case, I manually deleted the old normal maps. Then I rebooted the same ones, but from a different location. And everything worked.