I love the new curve updates, and they arrived just in time for a project that is perfect for them. I've run into a few things that would make them much better.
1. Gang select curves: I realized early on that curves can independently affect layer settings. That is, normal can be toggled on and off per curve, for example. This is a powerful feature, but selecting each curve to match or alter settings quickly becomes laborious.
2. Universal override for curve settings: I would love to be able to toggle an override so that I can change the settings of all curves at once.
3. Copy and paste curves! They can take a while to draw. Please let me reuse them. I used curves to make a pretty complex mask. I then wanted to use the same curves with the new pucker brush. It was a bummer to realize that wasn't possible, and I would have to redraw all of my curves again.
4. Curve import: would love to be able to import curves from my 3D apps.
Bonus: The pucker brush stamp is too long. It can't take smaller rounded shapes like grommets. A circle or small space pucker would be cool.