Hi all,
I wanted to request the addition / implementation of a small coordinate manager tool, to allow numeric positioning of any selected (control) points and / or bézier handles. I feel like multiple tools could benefit from this. Most notably the path tools (paint/ smudge / erase along path) and the warp projection grid come to mind.
I'm trying to paint a character right now and am quite frustrated that this feature is missing.
Setting up a precise symmetric warp projection is pretty much infeasible right now, as the only means of doing the same (mirrored) transformation to two opposing grid points is to use snapping, which severely restricts the possible outcomes. The surface tool can't be used on symmetric stuff at all in that regard (correct me if I'm wrong).
Furthermore, a coordinate manager would be incredibly helpful to manage path points, e.g. if you want to mirror a path in 3D space. Just activating the symmetry on a path isn't always going to be the right solution for that; what if the original unmirrored path itself isn't needed anymore?
I seriously miss a way to check and manipulate control points numerically, and I think it would be a great addition.
On a side note: A dedicated option to directly mirror a path (the actual points) along the symmetry plane would also be useful - but that is probably off-topic here, so yeah.
Best regards 🙂